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    • 1、新编实用英语综合教程2 Unit5课后习题答案 p75-11C 2E 3A 4D 5B 6F P76-2 1. But I havent got a menu yet 2. I would like to try some western food 3. I would like to have a roast beef , a vegetable salad and French 4. A glass of beer , please . 5. What do you have for desert ? 6. Ill take it P76-3 1. what sort of beer do you have ? 2. Would you please recommend me a mild one ? 3. Bring me a QingDao beer . 4. It doent taste good 5. I think thats enough , thank you . P76-1 1.Kim 2. lunch 3. angry 4. slow 5. hungry 6. h

      2、urry 7. waitress P76-2 1. Kim 2. the slow service there 3. more than 20 minutes 4. His friends asks him not to be in a hurry . 5. The waitress says it will be ready any minute . P77-3 1. follow 2. catch 3. poorly 4. 15 percent 5.add 6. table 7.bag 8. home 9. give the food 10. themselves P78-4 1C 2C 3D 4C P80-1 1. He asked for the tourist menu . 2. Twenty -nine 3. Most of the dishes on the menu carried a surcharge . 4. The local authorities ignored the price limits set by the central government.

      3、5. He enjoyed it so much that he said the soup is absolutely first class . 6. No, Because it had a terrible smell . 7. Because he didnt want to see the Englishman make a face of himself . 8. When he found his chicken tasted as terrible as the partridge . P81-2 1. chicken 2. smelled 3. blood 4. through 5. made a face 6. two 7. sample 8.softly P81-3 1. carrid a surcharge 2. he was a hunting man 3.just like a strong cheese 4.it smellled just like the partrige 5.the chicken was uneatable , either .

      4、P81-4 1. project 2. announced 3. deposited 4. suspiciously 5. whereupon 6. permission 7. rotten 8. made a scene 9. refrain 10. embarrassed P82-6 1. Im afraid these shoes are not available in your size . 2. Can you smell whether the milk is fresh or not ? 3. He was caught by the policeman pointing a gun at his manager . 4. Jack has a strong idea to succeed in the negotiation . 5. Can you promise to return me the computer in good condition . P82-6 1. He escaped being fined, but projected into a di

      5、lemma. The company escaped going bankrupt, but projected itself into a serious financial difficulty. 2. He ordered from three companies, each of which offered a different discount. I have chosen four models, each of which has its own specific features. 3. What they said gave me the impression that they had just had an argument. What you did gave us the impression that you are the real boss. 4. He has as I suspected, passed the interview successfully The problem of pollution in that area, as you

      6、suspect, is very serious now. 5. We are now in a bad mood and, of course, have no desire to see our football team lose the game. They are in a high mood and have no desire to see anybody spoil the atmosphere of the party. P84- 7 1F 2T 3F 4T 5T 6F 7F 8T P84-9 1.在这喜庆的时刻,我们聚集在一起参加今天的婚礼,共同为我们钟爱和敬重的新人祝福。 2. 不过我觉得新娘詹妮弗的光彩、高雅和美丽使今天这个特殊的日子更不寻常。 3. 我们都曾感受过她的体贴、周到和热情。对她所爱的人,她的脸上总是绽出亲切的微笑。 4.孩子们也会怀着对将来自己这一特殊时刻的期盼而兴奋不已。 5.欢聚在这儿的所有家人和朋友都希望今天是你与幸运的新郎结成终生伴侣的良好开端。 6.请起立与我共同举杯,让我们衷心祝愿,未来的年月将充满祥和、快乐、幸福和情爱。 P86.-2

      7、 小 吃 炸土豆 2.50美元 炸鸡腿 3.00美元 炸鱼 3.00美元 炸虾 6.00美元 色 拉 鸡肉色拉 4.25美元 炙烤鱼色拉 4.99美元 花园色拉 4.55美元 希腊色拉 6.45美元 P86-3 Reference 1. f 6. a 2. e 7. c 3. d 8. j 4. i 9. h 5. b 10. g P87-5 1. He made a note of it in case he might forget. 2. If she had really wanted to see me, she would have come earlier. 3. Because there were no buses, we had to walk home. 4. As soon as I took my seat, the concert started. 5. Though I have never read the novel, I heard the story in my childhood. 6.No sooner had I got home than

      8、it began to rain. 7. Youll be late unless you leave at once. 8.Lest anyone should think it strange, let me assure you that it is quite true. 9.This shirt is still dirty even though / though Ive washed it twice. 10.Before you know it, your children will have grown up. P87-6 1. When he was a child, he displayed extraordinary talent. 2 Before we make any decision, we should listen to what the others say. 3 I will come to your party unless something unexpected happens. 4 He was punished because he broke the window glass. 5 She gave up her job in order that she could take care of the two children. 6 Even though/if he loses the election, the president will still have control over the countrys foreign policy. 7 If you leave now, youll be home in two hours. 8 They were playing in the garden when they heard a scream. P88-7 Song Dong-ming and his foreign friend, Mike, are having di


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