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    • 1、The Diary of the Unknown Soldier,Unit 6,Introduction,War human disaster,Introduction,War human disaster,War human disaster,Introduction,Introduction,What is your impression about WAR? firing, bombing, explosion ruins, debris, collapse, destruction separation, shock, panic blood, wound, death devil,Introduction,What do you know about WW II ? Global military conflict from 1939 to 1945 In mid-1937, Japan began a full invasion of China. In Europe, by the start of September 1939, the Germans invaded

      2、Poland. The battle the Allies and the Axis Western front, Eastern front; Pacific the British Empire, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United States of America were known as “The Big Three.“ Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Imperial Japan,Introduction,What do you know about WW II ? “total war” the major participants placed their entire economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort the Holocaust & the only use of nuclear weapons consequences the

      3、 Soviet Union and the United States emerged as rival superpowers decolonization peoples attitude towards war,Anti-war,Introduction,Introduction,Some mottos The real and lasting victories are those of peace, and not of war. Ralph Waldo Emerson,Introduction,Some mottos “In war you have to kill to avoid being killed. Were all human beings Chinese, Japanese, English but war is about killing. “Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more

      4、 about killing than we know about living.“ General Omar Bradley,Introduction,Some mottos War does not determine who is rightonly who is left. Bertrand Russell,Introduction,Cruelty of the war What question would a soldier ask about war before he was killed? the necessity of war what did the war bring to him?,Style,Diary a form of recording of ones thoughts and thinking. Its always a stream of consciousness of the diarist. That is to say, the writers pen simply follows the flow of his thoughts. Bu

      5、t there still lies a narrating order of the whole writing, piecing it together.,Vocabulary,dedicate rubble corpse heap regiment scoop cripple aftermath grim odd vow turmoil,cope with ragtag precaution valid strew tuck engulf doom dub assume,Global Reading,The purpose of writing A. The author was scared by the war. B. The author hated the inhuman war. C. The author regretted his taking part in the war. 3 entries different phases of war (November December, 1943) description: the setting of war; hi

      6、s inner world themes: the cruelty of war & the writers longing for his family,Text,The first entry Nov.24th, 1943 the cruelties of war from the eyes of a soldier: piles of rubbles lifeless bodies lifeless heaps heaps of bodies fighter plane bombard sounds of bombs exploding scoop up bodies a sea of blood,Text,The first entry Nov.24th, 1943 the longing for his family: I want my children to have a father. my darling daughters they are experiencing tough times too, with the food shortage problems a

      7、nd all. my wife I cant stop thinking about her All I ask is that I be alive when this ends - (subjunctive mood),Vocabulary,to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing The actress now dedicates herself to childrens charity work. to say at the beginning of a book or film, or before a piece of music, that it has been written, made, or performed for someone that you love or respect The book was dedicated to her husband. to use a place, time, money etc only for a particular purpose

      8、dedicate something to/for something The company dedicated $50,000 for the study.,dedicate v.,Vocabulary,broken stones or bricks from a building or wall that has been destroyed A massive earthquake reduced the city to rubble. Their new two-storey house had been reduced to rubble in the fire. = debris / remains / wreckage If it would have been some strangers corpses that I had seen I might have taken it lighter. not treat as a serious matter,rubble n.,Vocabulary,They all came here with an air of c

      9、onfidence and eagerness, ready to win. if something or someone has an air of confidence, mystery etc, they seem confident, mysterious etc The affair had been conducted with an air of mystery which he disliked. She had an air of quiet confidence. = airs a way of behaving that shows someone thinks they are more important than they really are Trudy is always putting on airs. an actor with no airs and graces.,air n.,Vocabulary,inevitable consequence a one-way ticket to death They were doomed to die. a one-way street a two-way ticket: a round-trip ticket,One-way ticket,Vocabulary,give sb. a task to do,e.g.,The job of producing a development program was assigned to the junior minister. The authorities assigned him an important task.,appoint to choose someone officially for a job or responsibility assign to give a particular job or piece of work to someone,Comparison:,appoint, assign,Derivation:,assignment n.,assign vt.,Vocabulary,Exercise: Fill in each blank


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