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    • 1、The earth is becoming warmer But does it matter?,Reading,hot ! ! !,Look at the title and the structure of the article.,Newspaper B. Novel C. Magazine,Guess,Features of This Magazine Article,1,title,2,opening paragraph,3,two graphs,4,main text in two columns,Look at the title and the structure of the article.,Newspaper B. Novel C. Magazine,What is the article mainly about?,“So how has this come about and does it matter?”,The Main Idea,Read the title and the opening paragraph, then answer the foll

      2、owing questions:,1. Who wrote the article?,2.What is the name of the magazine?,Task One Skimming,Fast Reading,Sophie Armstrong,Earth Care,1. Who wrote this article?,2. What is the name of the magazine?,What are the names of the three scientists mentioned in the article?,Dr Janice Foster, Charles Keeling, George Hambley,1,What is Graph One about?,2,Whats about Graph Two?,3,Is it a coincidence that both graphs show the increase?,4,What caused them to increase?,Task Two Discusion,Look at two graphs

      3、, then answer the following questions:,Graph 1 shows the temperature difference on average from 1860 to 2000.,Graph 2 is about the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere from 1957 to 1997.,Careful reading,How has global warming come about,Charles Keelings measurements,Data,Different attitudes,Para.1,Para.2,para3,Para.4,Para.5,Conclusion,Para.6,Human activity or natural phenomenon,What has caused global warming?,Para.1,What can we learn from graph1?,We can see clearly from the graph that .,2.Tr

      4、anslate the whole paragraph into Chinese. 毫无疑问,地球是在变暖,而地球变暖正是人类活动导致而成的,并非是一种无规律的自然现象。,Para.2,Illustrate causes/reasons by giving examples,To begin with,the increase of the earths temperature is due to_.,the burning of fossil fuels,In addition, some byproducts of the burning process are called_, the most important one of which is_.,“greenhouse” gases,carbon dioxide,green house effect,Carbon-dioxide,The greenhouse gases include Carbon-dioxide, methane, water vapour.,T,What do you think of the gree

      5、nhouse effect?,Greenhouse effect is necessary for us. But too many greenhouse gases will cause the globe to be too warmer.,Group Discusion,Charles Keelings measurements,Para.3,People accept Charles Keelings data because he took accurate measurements.,T or F,T,The graph shows that,Charles Keeling,1997,What does Dr. Janice Foster say?,Para.4,Data,She says that over the next _ years the amount of warming could be as low as_ to _ degrees Celsius ,but it could be as high as_ degrees.,100,1,1.5,5,Dr J

      6、anice Foster,George Hambley,scientists are debating over the possible effects of greenhouse gases. Please express their different opinions.,Para.5,Different attitudes,Attitudes to the Rise,The _ that the temperature increases by five degrees would be a _ and it could be very _.,We should not worry about it. Any warming will be _ with few bad_. It is actually a _ thing.,trend,serious,mild,environmental,positive,JaniceFoster,George Hambley,catastrophe,consequences,What Will happen?, encourage a gr

      7、eater range of animals, a rise of several meters in the sea level, severe storms, droughts, famines the spread of diseases disappearance of species, make plants grow quicker make crops produce more,a catastrophe,a positive thing,Para.6,conclusion,It is clear what the effects of global warming will be.,T or F,F,Use questions, leaving readers to think over the issue,Title _,The opening para.: raising a question,graph 2,Para 2,3:_ _,Para 4,5 _,Para 6: conclusion,graph 1,The earth is becoming warmer

      8、,-But does it matter?,causes,Giving examples, using graphs, explanation.,different attitudes,Debate,A,B,A : We shall do something about global warming.,B: We shall do nothing about global warming.,The earth is becoming warmer does it matter?,Idea-sharing,Does it matter?,Debate,What can we do about global warming?,On one hand, we should protect our environment. We should make efforts to control all kinds of pollution.,On the other hand, we should save energy and make full use of every bit of energy.,Write a composition after watching the video.,Find out the difficult points in the text.,Homework,Save our earth, save ourselves The video wants to tell us that the earth is getting _, and when we feel it, _. Peoples activities are the main cause. _ What should we do? As far as Im concerned, _. Only in this way can we save our earth.,Writing,Love our planet! Love life! Start from every little bit to fight against global warming.,Thank You !,


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