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    • 1、? ? ? 托福强化写作? (4)? ? 谢侃老师? ? ? ? 课程进度 课次 课次 教学目标 教学目标 1?独立写作评分标准(投其所好)、审题(制定策略) 2?如何写开头段、中间段总论 3?如何写中间段(论点+论证+论据) 4?如何写让步段、结尾段;范文回顾 5?如何处理综合写作(信息解构+信息重组) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段 让步段 *让步段的好处: 1)少想一个理由; 2)可以纯说理 3)比较容易操作(2个层次) 让步段结构:承认漏洞+堵漏? 托福议论文的两种模式:A模式和B模式? 例题1:富人是否应该帮助穷人? 例题2:中国电影好看还是外国电影好看?? A模式的让步段(前半段承认漏洞):选A;那么A 也有缺点;? AB模式的让步段(前半段承认漏洞):选A;那么 A也有缺点;或者B也有优点。? 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段 让步段 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(看真实学生案例让步段(看真实学生案例1 1) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(看真实学生案例让步段(看真实学生案例2 2) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(承认

      2、漏洞让步段(承认漏洞) *真题练习: *例题:Agree or disagree: for a business to succeed, it must put more money in advertising. 1)主观点:太绝对,至少还有另外两个投钱的方面 2)题型:结论题 3)漏洞:当然,不是说广告就不重要哦!因为现在已 经不是一个“酒香不怕巷子深”的时代了,好的广告能 让销量锦上添花+ 堵漏 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(堵漏让步段(堵漏) *三种“堵漏”方式: 1)次要方面 2)解决方案 3)换种思维 *举例: *观点:“我爱你”1.长的帅;2.很有才; *让步段:“承认漏洞”不过你性格不好,但是 “堵漏” 1)我不在乎; 2)我会改造你; 3)无法驾驭也是你的魅力 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(堵漏让步段(堵漏) *让步段常用句型: *段首:Admittedly, I am not saying /denying that However, *次要方面: However, on balance, the issues above seem to b

      3、e minor factors in comparison with, because *解决方案:However, as long as I (we, government, society), the problems above will be perfectly solved. *换种思维:However, if we look at this problem from a different angle, a favorable side of it can be found: 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(堵漏让步段(堵漏) 例1 学生是否应该兼职? *观点:Students should take part-time jobs. *主题句1:Students can make some pocket money to reduce their parents Pinancial burden. *主题句2:Some working experience will be accumulated, which is benePicial for their fut

      4、ure career. *让步段结构:打工学业下降只要合理安排时间 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(堵漏让步段(堵漏) *让步段范例: Admittedly, I am not saying that students taking par- time jobs is impeccable. For instance, too much time on part-time job will cause a decline in their academic performance. However, as long as they manage to strike a balance between part-time job and academic study, the issues above will be perfectly solved. (解决 方案) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(堵漏让步段(堵漏) 例2 教师工资是否应该和医生律师一样高? *观点:应该一样高(=应该大幅度提升教师工资) *主题句1:attract more talents to

      5、devote to education *主题句2:let teachers focus on fostering students. *让步段:Admittedly, I am not denying that a dramatic rise in teachers salary may bring about undesirable results. For instance, school authority will face great Pinancial burden and may cut down on its investment on campus facilities. However, the issue above seem to be insigniPicant if the school lacks wonderful teachers. (次要方面) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(堵漏让步段(堵漏) *例题3:论文应该立刻做还是等想好再做? *观点:立刻做 *主题句1:可以不断调整思路,最后达到理想状态 *主题句2:压力分解,时间不会太紧张

      6、*让步段:Admittedly, I am not saying that working on the assignment right away is Plawless. For instance, people may try various thoughts popping out in their minds at the beginning, which is indeed an inefPicient way. However, if viewed from a different angle, a favorable side of it can be discovered: making mistakes is also a road to success, because we can Pind the best solution by trials and errors. (换种思路) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作让步段(“具象拆分让步段(“具象拆分”堵漏堵漏) *“绝对题”、“现象证明题”也有漏洞 *例题2:the rules that the socie

      7、ty today requires young people to follow and obey are too strict. *观点+主题句:不同意,其实很多规则都不严格(找 对象问题;18岁以下禁止抽烟买酒) *让步段:当然,不是说严格的社会规则就没有,比如 一些触犯法律或道德底线的问题(吸毒、堕胎),但 是这些由于法律的约束大部分人不会触犯,大部分的 规则都不严,整个社会对于年轻人越来越宽容。(次 要问题) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作结尾段 结尾段 *结构:重申观点+归纳理由 or 升华主题 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作结尾段 结尾段 *结尾段段首的重点表达: 1)To put it in a nutshell, 2) From what has been discussed above, I can draw a conclusion that 3) All in all; In a word; To sum up; In summary *之后,可以将开头段的观点稍作修改重写一遍 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作结尾段 结尾段 *归纳理由:It is no

      8、t only becausebut also because *例题:现在比去更容易保持身体健康吗? *结尾:To put it into nutshell, it is easier to maintain good health for people nowadays than it was in the past. It is not only because there is a higher level of medical care, but also there are a lot of sports facilities available to the public. 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作结尾段 结尾段 *“具象拆分”角度的归纳: Owing to the limitation of room, I am unable to give more examples, but I believe that the cases of and.have already proven the validity of my point of view. *例题:与过

      9、去相比,现在的广告变得不诚实了 *结尾:To put it in a nutshell, in todays world, advertisements are indeed less honest than they were in the past. Owing to the limitation of room, I am unable to give more examples, but I believe that the cases of restaurant and training school have already proven the validity of my point of view. 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作结尾段 结尾段 *升华主题 *号召、呼吁、以小见大 *最爱的方式:“名言”+“解读”/“怎么应用在当下” 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作结尾段 结尾段 *升华主题 *例题1:整理房间的学生更容易获得生活和事业的成 功? *结尾:To put it in a nutshell, a student who has the habit of keeping room neat and organized is more likely to succeed. Aristotle once said, excellence is a habit. This good habit is not only rePlected in a successful persons outstanding work, but also in his or her clean and orderly room. 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作结尾段 结尾段 *升华主题 *例题2:演讲稿


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