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    • 1、To Autumn John KeatsTo Autumn is an immortal poem. I will try to write some of my feelings after reading To Autumn and analyze it. I believe this will not be an easy work.到秋天是一个不朽的诗篇。我会尝试读取秋之后写一些自己的感受,并分析它。我相信这不会是一件容易的工作。To Autumn deals with the presence of nature and how autumn itself is more significant than any of the other seasons. What most called my attention was the infinite number of images you can imagine by reading it. It seems that john Keats describes what he imagine and while readin

      2、g it, I can create the picture in my mind, of what he is seeing. 到秋天涉及自然的存在,以及如何秋季本身比其他任何季节更为显著。然而,大多数所谓的我注意的是图像可以通过读取它想象的无限多。看来,约翰济慈描述他想象什么,而阅读的话,我可以在我的脑海里创造什么,他是看到图片, 。To Autumn has three stanzas. Each of three stanzas shows us different time of a day and different time of autumn. I thought this poem exhibited two kinds of progression of time. First is the time of day. The first stanza is the morning with the mists. The second is late afternoon, when the hot sun is beating down and makes every

      3、one drowsy. The third is at sunset with the barred clouds piercing the sky with its rosy hue.到秋天有三个节。每三个节向我们展示了一个不同的秋天每天和不同时间的时间。我想这首诗表现出两种时间进展。第一是一天中的时间。首节早上的“迷雾”的说法。二是傍晚,当烈日跳动下来,使每个人都昏昏欲睡。三是在日落的“波状的云”直刺天空的“玫瑰色” 。This poem also shows a progression in the season of autumn itself. The first stanza is early autumn because summer has oer brimmed. It shows the maturing of summers bounty. The second is mid-autumn, because its time for harvest. The third is late autumn because the birds are headed sou

      4、th for winter. 这首诗也说明在秋季本身的季节进程。第一节是初秋,因为“夏天有oer宽边,这说明夏天的赏金的成熟,二是中秋,是因为它是收获的季节。三是深秋,因为鸟类南下过冬。In stanza 1, Keats describes autumn with a series of specific, concrete, and vivid images. The stanza begins with autumn at the peak of fulfillment and continues with an Initially autumn and the sun load and bless by ripening the fruit. But the apples become so numerous that their weight bends the trees; the gourds swell, and the hazel nuts plump. Personification in this stanza is not very clear.在节1 ,济慈描

      5、述了一系列具体的,具体的,生动的图像秋天。本节秋季开始在履行高峰,并继续与最初的秋天和太阳“负荷和祝福”由成熟的果实。但苹果变得如此之多,他们的重量弯曲的树木;的葫芦“膨胀”和榛子坚果“丰满”。人格化在这节不是很清楚。In stanza 2, autumn personified as a harvester, crosses a brook and watches a cider press. Otherwise autumn is listless and even falls asleep. The furrow is half-reapd, the winnowed hair refers to ripe grain still standing, and apple cider is still being pressed. However, the end of the cycle is near. The press is squeezing out the last oozings. Find other words that indicate slowing down

      6、. Notice that Keats describes a reaper who is not harvesting and who is not turning the press. Personification here is very successful. It gives autumn a personality and the autumn is no longer abstract.在节2 ,秋季拟人化为一个收割机,穿过一条小溪和一个手表苹果酒按。否则,秋季是无精打采,甚至睡着了。该沟是“半reapd ”的淘头发是指成熟的粮食仍然站立,并且苹果汁仍然被按下。然而,该周期结束近了。新闻界是挤掉“最后oozings 。 ”查找换句话说,表明放缓。请注意,济慈描述死神谁不收割,谁不转了记者。人格化这里是非常成功的。它提供了一个秋天的个性和秋季不再是抽象的。In stanza 3, spring in line one has same function as summer in stanza 1. They represent process, and the chang

      7、e of time. Spring is a time of a rebirth of life. Autumn means death for the now full-grown lambs which were born in spring; they are ravaged in autumn. And the answer to the question of line 1, where are Springs songs, is that they are past or dead. The auditory details that follow are autumns songs.在节3 ,弹簧线一条具有相同的功能,夏天在节1 。它们代表过程,并随时间的变化。春天是生命的重生的时刻。秋天意味着死亡为其出生在春天的现在“完全成熟”羊羔,它们蹂躏秋季。并回答第1行的问题,到哪里都是春天的歌,是他们过去的或死的。后面的听觉细节秋天的歌。 I know that Keats wrote To Autumn shortly before his death, but to me

      8、this poem is more about the approaching death of Keats and the autumn prior to the ravages and harshness of winter. It is a romantic poem, of opportunities missed and pleasant gains. It contrasts with the misery of day to day life, with a progressive illness in the early 19th century, which only opium can offer some respite. Keats was clearly in a bad way, although facing his death, and the very intensity, passion and clarity of the poem reflects this.我知道济慈写了“秋”他去世前不久,但对我来说这首诗更多的是济慈的接近死亡和破坏,冬季的严酷前秋。这是一个浪漫的诗歌的机会错过了宜人的收益。它的对比与日常的生活的苦难,有一个渐进的疾病在19世纪初,其中只有鸦片可以提供一些喘息的机会。济慈显然是在一个糟糕的方式,但面对他的死亡,这首诗的非常强,激情和清晰反映了这一点。


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