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    • 1、Module 8 Unit 1 A land of diversity,Language Points,Say the words according to explanations.,1 most things or people in a group 2 with the help of something 3 the state of being a slave 4 machine that flies, helicopter 5 group or mass of different things 6 belong to a certain country 7 a person who applies 8 point to, point out , show something; be a sign of something 9 put or set in or into something 10pay to use something, or to use someones help,majority,by means of,slavery,aircraft,mixture,n

      2、ationality,applicant,indicate,insert,hire,1. prehistoric adj. 史前的 _ n. 2.react vi. 做出反应,回应_ n反应, 反作用 3. _ vt. 解释、说明 illustration n. 4._ n.(从外国移入的)移民 _ n.移民 immigrate v.使移居入境/移来 5. _ v. indication n. 指示; 象征 6. slave n. 奴隶 _ n. 奴隶制度、奴隶身份 7. _ n.国籍 _ n.国家, 民族 _ adj. 国家的, 民族的_ adj.&n当地人;本国人 8. _ n. 大多数、大半_ adj. _ n.少数,少数派,少数民族,prehistory,reaction,illustrate,immigrant,immigration,indicate,slavery,nationality,nation,national,native,majority,major,minority,majority n. 大多数、大半 minority n.少数,少数派,少数民族 *in

      3、thea majority 占多数; 属多数 1) the majority of 谓语动词取决于majority 后面所加的名词。 The majority of students _ hard-working. The majority of the damage _ easy to repair. 2)The majority 单独做主语谓语动词单复数都可以。 The majority _(be) against the plan. 3)表示领先多少票数时用不定冠词a Eg. He was elected by a majority of 50.,are,is,is/are,9. _n.申请人 _ vi.申请 _ n申请, 申请表, 应用, 运用 10._ n./v.混合;拌和;结合_n混合;混合状态;混合物 _ 把和混合 11._ adj 人种的;种族的 _ n. 种族 racialist n. _ 12._ n 社会主义者;社会党人 adj社会主义者的 _ n社会 _ adj社会的, 爱交际的, 社交的 13. _ adj中心的;中央的;主要的 _ n中心;中央 14. _

      4、百分比, 百分率(单词前面不用具体的数据) eg: a large /high percentage _百分之( 单词前通常有具体的数据) - What _ of students in your school go to college ? - 97 _ .,applicant,apply,application,mix,mixture,mix with / and ,racial,race,种族主义者,socialist,society,social,central,center,percentage,percent,percentage,percent,15._ u.n. 行李 一件行李 _ 16. _ adj 显而易见的/显然的/表面上的 _ adv _ v. 17. _ n. 西班牙 Spanish adj. 西班牙(人)的, 西班牙语的 n. 西班牙人, 西班牙语 18. _ n. 丹麦 _adj. 丹麦(人)的, 丹麦语的n.丹麦人, 丹麦语 19. _n. 韩国 _adj. 韩国(人)的;n. 韩国人; 朝鲜语 20. _n. 巴基斯坦 _ adj. 巴基斯坦(人)的;

      5、巴基斯坦人 21. _用办法;借助,luggage / baggage,a piece of luggage/baggage an article of luggage/baggage,apparent,apparently,appear,Spain,Denmark,Danish,Korea,Korean,Pakistan,Pakistani,by means of,means手段, 方法、工具 all/such/these/those means -v.复数 every/such a/this/that meansv.单数 *by means of=by using 用办法;借助 by this means 用这个办法 by any means 无论如何 by all means: 尽一切办法 anyway 无论如何/务必 Surely/ Of course 当然可以,*by no means=not a bit 决不 By no means _give in to the terrible circumstances at that time although faced with

      6、 great difficulty. A. they will B. will they C. they would D. would they 注意放在句首时主句进行部分倒装。 means方法、手段、工具,单复数同形,多和介词by 搭配。 way 方法,普通用语。可用于任何处理事物的方式。多于介词in搭配。 method 方法,理论,指合乎逻辑或系统的方法。多和介词with 搭配。,D,eg:teaching method教学方法 Only _this method can you get much benefit from it when reading. A. in B. on C. with D. by We look forward to the day when the motor car has been replaced by some less dangerous_ transport. A. means B. methods C. ways D. manners,C,A,22._习惯于新的生活方式、工作等,_谋生 23._-_ing-_ed-_ed vi.发生;出现

      7、;想起;想到;存在;被发现 _被想到;出现在大脑中 It occurs /occurred to sb that某人想到 24. _- _ing- _ed-_ed 滑行、滑动、滑 25. _ n面包房、面包厂 _ n.面包师 _ v. 26. _与合作或一起工作 27. _ v/n 租用、雇佣 _ v 解雇 28._ 包括、吸收,make a life,make/earn a living by,occur,occurr,occurr,occurr,occur to,slip,slipp,slipp,slipp,bakery,baker,bake,team up wiht,hire,fire,take in,It was a_ from her face that she was really upset. Take care of our l_ while I find a cab. An increase p_ of the population own their own homes. These animals i_ to North Africa in winter. I t

      8、hink their failure is due to a m_ of bad luck and poor management. His angry r_ to the decision was beyond my imagination. The quickest m_ of travel is by plane. I have finished this magazine. Can I s_ with you?,pparent,uggage,ercentage,mmigrate,ixture,eaction,eans,wap,_ the big company is the only way to break out of money problem. You must learn how to _ air when learning to swim. The actress rose to fame overnight _ her perfect performance in the film. It suddenly _ me that I hadnt turned off the gas. The development zone which was _ by the city government several years ago has been de


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