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    • 1、 广州版初中英语八年级下册期末复习 Unit 1 Helping those in needI. Key words 1. 区分raise / rise2. 区分offer/provide 3. 区分 lonely/ aloneII. Key phrases1. give sb a hand = help sb2. offer to do 主动提供做某事3. suffer from sth. 受之苦,受.折磨4. a girl called Cindy = a girl named Cindy5. help sb do sth/ help sb with sth6. have difficulty in doing sth7. raise ones spirits 使振奋,使鼓起勇气 = cheer sb up8. something dangerous 危险的事9. would like to do 10. because of/ because跟踪练习:用所给单词的适当形式填空1. In order _(learn) Japanese, he went to Japan.2. Da

      2、ming has great difficulty _(speak) English.3. Do you know the girl _(call) Alice?4. Shenzhen has a population of over ten _( million )5. _(help) others makes me happy.单项选择1. May I have a rest ? I have already finished _the report.A. write B. writing C. to write D. written2. -I feel a bit hungry now. - Why not _for dinner with us? A. go B. did you go C. to go D. do you go3. He asked her _the bag because it was too expensive . A. not to buy B. to buy not C. not buying D. not buy4. Although you may

      3、 meet with some difficulties, you should never _. A. turn up B. get up C. give up D. grow up5. - Would you like to go to the hospital to help the sick kids this Sunday?- _. Ill be free then.A. Sorry, I cant B. Not at all C. Thank you D. Sure, Id love to6. Is there _ in todays newspaper? A. special something B. special anything C. something special D. anything special7. - I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you? - I havent decided where _. A. go B. went C. going D. to go8. - Wh

      4、at are on show in the museum? - Some photos _ by the children of Yushu, Qinghai. A. have been taken B. were taken C. are taken D. takenIII. Grammar (不定式的用法)Eg: 1). Cindy wanted _ ( paint ) a picture of the park near her home.2) I dont know where _( go ).3) The man made his workers_( work ) ten hours a day in the past.4). They went to the hospital _( help ) the sick children5) _( get ) there on time, we set out at five in the morning语法专项训练:1. The children decide _their school yard this Friday aft

      5、ernoon. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleaned2. He lost his key. It made him _in the cold to wait for his wifes return. A. to stay B. stayed C. stays D. stay3. It was time for class. Mr King asked all the children _down quietly. A. sit B. sat C. to sit D. sitting4. _ a book in the library, enter a key word into the computer. A. To find B. Find C. To write D. Write 5. Just before the Chinese class, I found that I forgot _my Chinese textbook. A. bring B. bringing C. and bring D. to bring6. -

      6、 Which dress do you like best, Madam? - Sorry, I cant decide _now. A. to buy which one B. buy which one C. which one to buy D. Which I should buy it Unit 2 Body languageI. Key words1. accept/ receive 区别2. bored/ boring 3. part-time/ full-timeII. Key phrases1.takeplace发生= happen 2.insteadof 代替+ doing = in place of3. communicate with sb = in communication with sb4. get a chance to do sth 获得做.的机会5.givesbagoodimpression 给人留下好印象= make a good impression on sb6.decidetodosth 决定做某事= decide on doing = ma

      7、ke a decision to do7.trydoingsth 尝试做某事/ trytodosth:尽力做 8.atonce 立刻,马上= right away跟踪练习用所给单词的适当形式填空1. You had better practise _(exercise) every day.2. Jim does his homework as _(care) as his brother. He never makes mistakes.3. What about _(have) a picnic?4. They answered the questions _(different).5. They learn English by _(sing) English songs.单项选择1. You dont give people a good _, so people choose Debbie instead of you. A. impression B. instruction C. impressive D. instruct2. Disney is famous for its cartoon characters _Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy and Snow White. A. for example B. such as C. as D. likes3. The film _ me of my father. I miss him very much. A. promises B. reminds C. makes D. returns4. Yesterday I _ an invitation from Tom but I didnt _it. A. received; receive B. accepted; accept C. accepted; receive D. received; accept5. Im _ with the homework, Mom. A. bore B. bored C. boring D. to bore6. - In this example, _is not


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