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    • 1、 教学设计方案(英文)学科 英语 学校 辽宁丰田金杯技师学院 教师姓名 张楠 Teaching SubjectWhat is your hobby?计划学时40minTeaching ContentThis lesson is the second time of the unit, which talks mainly about the hobby that closes to the daily life of the students. It concludes the phrases and sentences of the unit.Students AnalysisThe students are smart and outgoing, but they can hardly concentrate on the whole class, who also lack of the basic points of English. It is hard for them to talk on the class. So during the plan, it changes

      2、 from easily to difficultly, from phrases to sentences. To increase their interests, the whole class is designed through the games and group pk to strengthen the points repeatedly.Teaching AimKnowledge Aim:1) Acknowledge the phrases about the hobbySuch as, play basketball,etc. 2) Make use of the sentences of the hobbySuch as, What is your hobby? I love/enjoy,etc.Ability Aim:1) The students can understand the phrases and sentences of the hobby. 2) The combination between the former situational se

      3、ntences and the hobby should be used freely. Emotion Aim:1) To increase the interests of the students to learn English by the pictures 2)To bring up the competition and cooperation during the activity. 3)To help the students to make the correct opinions and can choose the useful hobbies.Teaching Focus1) To learn and understand the phrases of the hobby2) To speak clearly about the sentences of the hobbyTeaching DifficultiesThe students can use the questions and the answers of the hobby freely and

      4、 combine the former knowledge to make the dialogue. Teaching MethodsSituational Teaching Method, Task Teaching Method, Group Competition Teaching Method, Game Teaching Method and ExplanationTeaching Environment and Tools Classroom, PPT,Cards教学过程(可续页)教学环节及内容学生活动重难点设计意图I Lead-in (5min) Pick out the cards to make the words that has learnt last time. In order to review the words around the hobby and lead in the class-What is your hobby?One student each group, to find out the words and free talk abou

      5、t the hobby. The spelling the wordsDuring the game to review the words of the last time and then increase the interest of the students about the unit, which can quickly access to the topic with some questions.IIPresentation- Phrases(10min)Show some pictures about the hobbies. Such as, play basketball, play chess, play the guitar, go fishing, read books, etc. Extension: phubberAcknowledge the phrases and read them.The usage of the wordsThe students can guess the phrases through the pictures. The

      6、two words of play and go are designed into two groups to make the students find out the common and different things. And at last, to put forward the phubber and lead them to the correct hobbies and make use of the rest time to do some meaningful things. Presentation- Sentences(10min)Make an interview about Bill Gates to assign the task for students to find out the expression of hobbies. Throughout the conversation ,to conclude the usage by themselves.Trying to find out how to express the hobby t

      7、hroughout the conversation and dig out the usage of them by themselves.1like/love/enjoy+doing2be crazy about/ be interested in3 the difference of interested and interestingIt is designed to put forward the interview of Bill Gates. Through it, the students are assigned the task to pick out the topic and make the conclusion, which completed by themselves to develop their ability. And the famous person will also take an example of how to plan the rest time on the daily life. Presentation-Exercises(

      8、10min)I. Lead thephrases into the sentences and say it by groups.II. Using formersituational sentences to consist of the conversation.III. True or false. Toenhance the knowledge we have learned this time.Do the exercises to strengthen the sentences by groups. Greetingand theinvitationare the keypoints,whichshould becombinedwith thehobby. The exercises are designed three parts by groups, which develops the competition of the students and also increase the interests. The different kinds of the exe

      9、rcise are from easy to difficult and also from the phrases to the sentences, which should be consisted with the former points. The students should make the dialogue by themselves and the changes of the exercises make it more easy to get involved into the whole class.III Conclusion(3min)Pick out one student each group to come the front. There are some trees on the blackboard, which consists of some branches. They can write down the correct answers on the branches. Then the teacher will conclude the points of this lesson.According to the questions, write down the answers on the branches and then check off the points of the lesson.The usage of verb and prep.The sentences of the hobbyThe students will also be themain topic d


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