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旅游英语 高职语言文化类Unit 2 Travelling Arrangements

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    • 1、Tourism English Unit Two Travelling Arrangements,主编:孙南南 2013.12,Unit Two Travelling Arrangements,Warm-up,Passage Reading,Text A,Text B,Task-based Activities,Special Terms,Assignment,Warm-up,Before we travel to a new place, we will always plan our travelling such as hotel reservation or journey planning. Therefore, travelling arrangement is very essential to our journey since it is the start of our journey.,Discussion: 1. What are the essential things in your travelling arrangements? Are they tra

      2、nsportation, accommodation, or sightseeing? 2. What will you refer in order to plan your itinerary, books or Internet?,Text A Designing Travel Program,Background Information: 1. Guide Books 旅行路线的好帮手 A guide book or travel guide is “a book of information about a place, designed for the use of visitors or tourists”. Travel guides can also take the form of travel websites. It will usually include full details relating to accommodation, restaurants, transportation, and activities. Maps of varying de

      3、tail and historical and cultural information are also often include. Different kinds of guide books exist, focusing on different aspects of travel, from adventure travel to relaxation, or aimed at travelers with different incomes, or focusing on sexual orientation or types of diet.,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Designing Travel Program,Background Information: 2. 旅行路线基本类型 (1)按旅游线路的距离,可分为短程旅游线、中程旅游线、远程旅游线; (2)按旅游线路的全程计算旅游时间,可分为一日旅游游线、二日旅游游线、三日旅游游线和多日旅游游线; (3)按旅游线路的性质,可分为普通观光旅游线和专题旅游线; (4)按旅游线路对

      4、游客吸引范围的大小,可分为国际旅游游线。国家级旅游线和区内旅游线; (5)按旅游线路的空间布局形态,可分为两点往返式旅游线、单通道式(单线贯通式)旅游线、环通道式(环形贯通式)旅游线、单枢纽式(单点轴辐式)旅游线、多枢纽式(多点轴辐式)旅游线和网络分布式旅游线。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Designing Travel Program,Background Information: 3. 旅行路线设计原则 (1)市场性原则 (2)特色性原则 (3)效益性原则 (4)季节性原则 (5)网络化原则 (6)安全性原则,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Designing Travel Program,New Word: itinerary aitinrri n. 路线,旅程 arouse the interest 引起兴趣 scenic si:nik adj. 风景优美的 accommodation ,kmdein n. 住处,膳宿 concise knsais adj. 简洁的,简明的 prior prai adj.

      5、 优先的,在前的 reception risepn n. 接待,接受 confirmation ,knfmein n. 确认,证实,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Designing Travel Program,New Word: impose upon 强加于 abide by 遵守 superb sjup:b adj. 极好的,华丽的 in regard to 关于 conservative kns:vtiv adj. 保守的 schedule dju:l n. 时间表,计划表 consult knslt v. 商量,请教,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Designing Travel Program,Language Points: 1. A complete itinerary consists of items such as tour title, tour code, day-to-day events, cities, duration and a descriptive account of th

      6、e tour. 一个完整的行程安排包括的项目有旅行标题,旅行代码,每日的安排,城市,旅行时间和行程的详细描述。 2. Prior to the arrival of a tour group, you or the tour coordinator are required to make a detailed study of the reception program and draft a preliminary itinerary with reference to the age-bracket, occupations, and tastes of all the group members. 在一个旅行团到达之前,你和你的旅行合伙人需要对接待项目做一个具体的研究,并初步起草一个考虑到了旅行团各成员年龄、职业和品位的路线。,Section A Passage Reading,Text A Designing Travel Program,Language Points: 3.You shall abide by the accepted practice of “regar

      7、ding tourists as supreme”. 你应该遵守“顾客是上帝”的规则。 4. In regard to the tourists request to change the itinerary and add new sightseeing spots, you should be very conservative, because you are not to make any changes in the itinerary, except for safety reasons. 在旅行者要求改变路线和添加新观光景点方面,你(导游)应当非常保守谨慎,因为除非是考虑到安全原因,否则你不能改动旅行路线。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Guidelines for Successful Tour Itinerary Planning,Background Information: 1. Lonely Planet 世界最有名的旅行计划书 Lonely Planet is the largest travel guide book pu

      8、blisher in the world. The company was owned by BBC Worldwide, which bought it in 2007 and sold it in 2013 to American billionaire Brad Kelleys NC2 Media for US $75 million (51.5 million).Originally called Lonely Planet Publications, the company changed its name to Lonely Planet in July 2009 to reflect its broad travel industry offering and the emphasis on digital products. After Lets Go Travel Guides, it was one of the first series of travel books aimed at backpackers and other low-cost traveler

      9、s. As of 2010, it publishes about 500 titles in 8 languages, as well as TV programes, a magazine, mobile phone applications and websites.Lonely Planet is headquartered in Footscray, a suburb of Melbourne, with affiliate offices in London and Oakland, California.,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Guidelines for Successful Tour Itinerary Planning,Background Information: 2. 路线计划之景点选择 跟团旅行一般旅行时间都比较紧凑,而且也需要在计划的时间内游览完所有计划的景点。因此,在计划路线时要考虑到景点之间路程上所需耗费的时间问题,才不至于把大量的时间都浪费在路上,这样可以使旅程有趣又高效,因此,可以尽量选择一些相近相邻的景点进行参观游览。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Guidelines for Successful Tour Itinerary Planning,Background Information: 3. 路线计划之用餐安排 计划路线时,也要考虑到游客用餐的问题,因为用餐也是出行中很重要的一部分。早餐一般可以安排游客在旅馆用餐,一是可以节省时间,方便安排旅客餐后统一出行,二是有些旅馆也有免费提供早餐的服务。但是午餐和晚餐尽量避免将游客带回旅馆用餐,这个时候可以将游客带到当地有名的饭店用餐或为游客提供一些当地特色菜供游客选择。,Section A Passage Reading,Text B Guidelines for Successful Tour Itinerary Planning,New Word: amend mend v. 修改,改善 motorcoach mutkut n

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