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    • 1、 2017届本科毕业论文题目: 中西时间观念差异对比分析院 系 名 称: 外国XXX系 专 业 名 称: 英 语 学 号 1303413 姓 名: 罗XX 指 导 教 师(职称): XXX(讲师) 教务处制二一七年五月A Comparative Study of the Differences between Chinese and Western Time ConceptA Thesis Submittedto Shiyuan College ofGuangxi Teachers Education Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree of Bachelor of ArtsByLuo HailuSupervisor:Xiong FeiMay, 2017摘 要由于中西方文化背景和传统不同,人们不仅在时间取向和时间习惯上也不相同,而且在思维方式和时间观念上也不同。在这种影响下,中西方国家形成了各自的时间取向,而不同的时间取向在一段程度上也折射出了深层次的文化差异。只有充分认识到差异,并尊重彼

      2、此的时间观,这样才能减少跨文化交际障碍和冲突,提高跨文化交际的有效性。因此,本文拟中西方不同的时间取向观,计时、守时、用时习惯,影视题材选材等方面不同及其形成原因进行比较分析,提出一些解决办法,从而促进跨文化交际的有效性。关键词:中西时间观;差异;成因;解决办法Abstract Because of the difference of Chinese and Western cultural background and tradition, people not only have different idea of time orientation and the habit to the use of time, but also information the different of the way to think and time concept. Under this influence, the Chinese and Western countries formed their own time orientation.And the different time

      3、orientation also reflects the deep cultural differences to a certain extent.We must to have a deep understand the different time concept of Chinese and Western,and to respect each other.In this way, we can to reduce barriers and conflicts in intercultural communication, and to improving the effectiveness of intercultural communication.Therefore, this paper intends to compare and analyze the different views of time orientation, timing, film and television material selection and the reasons for di

      4、fference, and then to puts forward some solutions, to promote the effectiveness of cross-cultural communication.Key words:Chinese and Western time concept; Difference; Reasons; Solution CONTENTSChapter One Introduction.1Chapter Two Literature Review.2 2.1 The Background of Different Time Concepts.2 2.2 Previous Studies.3 2.3 Summary.5Chapter Three Differences of Chinese and Western Time concept.6 3.1 Past Time Orientation and Future Time Orientation.6 3.1 Timing .7 3.3 The Film and Television Su

      5、bject.8 3.4 The Reasons for Differences.9 Chapter Four Solution to the problem.10 4.1 Understanding and Respect.10 4.2 Tolerance and Flexibility.11 4.3 Empathy and Interpretation.11Chapter Five Conclusion.11 13Chapter One Introduction “Time refers to the macroscopic all has the non - stop continuity and the irreversible matter state of each kind of change process, its has the common nature the continuous event weighing system”.(Wang, 2013:53). The concept of time is people to have the perception

      6、, recognition and reaction of time. Because of the differences of environment, culture, thinking mode and behavior mode, people have different cognition of time and the way to control and the use of time, so people from different cultural backgrounds of China and Western countries have different views on time. In cross-cultural communication, if the other cultures do not fully understand the concept of time, they behoove to use local cultural norms and the concept of time to intercultural communication, it Will be possible to produce misunderstanding. Finely it leads to the failure in intercultural communication. Time concept, which is very important to us. As all we k


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