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    • 1、? ? ? 托福强化写作? (2)? ? 谢侃老师? ? ? ? 课程进度 课次 课次 教学目标 教学目标 1?独立写作评分标准(投其所好)、审题(制定策略) 2?如何写开头段、中间段总论 3?如何写中间段(论点+论证+论据) 4?如何写让步段、结尾段;范文回顾 5?如何处理综合写作(信息解构+信息重组) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作开头段总论 开头段总论 *一个饱满的开头应该包含以下四个层次: 1)话题引入:介绍题目中对于核心词的背景、定义或 提问; 2)他人观点:他人怎么看/引发热议; 3)明确立场:你自己的明确立场(支持、反对) 4)过渡句:承上启下 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作开头段总论 开头段总论 *例题:同不同意:高官也应享受“隐私权”?请排序: 1. 最近高官频频落马让大家开始关注某一特殊群体的 “隐私权”-名人隐私权。 2. 作为公众的表率,高官应该牺牲掉一部分的隐私权。 3. 我的观点基于下述的理由和例子。 4. 隐私权是一个人最基本的权利之一。 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作话题引入 话题引入 例:At university and colleges

      2、, sports and social activities are just as important as classes and should receive equal 8inancial support. *步骤: 1)找出题目中的核心词 2)确定话题引入的方式:背景、定义、提问。 该题核心词:university and college? sports and social activities? Class? Financial support?(核心词要找对) 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作话题引入 话题引入 *背景法:描述该核心词的大背景 *核心词:sports and social activities. *话题引入部分:In todays university and college, apart from academic classes, extra curriculums such as sports and social activities have been introduced into students campus life. 见? 话题引入

      3、部分-没有抓住“核心词”? *失败的案列 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作话题引入 话题引入 *定义法:分析该核心词的含义或意义(好处) *核心词:体育、社会活动、学术课 *话题引入部分:Sports and social activities are not only conducive to students physical quality, but also contribute a lot to their emotional quotient. 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作话题引入 话题引入 *提问法:针对核心词设置一些争议 *核心词:体育、社会活动、学术课 *话题引入部分:In most cases, universities and colleges give priority to academic classes like mathematics without paying attention to sports and social activities, but is it a right strategy to educate the student

      4、s ? 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作话题引入 话题引入 *练习:Agree or disagree: Parents must have strict rules to help their children to be successful. *核心词:strict rules *话题引入部分:The idea that “spare a rod, spoil a child” runs inside a family from generation to generation, especially in oriental countries. 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作话题引入 话题引入 *失败的案列 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作他人观点 他人观点 *3种“他人观点”表达方式: 1)有些人认为 2)因此,社会上出现了一个有意思的讨论/热议的话 题: *3)当涉及,通常有种方式 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作他人观点他人观点 1)有些人认为 *句型: Some people claim that + 稍作改变的题目 *例题:Only movies that

      5、can teach us something about real life are worth watching. *话题引入+他人观点:With remarkable progress of peoples living standard, watching movies seems to be an indispensable part of peoples lives, as movies not only entertain the viewers but also enlighten them. Some people claim that only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching. 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作他人观点他人观点 2)这个现象引发了社会上的热议 *句型: a) Thus, an interesting discussion (heated debate) arises: + 稍作改变的题目 b) With this phenomenon come

      6、s an interesting discussion: +稍作改变的题目 c) This phenomenon(It) brings(triggers, arouses) an interesting discussion: +稍作改变的题目 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作他人观点 他人观点 *例题:We can learn about a person from the books and movies that this person likes. *话题引入+他人观点:The rapid progress of the society is not only re8lected in the economic prosperity but also in peoples abundant spiritual life. Books and movies are becoming an indispensable part of this spiritual life. Thus, an interesting discussion has arisen: whether c

      7、an we learn about a person from the books and movies that this person likes? 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作他人观点他人观点 3)当涉及到, 通常有两种情况/做法/选项。 *句型: When it comes to, there are usually two approaches/methods/ways/options:+稍作改变的题目 *例题:When you are assigned an important presentation for work or school a month in advance, and you are required to write a presentation. Which way do you prefer? 1) To start to work on it right away, so you can work on it a little bit every day. 2) To wait until the end of the month when

      8、 you have a good idea about the presentation. 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作他人观点他人观点 (接上)*话题引入+他人观点:Presentation is an ef8icient and professional way of communication in study or in work. When it comes to the way how people cope with this kind of task, there are usually two approaches: to start working on it at once and to wait until good ideas come into being. *再看一题:If your teacher says something incorrect in a class, what will you do? 1. Interrupt your teacher right away 2. Keep silent 3. Correct your teac

      9、her after class 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作明确立场 明确立场 *观点前加顶“帽子”,表示“依我看”: 1) As far as I am concerned, +立场 2) In my opinion, +立场 3) From my point of view/perspective, +立场 4) Personally speaking, +立场 5) The way I see it, +立场 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作明确立场 明确立场 *表“赞同”的推荐表达: 1)I am a big fan ofand I fully advocate that 2)I am in agreement with the claim that 3)I prefer(sth)/prefer to(do) *表“反对”的推荐表达 1) I am opposed to the idea that 2)is what I would never agree on. 3) I do not believe that this claim can hold water.? 4)I regard this assertion as arbitrary and unilateral, because there are at least two other 5) the practice above is a real bad habit that should be avoided 1.1. 托福独立写作托福独立写作明确立场 明确立场 *例题:Do you agree or disagree:All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if they are not in the career goal. *明确立场(赞同):From my perspective, I am a bi


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