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    • 1、When tones hit with one another, it is not in harmony. But this hit is often full of meaning. What we call melody is given meaning by its rising or falling or moving straight ahead. It is also given meaning by its rhythm of beats and phrasing, its speed and how loud or soft it is at any moment. All of this sounds very technical. But it doesnt have to be understood or thought about for us to enjoy music. What music means to us often can not be put into words. We can feel that the music expresses

      2、joy or sorrow, pleasure, tenderness(柔情), love, angerall kinds of things and feelings that words alone could never do.,Music can also be enjoyed just for its beauty, and not for what it is saying. We can get pleasure from even a single tone of voice, violin, horn, or some other instruments. We may love a beautiful melody for many years of our lives and always enjoy hearing it. There are, of course, many forms of music, from the anthem(赞美诗) to the symphony, and many types of music, from folk music

      3、 to opera.,【答案】 1.Yes, I like it very much. I like soft ( pop, rock and roll, etc. ) music most. 2. We can feel that the music expresses joy or sorrow, pleasure, tenderness, love, angerall kinds of things and feelings that words alone could never do.,教师用书独具演示,教学目标 本课时主要是通过学生对学案所给出的内容的学习,了解本课文中所出现的词汇,初步了解课文以及相关的背景知识,对新课文的全面理解起到一个铺垫作用。,教学地位 本单元让学生阅读有关歌剧评论的文章,从而吸取其中的精髓,陶冶自己的情操,提高自己对歌剧这种艺术形式的审美水准和鉴赏能力。,新课导入建议 通过两个问题引发学生思考: Question 1: “Have you read Turandot in Beijing?” Question 2: “Do you like it?

      4、 Why or why not?”,演示结束,.篇章结构 阅读P1819的Reading部分,完成下列表格(每空1词),【答案】 1.Background 2.Setting 3.Weather 4.plot 5beginning 6.married 7.celebration 8.Writer 9Director 10.Conductor,.语篇理解 阅读P1819的Reading部分,从每题所给的3个选项中选择最佳答案 1How many performances of Turandot were performed in the Forbidden City in Beijing? AEight. BSeven. COne. 2Why doesnt the emperor stop Turandots killings? ABecause he doesnt want her daughter to marry. BBecause he dares not control her daughter. CBecause he cannot break his promise.,3I

      5、f Turandot can guess his name by sunrise, Calaf promises that . ATurandot does not have to marry him Bhe will marry Turandot for sure Che will be at the mercy of Turandot 4Which of the following best describes the prince, Calaf? ADevoted and generous BBrave and intellectual CGreedy and selfish,5How does the writer think of the opera? ATerrible. BAmazing. CMoving. 【答案】 1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B,.课文缩写 阅读P1819的Reading部分,完成下面课文缩写 Last night Turandot was 1. in the Forbidden City in Beijing. Turandot is the

      6、 story of a 2. and cruel Chinese princess, named Turandot, who lives in Beijings Forbidden City. She says any potential husband must solve three riddles or will be 3. to death.,.句型背诵 1The emperor finds the death disturbing. 皇帝看到有人被处死,感到很不安。 2Unfortunately,Puccini died of a heart attack before he completed this final scene. 不幸的是,普契尼还没有完成这最后一幕就因心脏病突发而死,3Just imagine performing such an opera in the Forbidden Citythere could not be a more awesome setting! 试想一下,在紫禁城内表演这样一出歌剧再也不可能有比这更棒的背景了! 4While the blues was popular,as a musical format it lacked variety and was too sad and slow to dance to. 尽管蓝调音乐非常受欢迎,然而作为一种音乐形式,它缺少变化,而且太伤感、节奏太慢,不适合跳舞时伴奏。,5Wherever the Beatles went,there was a phenomenon called “Beatlemania”thousands of fans would surround them,screaming and going crazy trying to see them. 不管“披头士”乐队去哪里,都会出现一种“披头士狂热”现象成千上万的歌迷围住他们,尖叫着,疯狂地想见他们一面。,


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