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  • 卖家[上传人]:jiups****uk12
  • 文档编号:88921275
  • 上传时间:2019-05-13
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  • 文档大小:654KB
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    • 1、例1: In spite of the strong opposition to new and stricter environmental laws, however it is still possible to attack the problem of chemical pollution; but we must attack it from three directions. First, we need more independent research into the effects of chemicals by scientists who are not paid by the government or by large industrial companies. Second,scientists need to educate the genera1 public and inform them about the dangers of chemicals in the environmentif the public knows that a cert

      2、ain chemical threatens the health of their children,then it will put pressure on politicians in 1oca1 and national governments。If the politicians want to remain in office,they will take action to correct the situation. Third, economists need to educate governments about the long-term economic costs of chemicals. It will be extremely expensive to clean areas of land which are contaminated by chemicals; it will be even more costly to give medical treatment to people who are suffering from serious

      3、illnesses after exposure to dangerous chemicals. If governments realize this, the short-term economic benefits of chemicals will seem much less attractive to them.尽管(有人) 强烈反对新颁布的更严格的环境保护法,然而仍有可能解决化学污染问题。我们必须从三个方面加以解决。首先,我们需要不是由国家或大型工业公司支付工资的科学家们对化学制品的影响进行更多的独立性研究。第二,科学家必须教育公众并且告诉他们自身环境中化学制品的危害。如果公众知道某种化学制品威胁他们孩子健康,那么公众就会向当地政府和国家政府官员施加压力。如果这些官员想保留官职,他们就会采取行动来改变这种形势。第三,经济学家们有必要告诉政府有关化学制品的长期的经济耗费。清洁被化学制品污染了的区域的费用是非常昂贵的;治疗因接触有害的化学制品而患上严重疾病的人需要花更多的钱。如果政府认识到这一点,化学制品的短期经济效益对他们的吸引力似乎就会变小了. If we can put

      4、 pressure on governments in these three ways,perhaps they will begin to behave more responsib1y. They wil1 perhaps pass new laws against pollution and enforce them strictly. Perhaps, then,the chemical producers will begin to behave more responsibly.如果我们从这三个方面向政府施压,也许他们会开始表现的更有责任感。他们可能会通过新的反污染法并严格执行这些法律。那么,也许化学制品生产商也会表现的更有责任心了。 Question:What is the main idea of this passage? Answer :Possible solutions to chemical pollution。例2 There is a popular belief among parents that schools are no longer inte

      5、rested in spelling。No school I have taught in has ever ignored spelling or considered it unimportant as a basic skill。There are however,vast1y different ideas about how to teach it,or how much priority it must be given over general language development and writing abilityThe problem is, how to encourage a child to express himself free1y and confidently in writing without holding him back with the complexities of spelling? 家长们有一个普遍看法,那就是学校不再注重拼写方法了。我所执教过的学校从来没有忽视拼写或作为一种基本技能而认为拼写不重要。然而,在如何教拼写或拼写应在

      6、全面的语言发展和写作能力之间占多大的优先权还存在极大的分歧。问题是怎样鼓励孩子通过写作自由并自信地表达自己而不会因复杂的拼写阻止他前进? If spelling becomes the on1y focal point of his teachers interest,clearly a bright child will be likely to“play safe”He will tend to write only words within his spelling range,choosing to avoid adventurous language。Thats why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability。如果拼写是老师兴趣的唯一焦点,显而易见聪明的孩子将有可能“避开危险”。他会着重使用他拼写范围内的词,并避开冒险的语言。这就是老师们时常鼓励早用字典,注重内容而不是技能的原因。 I wa

      7、s once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:“This work is terrible!There are far too many spelling errors and your writing is illegible. It may have been a sharp criticism of the pupils technical abilities in writing,but it was also a sad reflection on the teacher who had omitted to read the essay,which contained some beautiful expressions of the childs deep feelings。 The teacher was not wrong to draw attention to the errors,but if his priorit

      8、ies had centered on the childs ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more motivation to seek improvement。我曾吃惊地看到一篇有关个人经历的文章,下面有这样一条批语:“这篇文章太糟糕了!有太多的拼写错误,字迹难以辨认。”这可能是对这位学生写作能力的尖锐批评,但也遗憾地反应出那位老师没有认真阅读文章,它优美地表达了学生深厚的感情,老师注意拼写错误并没有错,但是如果他优先考虑学生的思想,然后在流露出失望之情的话,就会给那位学生寻求提高的更多的动力。Question:The major point discussed in the passage is_Answer:The relationship between spelling and the content of a composition.例3 If you are interested in buying a pair of

      9、 contact lenses,be prepared to pay200 or more。Generally there are three main reasons why people want contact lenses;You may need them because the cornea of your eye is misshaped and ordinary glasses are not satisfactory。If so,youll be in the group that comprises l to 2 percent of contact lens wearers。You may want them for a sport or a vocation。Perhaps youre a baseball player,a boxer,a swimmer,an aviator,an actor,If you get your contact lenses for one of these reasons,you are in the same group with about 20 percent of the users。But if for some reason you feel that glasses are handicapping your appearance and youd rather have invisible glasses,youll have lots of company。About 79 percent of lens users hope to improve their looks。如果你对买隐形眼镜感兴趣的话,请准备付200美元或者更多。总的来说人们想要隐形眼镜的原因主要有三点:可能是因为你的眼角膜变形而普通眼镜不能令你满意,你才需要配戴隐形眼镜。如果是这样,你属于隐形眼镜佩戴者中1-2%的群体。你可能是为运动或度假而戴隐形眼镜;也许你是一名棒球运动员、拳击手、游泳员、飞行员或者演员。如果是由于上述任一个原因你配戴眼镜,你就


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