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    • 1、Unit 8,Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,Section B 1 1a-2e,Who is your favorite singer or musician? Why do you like him or her?,Warming up,common Kinds of music,pop music rock music folk music classic music jazz Rap Country music,He likes pop. He doesnt care for rock music.,n. 流行音乐,n. 摇滚乐,New words,band n. 乐队 e.g. Which band do you like? 你喜欢哪个乐队?,RTA,_ The Toms must be popular. _ The Toms play pop music. _ The Toms music sounds more like rock. _ Listening to The Toms is a good way to wak

      2、e up.,D,D,D,A,Listen to a conversation between Alex and Dave. Write A for Alex or D for Dave next to each opinion.,1b,Listening,The Toms,California,Five,Listen again and take notes.,1c,Pop music,Because its loud and full of energy.,Because it will wake him up in the morning and make him happy for the rest of the day.,1.listen to sb./sth.听 2. sounds+adj. 听起来 3.hear of 听说,听说过 4. made two CDs 制作了两张CD 5.They must be really popular. 6.teenage boys 青少年男孩 6.I guess what theyre playing is pop music. 8.i

      3、ts loud and full of energy. 9. wake me up 叫醒我 10.make me happy for the rest of the day 11.Make sb. +adj. 使某人,Alex is _ to a band called “The Toms ”. This band only started _ earlier this year. Theyve already _ two CDs. They are from _, in the United States. There are _people _ the band and theyre all _ boys. They play _ music, but it _ more like rock. The bands music is loud and _ of energy. This kind of music can _ people up in the morning and _ us happy for the _ of the day.,listening,Californ

      4、ia,in,five,pop,teenage,sounds,full,make,rest,wake,made,singing,1. What kind of music do you listen to? 2. Why do you listen to it? 3. How does it make you feel?,Ask your friends and parents what kind of music they listen to and why. How does the music make them feel?,Speaking,1d,fan n. 迷;狂热爱好者,laughter n. 笑;笑声,football fans,New words,beauty n. 美;美丽,record n. 唱片;记录 v. 录制;录(音),The machine is recording now. (v.) 那个机器正在录音。,1. forever adv. 永远;不断地 e.g. The little boy is forever asking questions. 这小男孩老

      5、是没完没了的问问题。 2. abroad adv. 在国外,到国外 go study abroad e.g. Are you going abroad for your holiday? 你打算去国外度假吗?,Words study,3. actually adv. 真实地,事实上 in fact e.g. Actually, thats not quite right. 实际上,那不完全对。 4. southern adj. 南方的 e.g. She lives in southern Italy. 她住在意大利南部。 5. modern adj. 现代的,当代的 e.g. What do you think of modern art? 你对现代艺术怎么看?,6. success n. 成功 a great success; successful; successfully e.g. He had finally achieved success. 他终于获得了成功。 7. belong v. 属于,归属 belong to (介 词)+人 e.g. The British and

      6、 Dutch belong to the same race. 英国人和荷兰人是同一种族。,8. million num.一百万 two million; millions of e.g. The population has increased from 1.2 million to 1.8 million. 人口已从120万增加到了180万。,乡村音乐(Country Music),一种具有美国民族特色的流行音乐,于20世纪20年代兴起于美国南部,其根源来自英国民谣,是美国白人民族音乐代表。乡村音乐的特点是曲调简单,节奏平稳,带有叙事性,具有较浓的乡土气息。多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。 美国甜心、歌坛天后Taylor Swift(泰勒斯威夫特),是现代乡村音乐的代表人物。她曾获得7座格莱美奖,乡村音乐巅峰奖(乡村音乐史上只有Taylor Swift与Garth Brooks获得此奖,Country Music,乡村音乐名人堂与博物馆(Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum)座落于“乡村音乐之都”的纳什维尔,它是最大的一个为流行音乐中的单一分支

      7、而专门设立的博物馆。通过电影、电视、电脑上的互动操作、乐器、服装和明星们的私人物件(包括汽车)的展示,将为参观者提供一次引人入胜的游览,穿越于乡村音乐的过去和现实之间。,Nashville 纳什维尔 (美国田纳西州府) Tennessee田纳西州,博物馆拥有的舞台服饰和乐器展览为全美最重要之一。超过800套的服装展示出自1920年以来演员们的不同装束。我们也自豪于那超过600件的乐器展示,其中许多都是稀有的样品和设计原型。 名人堂也收藏有数以万计的唱片,电影带,电视录像,书,杂志,期刊和歌本。再加上我们的电影和演出海报,插曲,电台和电视的剧本手稿,商业文档,照片和历史讲解音带,您将能体会我们所收集并讲述的乡村音乐的故事。,Garth Brooks 即 加斯布鲁克斯 。 加斯布鲁克斯(Garth Brooks 1962年2月7日)是二十世纪九十年代以来最重要的乡村歌手,RIAA认证为美国最畅销的艺人之一,仅次于披头士和猫王,位列第三位。截止2013年底共发行19张专辑,其中9张为冠军专辑,6张获钻石唱片认证(RIAA),全美唱片销量近7000万张,全球销量达过2亿张,2012年选入乡村音

      8、乐名人堂。,Do you have a favorite singer or band? 2. Do you have a favorite song? 3. What facts do you know about your favorite singer, band or song?,Discuss the questions with a partner.,Discussion,2a,1. Read the passage and make notes or underline the main idea of the text. 2. After reading, write a short summary in your own words.,阅读指导,Paragraph 1 1.She used to fight over almost everything with her family. 她过去几乎为了所有的事和她的家人争吵。 2.Study abroad 在国外学习 3. a song full of feelings about returning home一首充满

      9、关于回家感情的歌曲 4. on radio 在收音机上 5. came to realize 开始认识到 (come to do sth.开始做) 6. ever since then 从那之后 7. She has been a fan of American country music. 她成了一个美国乡村音乐爱好者,Paragraph1:Sarah,used to fight over almost everything with studying abroad heard a song full of think about her has been a fan of,Paragraph 2 a traditional kind of music 一种传统的音乐 the home of country music 乡村音乐的发源地 modern life 现代生活 such as 例如 but not about belonging to a group 但不是关于某种族群归属的 sth. belong to sb (宾格). 某物属于某人 6.bring back to 把 带回 7.It reminds sb. that+从句 使某人想起某事 8. beauty of nature 自然的美丽,Paragraph 2: country music,1.Country is from the southern states of America. 2.Nashville, Tennessee is 3.Country music brings us back to 4. It reminds us that the best things in life are ,Paragraph 3 1.hasnt been to 还没去过 2.its ones dream to do sth. 做某事是某人的梦想 3.one day 某一天 4.do some research on 做了关于的研究 5.Co


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