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英语专业本科毕业论文范文 Jane Du

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    • 1、 大庆师范学院本科生毕业论文从女性主义角度分析名利场中的两位女性形象 院(系)、专业外国语学院 英语 研 究 方 向 英国文学 学 生 姓 名 学 号 指导教师姓名 指导教师 2012年5月20日Daqing Normal UniversityGraduation ThesisA Feminist Analysis of Two Women in Vanity Fair College & Major: School of Foreign Languages; English Research Field: British Literature Student Name: Student Number: Tutor Name: Tutor Title: Date: May 20, 2012 大庆师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)内容摘要名利场是英国19世纪批判现实主义作家萨克雷的代表作,通过描述两位性格迥异的女性形象及其各自不同的命运,揭露了当时英国上层社会的道德危机和腐败堕落,进而批判了资本主义社会金钱至上的观念。大部分人对名利场中的两位女性形象持否定态度,人们普遍认为利蓓佳夏泼自私、贪婪

      2、、虚伪,艾米利亚懦弱、缺乏主见,然而本文认为这两位女性都具有女性主义独立,智慧和坚强的特质,综合分析认为作者萨克雷实际上对这两位男权社会压迫下的女性持同情与赞扬的态度,而非批判。本文主要在介绍作者的女性主义思想发展的基础上,从女性主义角度对小说中两位女性形象进行分析。通过作者对笔下两位女性生动的描写,读者可以看到萨克雷对这两位女斗士的态度与波伏娃的女性主义理论不谋而合。关键词:女性形象;女性主义;男权社会;赞扬 AbstractVanity Fair is the masterpiece of Thackeray, a critical realism writer in the 19th century in Great Britain. By describing two typical female images with completely different characters and fates, it reveals the moral crisis and corruption of British upper society and then criticizes

      3、 the money-orientated concept of capitalist society. Most people hold a negative attitude towards the female images in Vanity Fair and they generally consider that Rebecca Sharp is selfish greedy and hypocritical and Amelia is cowardly, stubborn, and weak-minded. However, this paper thinks these two females both have the feminism features, such as independence, wisdom, and braveness, and believes Thackeray actually sympathized and praised these two women rather than criticized them.This paper ma

      4、inly analyzes the two female images in Vanity Fair from the perspective of feminism based on the authors thought development of feminism. Through Thackerays vivid description of the two females in a male-oriented society, we can see the authors attitude towards the two women coincides with Beauvoirs feminist theories.Key words: female image; feminism; male-oriented society; praise Contents1. Introduction11.1 Thackerays life and his “Vanity Fair”11.2 Feminism and the purpose of this paper11.3 Lit

      5、erature Review12. The Sources of Thackerays Feminism22.1 The social sources22.2 His family sources33. A Feminist Analysis of Amelia and Rebecca33.1 Amelia as a heroine33.1.1 A warm-hearted and pure Amelia43.1.2 An unswerving and faithful girl43.1.3 An courageous and decisive Amelia53.2 Rebecca as a heroine53.2.1 An iron-willed and independent Rebecca63.2.2 A rebellious and smart Rebecca63.2.3 An ambitious and adventurous Rebecca74. Conclusion7References8Acknowledgements981. Introduction This par

      6、t makes a brief introduction to the author Thackeray, his novel Vanity Fair, and feminism, and introduces the heroines in the novel Vanity Fair from the perspective of feminism. Compared with other literature reviews, this paper has a different idea. 1.1 Thackeray s life and his “Vanity Fair”Thackeray(1811-1863) was an representative of critical realism in the 19th century England. He was born in India in the family of an English official. In his early life, Thackeray wrote all kinds of articles

      7、, mainly short pieces for journals and relatively slim books. Up to 1847, a series of his satirical sketches were collected in The Book of Snobs. But it was not until the publication of Vanity Fair that the world recognized the appearance of a new novelist of the first rank. Vanity Fair as Thackerays masterpiece gives a comprehensive view of English society in the early 19th century. By the title which is derived from Bunyans Pilgrims Progress meaning “a fair, wherein are sold all sorts vanity”,

      8、 the author intended to paint a vivid picture of the egoistic, hypocritical and money-grabbing world of his age. The subtitle of the book is “A Novel without a Hero”. From this it can possibly mean firstly that there are no exactly positive characters in a world full of bad and faulty people. Secondly it may imply that this is a novel about women instead of men. Although the subtitle may mean that there is no real hero in the novel, Rebecca and Amelia can be the real heroines of the novel in a way.1.2 Feminism and the purpose of this paper“In a simple way, feminism is a belief in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes, and a movement organized around the conviction that biological sex should not be the pre-determinant factor shaping a persons social identity or socio-political or economic rights. Many feminists are especially concerned with soc

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