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    • 1、Project MiaLouisVuittonWritten by Mia (Shuo Sun) Date: 2008-06-02List of content1 Project definition31.1 Problem background31.2 Problem formulation31.3 Limitations41.4 Methodology42 Introduction:52.1 LVMH group52.2 Louis Vuitton52.21 The brand history52.22 Global development73 SWOT analysis74 Analyzing competition104.1 Five forces104.11 Industry competitors104.12 Threat of new entrant114.13 Threat of substitute product114.14 Bargaining power of suppliers124.15 Bargaining power of customers124.2

      2、The main competitor in Chinese market124.3 Market positions145 Chinese market155.1 Introduction of Chinese market155.2 Growth strategies175.3 Analyzing the costumers185.31 Buyer characteristics185.32 The buying decision process205.4 Different types of customers225.5 The copy product285.6 Advertisement315.7 Conclusion336 Questionnaire336.1 Questionnaire336.2 Analysis of the questionnaires357 Brand377.1 Brand equity377.2 Branding position417.3 Product life-cycle Marketing strategies438 Conclusion4

      3、59 List of Literature451 Project definitionLVMH group is the biggest luxury product group in the world, and the company has a lot of brands, Louis Vuitton is the best well-known brand in this big group. This brand built its own flagship shops in many countries of the world. According to the development of the China development, China be come the third biggest luxury product market in the world. LVMH group especially Louis Vuitton get a good development in China. 1.1 Problem backgroundLouis Vuitt

      4、on is a famous luxury brand in the worldwide. The target customers of its products include the royal family nobles and some rich successful people. This luxury brand means successful and status. But now many people when they buy these luxury products, they just eyeless follow the branding, but they do not care about the product itself. Many people think that have luxury product can satisfy their amour-propre, luxury product is not only merchandise. Also have many people, they want to own some fa

      5、mous luxury brand, but they do not have enough money, so they choose the copy one. More and more people use the copy one, through this way the luxury brand become common and philistinism and the value of the brand will be lost. 1.2 Problem formulationFrom last century, the purchasing power of Chinese customers is increase very fast, more and more Chinese customers became richer, and they more prefer to buy the foreign brands. Some international supermarket chain and shops and retailers get into

      6、the Chinese market, these shops will open a road to the luxury product get into the Chinese market. Many famous luxury product brands began to get into the Chinese market. In China, the average income of the people is lower than some developed country, so the price of the luxury product is still very high for the many people. Luxury product has an expensive price depend on their history and the user of these brands and the quality, but in the Chinese market, the copy one is popular, because rich

      7、er people is only a few group in the country, and most people in the country are not rich, they do not want to spend their 2 or 3 mouths salary on a luxury product, like a bag. But for some luxury brand, like Louis Vuitton, they are the leaders of the fashion in the world, because they have their own fashion show. Many people want to follow the fashion, but they can not consume luxury product as a normal product, so they choose copy one, and the copy one have a big market share compare the real

      8、one.1.3 LimitationsIn this project, I did not write some thing about the financial part of this brand, and I did not write the organization part of the brand either. I only focus on the analysis of the brand and analysis the Chinese market and the Chinese customers. 1.4 MethodologyI use the SWOT analysis, five forces, market position, brand position, product life cycle, STP model and buying behavior in the project. 2 Introduction:2.1 LVMH group LVMH Mot Hennessy - Louis Vuitton group is the bigg

      9、est luxury products group in the world. The group own more than fifty famous brands in five different areas which include Wines & Spirits; Fashion & Leather Goods; Perfumes & Cosmetics; Watches & Jewelry; Selective retailing. This French group was building on 1987, but these famous brands have a long history, so depends on the brands, the group grown fast. Right now the group has more than 2000 stores in worldwide and more than 71000 employees, and more than 74% employees are based outside France. (The figures from the website of LVMH group) Besides developing business the group also builds some welfare works and protects the environment. The mission of the LVMH group is to represent the most refine


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