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数学与应用数学培养方案(070101) (mathematics and applied

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    • 1、数学与应用数学培养方案(070101)(Mathematics and Applied Mathematics 070101)一、专业简介(、Major Introduction)数学与应用数学专业的专业方向有:基础数学和应用数学。本专业十分重视学生数学基础知识和专业基础知识的学习,注重对他们的创造性和创新能力的培养,为培养高级数学专业人才打好基础。经过四年学习,使学生初步具备在基础数学或应用数学某个方向从事当代学术前沿问题研究的能力。毕业后能从事数学及相关学科的教学和科学研究工作,并可继续深造,到高等学校或科研机构的基础数学、应用数学及其他交叉学科做研究生。The major (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) have two branches: Pure Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. The major focus teaching on both basic and professional theory of mathematics, and is committed to cultivati

      2、ng the high-level mathematical talents with the innovative and creative ability. After four-years-study, the students should have researching ability for academic open problems in some directions of pure or applied mathematics. When the students in the major graduate, they can teach or study mathematics and related subjects, or they can be postgraduate students of universities or institutes in Pure Mathematics or Applied Mathematics or some other related branches.二、培养目标(、Cultivation Objective)培养

      3、掌握数学科学的基本理论与基本方法,具有运用数学知识或使用计算机解决实际问题的能力,受到科学研究训练的高级专门人才,能在科技、教育、经济和企事业等部门从事研究、教学工作或在生产经营及管理部门从事实际应用、开发研究和管理工作,或能继续攻读研究生学位。The cultivation objective of the major (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) is to cultivate the students so that they can master fundamental theory and methods of mathematical sciences, are able to solve practical problems by using mathematical knowledge or computers, and are professional talents of high level with ability of scientific research. The students are expected t

      4、o have experience of researches and teaching in departments of science and technology, education, economy, enterprises or others, or to have expertise of practical applications, developing researches, management in departments of production and management, or be able to continue to pursue postgraduate degrees.三、培养要求(、Cultivation Requirement)贯彻“面向工程、宽基础、强能力、重应用”的培养方针,探索建立专业拓展方向及相应课程体系,提高学生的专业技能。本专业学生主要学习数学和应用数学的基本理论、基本方法,受到数学建模、计算机和数学软件、程序设计和计算方法等方面的基本训练,在数学理论和它的应用两方面都受到良好的教育,具有较高的科学素养和较强的创新意识,具有

      5、科学研究、教学、解决实际问题及软件开发等方面的基本能力和较强的更新知识的能力。The major (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) implements cultivating policies of the orienting project, base widened, capacity strengthened, focusing application, explores to establish professional development directions and corresponding curriculums, and improves professional skills of students. The students in the major mainly study fundamental theory and basic methods of mathematics and applied mathematics; are elementarily trained by mathematical mode

      6、ling, computers, mathematical software, program design, computing methods, and so on; are well educated by mathematical theory and its applications; possess scientific quality of high level and strong sense of innovation; and possess basic skills and strong ability updating their knowledge in scientific research, teaching, solving practical problems and software development.四、学制与学位(、Schooling Period and Degree)学制四年。按计划要求完成学业者,授予理学学士学位。Schooling Period: 4 yearsStudents who complete all required c

      7、ourses will be conferred the bachelors degree.五、学时与学分(、Schooling Hours and Credits)总学分:144 (Total Credits:144)课程教学学时/学分:2224 /133.5占总学分的比例:92 (Curriculum Class Hours/Credits:2224 /133.5Percentage in Total Credits:92 %)六、专业主干课程(、Main Courses)数学分析、解析几何、高等代数、常微分方程、概率论、复变函数、实变函数、数学物理方程、数理统计、数学模型。 Mathematics Analysis, Analytic Geometry, Advanced Linear Algebra, Ordinary Differential Equations, Probability, Functions of Complex Variables, Functions of Real Variables, Differential Equations in Mathema

      8、tics and Physics, Statistics, Mathematical modeling. 七、主要专业实验和实习安排(、Main Laboratory and Practice)数学与应用数学专业的学生主要有计算机编程、物理实验、数学实验,其中数学类实验结合数学建模与数学软件进行。Main experiments of the major (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) include computer programming, physical experiments, and mathematical experiments, where mathematical experiments include uses of mathematical modeling and mathematical software. 八、专业优势及特色(、Major Predominance and Characteristics)具有一支治学严谨、研究领域广泛、实力雄厚的师资队伍,在“基础数学及其应用”的研究上具有非常突出的专业优势。其中

      9、,“现代数论和表示论”、“椭圆曲线与安全计算理论”和“现代分析”等方向中的多个研究领域处于国际领先水平。2007年被认定为“国家重点学科”。本专业注重科研与教学相结合,坚持实行名师学者、教授博导上讲台,请教学经验丰富、长期教学效果一流的名师担纲重要的基础课教学;请优秀学者设计高级特色课程并主讲,突出自身优势学科并帮助学生在相关领域迅速成长;请活跃的青年学者主持重要新兴领域的相关课程学习,指导优秀学生在这些领域的研讨班,调动其主观能动性,并提供给他们一些有益的科研创新经历和体验。同时,坚持定期邀请国际知名学者,特别是一些重要新兴领域的权威专家,来给学生介绍其相关学科的基本概况及最新进展,使其了解当前数学与应用数学领域的基本形势,为以后的数学理论研究与应用打下坚实的基础。The major (Mathematics and Applied Mathematics) possesses staff members of rigorous scholarship, extensive research fields and famous academic achievements; has very prominent professional advantage in the research of Basic Mathematics and Its Applications; located on international advanced level for some research works on Modern Number Theory and Representation Theory, Elliptic Curves and Secure Computing, Modern Analysis and a number of research areas; and was identified as National Key Subject in 2007. The major emphasizes combining research with

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