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SAS 高级程序员 考试大纲和考试经验精华(总结)

  • 卖家[上传人]:jiups****uk12
  • 文档编号:88919020
  • 上传时间:2019-05-13
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    • 1、SAS Certified Advanced Programmer for SAS 9 Credential一、考试大纲:需掌握如下内容 using advanced DATA step programming statements and efficiency techniques to solve complex problems.(25% 程序优化&提高效率=Optimization and efficiency ) writing and interpreting SAS SQL code.(45%) creating and using the SAS MACRO facility.(30%)Required Exam 60-65 multiple-choice and short-answer questions (must achieve score of 65% correct to pass). Use exam ID A00-212; required when registering with Pearson VUE.Exam topics include:Acc

      2、essing Data Using SQL Generate detail and summary reports by working with a single table, joining tables, or using set operators in the SQL procedure. Construct sub-queries and in-line views within (构造子查询和内联视图)an SQL procedure step. Compare solving a problem using the SQL procedure versus using traditional SAS programming techniques. Access Dictionary Tables using the SQL procedure.Macro Processing Create and use user-defined and automatic macro variables within the SAS Macro Language. Automate

      3、programs by defining and calling macros using the SAS Macro Language. Understand the use of macro functions. Use various system options that are available for macro debugging(用于宏调试) and displaying values of user-defined and automatic macro variables in the SAS log. Create data-driven programs using SAS Macro Language.Advanced Programming Techniques Demonstrate the use of advanced data look-up techniques such as array processing, hash objects(散列对象), formats, and combining/merging data. Reduce com

      4、puting resource requirements by controlling the space required to store SAS data sets using compression techniques, length statements, or eliminating variables and observations. Reduce programming time by developing reusable SAS programs which incorporate data step views, DATA steps that write SAS programs, and the FCMP procedure. Perform effective benchmarking by using the appropriate SAS System options and interpreting the resulting resource utilization statistics. Identify appropriate applica

      5、tions for using indexes (识别索引) and create them using the DATA step, the DATASETS procedure, or the SQL procedure. Compare techniques to eliminate duplicate data (消除重复数据) using the DATA step, the SORT procedure, and the SQL procedure.二、考试经验总结和已考内容1. 复习要点和考试范围高级的skills很有用,SQL,MACRO及一些programming utility (程序控制工具即,optimization(优化) & efficiency(效率)的技巧在实际应用中很有价值。Advanced前三部分多看几遍,不断地编程,google很多定义(Adv 总共是四部分,SQL & MACRO是重点)。(1)MACRO:涵盖比较宽,掌握如何RESOLVE(解析)MACRO programming。(理解macro,考35%)(2)SQL:Proc SQL内容基

      6、本都涵盖,比较基础,必须搞清每一个操作。(理解SQL,考45%)(3)其他ADVANCED 提高EFFICIENCY 的TECHNIQUES 居多。另外,ADVANCED中Proc dataset 也有少量考题(考25%)个人体会:高级没有捷径,多看、多练、多用。要以看书为主,若能把Pro guide advance & SAS Online Tutor 9.1 Advanced Programming 看一遍,再把考题融会贯通,可以考高分。好好复习e-learning的advanced的library可以涵盖90%的内容。2. 重点题库强烈推荐50道模拟题和Item 1 of 63 Mark item for review(没有答案),其已囊括75%的题目。一共有63个问题,与新旧130题相比,题型变化较大,一些细节上的东西较多。我复习一个月,把Pre guide Advance 看了一遍,所有的能找到的考题基本上记住答案(包括130 及新130题,50题,Pass4 sure)。(1) where和if的变量操作空间:where还是if是在input buffer(输入缓存器)或者

      7、PDV(Logical Program Data Vector, 程序数据向量是PC内存的一个临时逻辑区,包含有整个程序的翻译和执行阶段)之间操作,作用域及在optimization & efficiency的不同(4道题);(2)SQL 过程查看,字典lib, 并弄清Dictionary. table里面变量的名称和对应关系;(3)SQL query with sub-query and grouping(SQL查询和sub-查询);(4)SQL set operator(运算符join in等)主要是Proc SQL和data set比较,比如full joint, left joint集合运算结果及其与merge比较,这个会考的非常细致;(5)merging data, SAS Data Step 和等同的 SQL query(有5道题有关);(6)MACRO变量创建和使用,很熟悉LOCAL和GLOBAL的MACRO VARIABLE及和data之间的交换。多考最后MACRO给出的是什么值;并掌握系统automatic macro variables(比如&sysdate9)也考

      8、了23道题;(7)MACRO:multiple ampersand 解析(多个算符),对ampersand & 要熟悉 如:indirect(间接)情况;(8)Mask(隐藏)特殊字符;(9)SQL中view,index,sort建立和使用efficiency techniques。Index(索引)优化,使用的condition及create的不同方式;sorted by 在 data a (sorted by= var)里的作用;还有某些情况CPU, I/O, DISK SPACE如何降低使用;(10)Optimization and efficiency部分大约9道题。1) buffer的掌握:buffer number: 在data a (bufsize=2222 bufno=6) 里buffsize size是 bytes还是 kilobytes,在output还是 input里?bufno是number of buffer在output里? data one (bufno=6); set two (bufno=6); 其中bufno作用? BUFSIZE=、BUFNO=、BUFSIZE*BUFNO。They are in the Optimization and efficiency part,其中bufno的作用?2)compress=yes 和数据变量以及字符变量联系起来复习,以及如何压缩的?reuse=yes在 compress里什么作用?3)hash object好处(可快速得到key对应的内存地址直接取数,不用扫描整个表,效率更高),和Key values (关键码值)有关的知识一起复习,以及执行完后保存与否?array的相关知识?4)SELECT in data step和 IF-THEN/ELSE在efficiency 上的不同?5)Advance中data step和proc dataset应用(以为PROC DATASETS会考多点,12道题有关)(11)SASFILE 的作用?

      《SAS 高级程序员 考试大纲和考试经验精华(总结)》由会员jiups****uk12分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《SAS 高级程序员 考试大纲和考试经验精华(总结)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

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