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    • 1、2012年3月10日郑州枫杨外国语小升初英语试题及答案阅读理解AMiss Green came into the classroom with a piece of paper. There is a big black dot in the middle of the white paper. Miss Green put up this piece of paper and asked, “What can you see, children?” All the children looked at the black dot. “A black dot.” They answered quickly. “But cant you see this piece of paper?” The black dot is like the unlucky things in our life. If we only see the black dot, how can we be happy?”, Miss Green said.The classroom was very quiet,

      2、 Miss Green took out another piece of paper. It was a piece of black paper with white dot in the middle.“What can you see, kids?” she asked the children, “A White dot.” The children answered loudly. Miss Green smiled. “My children, although we maybe unhappy or worried in our life, it is just like the clouds in the sky. The clouds can leave quickly and the sun can come out soon. You can be a positive child with the sun in your eyes and feel happy all the time.”( ) 1. What is the relationship betw

      3、een Miss Green and the children?A. Mother and children B. Teacher and students C. Doctor and patients D. Boss and workers( ) 2. What does the “black dot ” stand for(代表) ?A. The lucky things in our life B. The sunshine in our life C. The unlucky things in our life D. The clouds in our life( ) 3. What does the word “positive” mean in Chinese? A. 善良的 B.积极的,乐观的 C.美好的 D.聪明的( ) 4. Which of the following is TRUE according to the article? A. Miss Green likes white. B. If we can only see the black dot, w

      4、e can be happy. C. No one likes clouds in the sky. D. Miss Green wants the kids to be positive in their life( ) 5. What does this article want to tell us? A. We should see the white dot on the black paper. B. Everyone is unlucky sometimes. C. You should find the hope of life when you are in trouble D. We should not like clouds.阅读理解BArchery has a 10,000-year history, when bows(弓) and arrows(箭) were first used for hunting and war. Archery first appeared (出现) at the Pairs Olympics in 1900.Badminton

      5、 was invented by British soldiers(士兵) in India. They called it Poono, the same name as the town in which they lived. It was first played at the Olympics in 1992 at Barcelona (巴赛罗那)Football is one of the most popular sports in the world. It was first played at the 1908 Olympic Games and it has been played at every Olympics Games, except for Los Angeles 1932Taekwondo is from Korea. It means “the way of the hand and foot”. They player get points(得分) by hitting each other with these two parts of the

      6、 body only. The players mustnt lie on the floor and no equipment(装备) can be used. It first appeared at the 2000 Sydney Olympics.( ) 6. Who invented the sports of badminton? A. Indians B. British C. Chinese. D. Korean( ) 7. Which of these sports appeared earliest at the Olympics? A. Archery B. Badminton C. Taekwondo D. Football( ) 8. Which sport was named after a town? A. Badminton B. Football C. Taekwondo D. Archery( ) 9. Which of the following picture shows the sports of “Taekwondo”? A. B. C. D

      7、. ( ) 10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE to the passage? A. Football didnt appear at the Olympics in 1932 B. Archery appeared 10,000 years ago. C. All the sports in the chart appeared at the Olympics in the 20th century D. Players of Taekwondo can only get points by hitting each other with hands or foot.阅读理解CWhat did they invent?In 1903, Mary Anderson was driving to New York. It was raining _11_ and they had to open the windows of their car and put their heads out to see better. Suddenly Mar

      8、y hand an idea.In 1869, Tomas Adams was trying to produce rubber out of the juice. He _12_ to make toys or bicycle tyres(轮胎). The experiment(实验) didnt work, while he was thinking about this, he took a piece of the rubber he was working with and put it in his mouth.In 1897, British inventor James Atkinson was looking at the potatoes which they kept in a room under their house. He found that mice had eaten some of the potatoes. So he invented something to stop them.In 1886, Josephine Cochran was s

      9、tanding in her kitchen. The family lunch was finished. There were a lot of _13_ in front of her and she got very angry, thinking that she had to do this job every day. “If nobody else is going to invent a machine for this, I will do it _14_” she thought.任务一:把下列词还原到短文中,注意形式变化:heavy, dish, I, want11._ 12._ 13._ 14._任务二:根据英文释义,从文中找到对应的单词15._ A person who designs or creates new things.16._to make or grow something to be sold任务三:找出每一段所对应的发明。Paragraph:段落A. chewing gum(口香糖) B. fridge C. mouse trap D. cooker E. dishwasher F. windscreen wipers.17. Paragraph 1_18. Paragraph 2_19. Paragraph 3_20. Paragraph 4_作文:请介绍你的好朋友Tom,内容包括:1. 学习努力,平时爱看书,有时上网2


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