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  • 卖家[上传人]:jiups****uk12
  • 文档编号:88915354
  • 上传时间:2019-05-13
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    • 1、1, as a representative of Party A, how do you control the quality and cost of the project? What are the problems that should be paid attention to in the construction of the construction site civilization?Answer: one, the main control time and design changes, with the three party (design, construction, supervision) more communication, more to listen to the views of the design side.2, the general civil construction projects which are divided into several sub projects? Each division project tries t

      2、o enumerate 23 sub project works? What are the common quality problems of each division project?Answer: foundation and foundation engineering, the main structure, decoration, roof engineering, water supply and drainage and heating, electrical, intelligent (weak), ventilation, air conditioning, elevators, energy saving projects. 1 types of common quality problems in residential engineering masonry engineering class: masonry materials, mortar strength is not up to the design requirements, masonry

      3、size does not meet the requirements of the design drawings, the level of the lack of mortar fullness. 2 reinforced concrete works: the quality of steel and concrete strength does not meet the design requirements. 3 roof, toilet bath, the external wall leakage. 4. For ground and floor engineering: uneven ground, pour flashing, cement floor sand, empty crack; ground air bifida, seam not neat, irregular pattern. 5 internal and external wall often brush pulp: powder out there, peeling, sagging, biti

      4、ng through the end of the phenomenon such as color. 6 tiles mounted firmly, rows of bricks is not reasonable, the gap is not straight.7 installation of water supply and drainage pipeline: there is leakage, blockage, water, sanitation equipment installation is not strong, etc.3, you understand the type of building foundation? What is the scope of its application?Foundation type: according to the mechanical characteristics and material properties can be divided into rigid foundation and flexible f

      5、oundation; by way of structure can be divided into strip foundation, independent foundation, raft foundation, box foundation, etc. 1 according to the material and the stress characteristic classification? (1) the rigid foundation: the foundation which is restricted by the rigid angle is called the rigid foundation. The compressive strength of the material used in the rigid base is high, but the tensile strength and shear strength are low. Rigid foundation, the pressure distribution angle a is ca

      6、lled the rigid angle. In the design, we should make every effort to make the foundation and the base material of the rigid angle consistent, objective: to ensure that the foundation does not produce tensile stress, to maximize the saving of basic materials. By restricting the rigidity base width height ratio to meet the requirements of the rigid angle. Common: Brick foundation. Lime soil foundation. Concrete foundation. Rubble foundation. Concrete foundation. Rubble concrete foundation. 1) big f

      7、eet to ensure that the foundation of the foundation is not under the action of the base reaction force is not damaged. 2) lime soil foundation of lime soil foundation for regions in the underground water level is low, and other basic materials share and serve as the basis of cushion. 3) concrete foundation concrete foundation is generally used for the underground water level low four layer and four layer below the civil building engineering. 4) rubble foundation has the characteristics of high s

      8、trength, frost resistance, water resistance, economy etc. 5) the concrete foundation used for the high ground water level, the buildings affected by freezing. 6) adding a certain volume of rubble in the concrete, called rubble concrete foundation. 2) flexible foundation. At the bottom of the concrete foundation configuration by the strength of steel, the use of steel bar, so that the foundation can withstand bending moment, it is not subject to the limit of the rigid angle. So the reinforced con

      9、crete foundation is also called the flexible foundation. Reinforced concrete foundation section can be made into trapezoidal, the thinnest part of the height of not less than 200mm; also can be made into a step shape, each stepping high 300-500mm. Normally, the reinforced concrete foundation is provided with C7.5 or C10 concrete cushion, the thickness of about lOOmm; no cushion, the reinforcement of the protection layer is 75mm, in order to protect the reinforced steel from corrosion. 2 according to the structure classification (1) the independent foundation (the foundation). Separate foundation under column 1). The foundation is the main type of the column foundation. 2) under the wall separate foundation. The foundation is the foundation of the soft soil, but not in the depths of the better soil, in order to save the foundation materials and reduce the amount of earthwork and the use of a basic form. (2) strip foundation. 1) the strip foundation under the


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