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    • 1、2012年高考英语模拟试卷(一)第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。Recently, while hiking in the foothills of South Carolina, I happened to notice a small, yet quickly flowing whitewater stream. While relaxing and enjoying the aloneness, I sensed a battle for favorable position between the highly-spirited water and the large rocks resting on the bed along the edges of the stream.At first; the rocks, stubborn, immovable and unbending, seemed to have their way with their adversary (对手). Howe

      2、ver, the water, determined yet forgiving, seemed merely inconvenienced by the presence of the rocks, as it effortlessly changed its course, running towards its original destination.Soon it became clear that the rocks, although remaining strong and firm, were losing this battle as the waters total indifference began to slowly reform these obstacles (障碍) into smooth and beautifully polished stones.You see, there seemed to be total lack of struggle associated with the waters journey. Struggle is li

      3、ke bondage (束缚) forcing harmony and the water would have none of that. On the contrary,the water seemed perfectly content to move around the rocks when necessary, following some route God had originally intended.I paused for thought. Maybe people need to be more determined and less stubborn. Maybe human beings need to always be open to different points of view, not afraid to readjust their direction as life presents all of its new and unforeseen challenges.56. When hiking in the foothills, the a

      4、uthor was _.A. lonely B. delighted C. nervousD. confused57. When fighting with the water, the rocks _.A. were made into irregular patternsB. were lacking in the spirit of struggleC. stuck to their original method all the wayD. redesigned their path according to the situation58. The water won the battle mainly because it was_.A. changeableB. braveC. aggressiveD. powerful59. The author wrote the text mainly to _.A. stress the importance of determinationB. praise the open-mindedness of the streamC.

      5、 share with us his interesting journeyD. give us some advice on how to deal with challengesA program in the United States invites young people to visit a prison. The goal is to teach them to avoid bad choices and bad influences that could put them behind bars for life.Students can take a tour of the prison, in school groups or by themselves.At the end, the young people sit down for a discussion with some of the inmates. The program is called Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy, or PATT. It takes plac

      6、e at the Maryland Correctional Institution-HagerstoWn, a medium-security prison for men. Sal Mauriello, a case specialist, said,“We have agroup of eleven inmates who are in the PATT program. They tell the youthwhat they went through as a child, what their crimes consist of. They try toteach them about peer pressure (同伴间的压力). They try to teach them aboutbad choices.” The Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy program also includes anessay-writing contest, and most teens who visit come to understand what

      7、evenone bad decision can mean.Prisoners Against Teen Tragedy began in 1988. It is one of Marylandsoldest programs to keep young people from a life of crime. But there are alsoothers. Prison spokesman Mark Vernarelli said, “We found that girls reallyneed special sit-down sessions sometimes more thanboys do, so we have aprogram for girls only. we also have a program that travels across the state,which talks about the dangers of gang affiliation (加入帮派) .”The prisoners in the PATT program also gain

      8、from the program. It offersthem a chance to help repay society for their crimes, and keep others fromfollowing in their footsteps.60. The underlined word“inmates”in Paragraph 2 refers to _.A. officials in the prisonB. organizers of PATTC. specialists on crimeD. persons put into prison61. PATT teaches students to_. A. care about people around themB. do something for the prisoners C. be careful about making decisionsD. improve awareness of personal safety62. We can infer from the text that_ . A. P

      9、ATT is a win-win programB. students should not make friends with prisoners C. teachers must accompany students in PATT D. students help improve the conditions of the prison63. What would be the best title for the text? A. PATT Helps Prisoners Live a New LifeB. Peer Pressurea Cause for Youths Crime C. A Program to Scare Youth away from PrisonD. Teen Crimea Great Concern for the PublicDo you suffer from perfectionism (完美主义)? According to psychologist and perfectionism researcher, HamachekD.E., there are two types of perfectionism: normal and neurotic (神经质). A person with normal or healthy perfectionism feels a deep sense of pleasure from the dull effort of working towards “perfect”. And then there are the neurotic or unhealthy perfectionists who never feel satisfied but keep struggling towards impossible goals. These people ofte


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