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    • 1、模模 具具 规规 格格 确确 认认 查查 检检 表表 ToolingTooling SpecSpec ValidationValidation CheckCheck ListList 检查表检查表 / / CHECKCHECK LISTLIST OffOff ToolTool TestTest PrePre- - acceptancacceptanc e e AcceptancAcceptanc e e NA:NA: 不实用不实用 / / NotNot applicableapplicable ; ; Yes:Yes: 接收接收 / / Yes:Yes: AcceptedAccepted ; ; No:No: 不接收不接收 / / No:No: RejecteRejecte OFFOFF TOOLTOOL: T0T0 试模试模, TestTest: TnTn 试模试模, PrePre- -acceptance:acceptance: 预验收预验收, Acceptance:Acceptance: 终验收终验收 总言总言:模具设计是否有考虑防呆模具设计是否有考虑防呆,模具供应商是否满足模具

      2、供应商是否满足FIVFIV模具工程师提出的防呆要求模具工程师提出的防呆要求 1.1. 钢料钢料 SteelSteel MATERIALMATERIAL 1.1 出示钢材的热处理证书和硬度测量值,模厂必须对硬度进行检测并出示记录表(模厂必须有硬度计),要检查其结果是否符合图纸的定义. Steel hardness must be checked follow the definition of mold drawing 1.2 钢材的供应商及种类必须遵照模具规格协议书的定义,并提供材质证明. The steel supplier and type must be identified by Tooling Specification,must show steel quality certification; 1.3 使用法雷奥标准钢材以外的,有抛光要求的钢料必须做抛光试验并提供试验报告. If there is a polishing test and report for the steel? 2.2.模架模架MoldMold basebase 2.1 在标准的锁模力下,开合模是否平

      3、顺 The mould opening 通常最小M8, 除非经FIV模具工程师同意。 There is no screw with lower than M4, normally M8 is minimal, except with the FIV acceptance. 2.11 螺丝全部为公制的12/9级 The crew should be metric 12.9 grade 2.12相同功能的螺丝是一样的并且可以互换 It is only one type of screw for the same function 2.13 所有离成型部分小于20MM的螺丝头必须被填上以防夹料 All the heads of screw on a periphery of 20 mm around the part line surface are blocked 2.14 模芯在AB板上的配合长度充分且无间隙(至少60%),在AB板强度足够的前提下斜楔是可以使用的 The fitting length of piston in the plate core is sufficient a

      4、nd without clearance 2.15 每一块模板的上下部倒角尺寸(320T以下注塑机用模25x45, 以上50x45), 前后板的边倒角为(320T以下注塑机用模5x45, 以上 10x45) The chamfer for all mold plates edgess needed (avoid the sharp edge, safety) 2.16 不需要特别的工具拆卸模具 Not necessary of special tools to disassemble the mold 2.17 模架有XY方向必须有互锁定位,且强度足够和配合到位 The interlock of mold base must be both XY axes with enough strength (interlock) 2.18 工作温度50度以上模具必须有隔热板,隔热板质量达到要求(劳士领Rochling ; Yes:Yes: 接收接收 / / Yes:Yes: AcceptedAccepted ; ; No:No: 不接收不接收 / / No:No: RejecteRejecte

      5、 2.25 FIV生产的模具,450T模具面板及底板厚度为35(+0/-0.1)MM, 定模面板的U形定位槽控制在50+(0.20.3),槽高55mm. The Thickness of the Top/Bottom plate of the tools(850-1400T) should be 35mm, the U locating slot of top plate should be 50+(0.20.3) in width and 55mm in height in FIV 2.26模具长_,宽_,高_,重量_,是否在机台的范围内。 Is the size of mold in the range of injection machine? Is the size of mold in the range of injection machine? 2.27各模板按顺序编号(面板1,2,2) The plates of mould are indexed 2.28 AB板分型面有解体用撑柱螺孔,450T以下M20*4,以上M30*4 There are support pil

      6、lars for the A/B plate to disassemble the tool, and dimension should be M20 X 4 lower than 450T and M20 x 4 larger than 450T 2.29 操作侧安装计数器,动作正常。(BMC模具除外) Add the countor in the operating side except the BMC tool 3.3.模具安装参数校核模具安装参数校核PressPress MountingMounting 3.1模具与注塑机相匹配的尺寸经过了检查 (油缸,油管) (拉杆间距,安全门), 在码模后必须确认水路与油路可以正常联接 The overall dimension of the mold in the injection machine is checked (cylinder, pipes) (tie bar clearance, curtain and build of press). YesYes 3.2 对有油缸抽芯模具,首先要确认注塑机油路控制是否足够,油路连接方

      7、式是否合理. For mould which need to use the cylinder, must check if the valid oil control circle that injection machine can supplied is enough and the oil connection is reasonable. YesYes 3.3 模具定位环的外径尺寸是否与选定的注射机匹配(动定模各一) ,200T的定位环是Staubil标准件, BMC的是200. 特别注意定位环的中心孔 是否太小以便于中心顶杆通过。(非FIV工场内生产的模具适用) If centering ring diameter is conformance with selected injection press (valeo 200T press use the Stabuil ring), BMC mold is D200mm. To check the center holes if it is too small for center bar acrossing. 3.4 模

      8、具定位环的形状是否与规定相符(倒角) Is the shape of centering ring is conformance with the definition YesYes 3.5 模具厚度在注塑机的范围内,有经过确认. (450T moldt thickness is 380750mm,850 ; Yes:Yes: 接收接收 / / Yes:Yes: AcceptedAccepted ; ; No:No: 不接收不接收 / / No:No: RejecteRejecte 4.10 型腔和型芯有镶嵌的耐磨片互锁,耐磨块是否使用热处理件,热处理的硬度为HRC48-50 Wearing plates embedding for cavities reactivity. 4.10.1 耐磨块是否用杯头螺丝固紧 The wear plate must be fixed with the socket head cap screw 4.11 A,B板之间的承压片及所有的耐磨板全部配合到位. If all wearing plates are fully function and fit

      9、ting balance 4.12 浮B板方导柱强度是否足够;浮B板圆导柱数量强度经过事前确认;配合顺畅. If all wearing plates are fully function and fitting balance? 4.12.1 浮B板导套是否有开排气 If all wearing plates are fully function and fitting balance? Yes 4.12.2 浮B板的限位拉杆等高;配合良好;强度足够 The stop socket head should screw fitt well and at the same length 4.12.3 浮B板的模具,浮板与B板之间要设计有直身锁 For the tool with floating plate, must have the precise locating lock 4.12.4 浮B板的模具是否使用Strack开闭器 The lacth lock must use the Strack brand 5.5.顶出机构顶出机构EJECTIONEJECTION 5.1 在开模时产品很好的留在型芯上. The part remain well in contact on the piston when openning 5.2 所有顶杆编号刻在顶出后板上以免错误装配. All ejectors must be identified and indexed on the ejection back plate in order to avoid any assembly errors 5.3 所有的成型杆本身及模具上都有相应的标示以防错装. Anti-fool mark for all the wall insert and pin. 5.4在滑块下或滑块前面没有顶杆或推方,必须有的情况下必须事先经FIV承认,如果有使用亦必须在使用说明书中做特别说明(任何的推杆卡死 都会导致撞伤,及必须追加相关的强制回位机构). No ejectors under or in front of slides without FIVS


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