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中考英语 首字母填空 解题技巧与练习 考前冲刺

  • 卖家[上传人]:jiups****uk12
  • 文档编号:88921480
  • 上传时间:2019-05-13
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    • 1、知识七 首字母填空常用解题步骤和技巧1.通读全文 2.根据词组的搭配考虑 有些空格与固定搭配或词组表达法有关,要充分利用自己平时所积累的词组搭配来考虑填什么词。 3.运用语法知识 剖析结构,判断所需的词是什么词类。(1)修饰名词一般用形容词;修饰动词一般用副词。名词前常会有冠词、代词;动词前可能有情态动词、助动词等。(2)如果是两个分句,就得看两句之间的关系。若两句中的一句从属于另一句,就得用从属连词;若是并列关系,则用并列连词,然后根据意义考虑是时间、地点、原因还是方式,是转折还是因果关系,来决定用什么连词。(3)在根据文中意义决定了所填的词之后,还要注意使用它的正确形式。如,名词要注意单、复数;人称代词要注意主格、宾格或所有格;动词要注意时态、语态或非谓语形式;形容词、副词要注意比较级和最高级等。 4.根据全文的整体意义判断 根据全文的整体意义,上下文隐含的涵义,作者的情感、立场等各方面的知识、文章所处的文化氛围等注意:不要孤立地从一个单句去确定所填的词,要联系上下文。练习一:掌握句子成分与词性之间的对应关系。判断下面句中缺少的成分。1. _ is my favorite spor

      2、t. ( fish )2. “My boy,” she a_ , “Is your father at home?” “Yes,” a_ John.3.Thank you for your _. ( kind ) 4.Its a _ to have a picnic with all the members. (please ) 5. The French artist said, “It is my _ time to visit Shanghai. I love this city so much. ( one )6. Watch _, and you will find the difference between the two pictures.( care )7._ you _ he can go to the cinema, but you cannot go together because I have only one ticket. 例题:When the London Underground goes on strike, my journey to work

      3、can be terrible. I remember a strike, which happened a few years a_1_, the station near my house was closed and I had to use another station and take a different train. This a_2_about an hour to my journey, so I wasnt very happy. E_3_went wrong at the station. People were late and they were panicking! By the time I go to the train, I was feeling upset and sorry for myself. Then I saw this man. There was something about him-he had such a familiar f_4_.A few minutes later, I realized that he was J

      4、ack, a friend from my school days in Scotland. At the same time he a_5_realized who I was. Then we started talking about school days and the people we both used to k_6_.I was even more surprised when the train came into my station and he started to get off too! I asked him w_7_he was going and he said he was going to work. He told me he worked in Fitzroy Street. You see, I work in Fitzroy Street, too. Its a small w_8_!It was such an amazing coincidence! 练习二:(一)Doctors often tell some people to g

      5、o on diets. The doctors hope the diets will make the people feel b_. They hope the diets will make the people healthy. Alana was on a diet, but she didnt like it at all. She was not a_to eat her favourite food by the doctor. While her brother Frank ate chocolate, she had to eat an apple. Alana was on the diet for two months. Her doctor was pleased with her. You have been very good, he said. You can eat some of the foods you like best. But only a little. Dont eat too many sweets. Dont eat too muc

      6、h ice cream. If you do, you will get a lot of weight a_. Then the doctor put Frank on a diet. It was a different kind of diet You c_eat chicken or eggs. Frank, said the doctor. These foods will make you in trouble. How long will I have to be on the diet? asked Frank. A long time, said the doctor. Maybe for the r_of your life. But I really like chicken, said Frank. You said it is one of the best meats to eat It is a very good food for most people, said the doctor. But when you eat it, it makes yo

      7、u sick. It is not a good food for you. Youre right, said Frank Well, Ill eat more cake i_. (二)Bedtime stories are one of the delights(喜悦) of early childhood. But a_to Dr. Julie Spreadbury from Queensland, parents s_not speed up reading to their children after they entered primary school. She says listening to, reading and d_ the stories help childrens relaxation. My theory(理论) is that when children can read t_, most parents stop reading to them, Dr. Spreadbury says. That may be at the end of the

      8、 Year 1, which is far too informal (非正式). Dr. Spreadbury says bedtime reading n_ only gives children a good b_ at school, but also brings parents and their children closer. This makes it funnier for them to open up and talk to parents about things that are worrying them, o_ things they are reading in their everyday life. (三)Christopher and Jeff had known each other since childhood. One day, Jeff told his friend that he had fallen in love and planned to get married the n_ months. He asked Christo

      9、pher to lend him $ 1,000 for the wedding party, and promised to pay him back a month later when he started his new job. Christopher knew that Jeff was not very good with money, but he s_ agreed. As they were old friends, they didnt put anything in writing. A month later, Christopher hadnt heard from Jeff or received any money, s_ he phoned him. Jeff was very apologetic and said he would surely pay him back within a month. Six weeks later, Christopher tried to phone Jeff and f_ he had moved and left no link address. B_ this time, he was angry. Then one month later, to his surprise, Christopher received a cheque(支票) for $100 from Jeff and a letter giving his address. He explained that Hed been having the money p_, and

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