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《Module 3 The Violence of Nature》ppt(外研版必修3)课件

  • 卖家[上传人]:超****
  • 文档编号:88341243
  • 上传时间:2019-04-24
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    • 1、1 n灾难 2 vt.引起;导致 3 n家具 4 vt.埋葬 5 vi.发生 6 vt.& n袭击 7 vt.毁坏 8 adj.以前的,disaster,cause,furniture,bury,occur,strike,ruin,previous,9 n& v损失;损害 10 vt.经历experienced adj.有经验的 11 adj.猛烈的;激烈的violence n暴力 12 vt.(火山的)爆发;喷发eruption n爆发,喷发 13 n可能;可能性possible adj.可能的likely/probable (近义词)可能的 14 n警告warn v警告,damage,experience,violent,erupt,possibility,warning,experience C 经历;U 经验;vt.经历,体验;感受 (1)have much teaching/working experience教学/工作经验丰富 from/by experience凭经验;从经验中(得出) in ones experience据某人经验看 (2)experienced adj

      2、.有经验的,熟练的 be experienced in在方面有经验 an experienced doctor老练的医生,Our journey through the forest was quite an experience. 穿越森林的旅行真是一次很好的经历。 He has much experience in teaching. He has much teaching experience.他有丰富的教学经验。 Our country has experienced great changes in the past ten years. 在过去的十年里,我们的国家经历了巨大的变化。,He experienced great hardships for the first time in his life. 他有生以来初次体验到巨大的艰苦。 He is very experienced in money matters. 他是处理金融事务的老手。,bury vt.埋葬,埋藏,用覆盖 (1)bury sb./sth.in/at将埋葬在 bury sth.under/benea

      3、th将埋在下面 bury ones head/face in hands用手捂住头/脸 (2)bury oneself inbe buried in埋头干,She buried her face in her hands and cried. 她双手蒙着脸哭了起来。 The thief buried the treasures under a pile of rocks. 小偷把珠宝埋在一堆岩石中。 After the divorce,she buried herself in her work. 离婚后,她全心扑在工作上。 She sat there,buried in thought.她坐在那儿,陷入了沉思。,表示“埋头于,全心致力于”的短语还有: be absorbed in全神贯注于/concentrate on全神贯注于/concern oneself with/in忙于某事 fix ones attention on全神贯注于/be occupied with忙于 Absorbed in his work,he didnt notice me enter the room.

      4、 专心于读书,他没注意到我进入房间。,occur vi.发生,出现;(想法、念头等)想起,浮现 (1)sth.occurs to sb. 某事浮现在某人的脑海中;某人想到 It occurs to sb.that./to do 的念头浮现于(某人)脑海 (2)If anything should occur,. 如果发生什么事情的话, (3)occurrence发生,出现;事情,事件,A good idea occurred to me.我突然想起了一个好主意。 Didnt it occur to you that your husband might be late? 你当时没有想到你丈夫也许会晚到吗? They say that the traffic accident occurred at midnight. 据说那起车祸是在深夜发生的。 They will take measures to guarantee against the occurrence of similar incidents in the future. 他们将会采取措施来保证将来不再发生类似的事件。,辨

      5、析:happen,occur,take place与break out (1)happen事件,事故(偶发性) (2)occur意外或预料、计划中的事情发生 He told me how the accident occurred/happened. 他告诉我那事故是怎样发生的。 (3)take place有计划、有准备的事情,无偶然性 Great changes have taken place in China in the last 20 years. 在近20年,中国发生了很大变化。,(4)break out指战争、火灾等爆发。 四者均为不及物动词,均不用于被动语态。 Fire broke out last night.昨晚发生了火灾。,strike (struck;struck/stricken) v. (1)(灾害、疾病等)突然袭击 Many people didnt have any preparation in their minds when the earthquake struck the city. 当地震袭击城市时,很多人根本没有思想准备。 (2)突然想到(主

      6、意等) A good idea suddenly struck me.我忽然想到一个好主意。 (3)打动(某人)的心,给予印象 The visitors were struck by the beauty of the country. 游客们被乡村美景打动了。,(4)划火柴,敲钟,突然想到 The church clock struck eleven when I reached the village. 当我到达村庄时,教堂的钟报时11点。 (5)表示“打某人的某个部位”时,使用“strike sb.介词the具体部位”结构。 A snowball struck him on the head.一个雪球打在他的头上。,(6)n.罢工,攻击 Within half an hour,all the drivers were out on strike. 半个小时内,所有的司机都出去罢工了。,damage n损失;损害;破坏;vt.使受损 (1)the damage to.对的损害 do/cause damage to.使受到损害 suffer damage受到损害 (2)damage

      7、ones good name损害的名 誉,The city suffered great damage from an earthquake. 这个城市因地震蒙受巨大的损失。 Frost caused heavy damage to the crops. 霜冻对农作物造成了重大损害。 Smoking seriously damages your health. 吸烟严重损害你的健康。 The bridge was badly damaged by the flood. 那座桥受洪水损害得很严重。,1Millions of pounds worth of_has been caused by a storm which hit the north of England last night. Adamage Binjury Churt Ddestroying 【解析】 句意为:昨晚袭击英国北部的暴风雨造成数百万的损失。 【答案】 A,2It suddenly_to me that Joe was afraid of being alone. Well,I forgot it,too. A

      8、bowed Boccurred Chappened Dfocused 【解析】 “It occurs to sb.that.”是固定句式,意为“某人突然想起”。 【答案】 B,3(2009年广西柳州模拟)He is_as a leader but he hasnt_in teaching. Asuccess;many experience Ba success;much experience Csuccess;an experience Dsuccess;a lot of experiences 【解析】 success指成功的人/事为可数名词,have experience in doing在方面有经验。 【答案】 B,4The younger of the two noblemen was_by the beauty of her. Astuck Bstruck Chit Dbeaten 【解析】 此处表示“被打动”之意,只有B项合适。A项意为“粘;坚持”,C项表示“打击”,D项表示“(连续地)打,敲打”。 【答案】 B,5It suddenly_me how we could i

      9、mprove the situation. Astruck Bhappened Coccurred Drealized 【解析】 B项应为something happened to sb.;C项应为It occurred to me that.;D项应为sb.realized。It struck me.我突然想到。句意为:我突然想到一个办法可以让我们改善这种局面。 【答案】 A,6In the afterclass activities,the students had plenty of_and gained a lot of practical_. Aexercises;experiences Bpractices;experience Cpractice;experience Dexercise;experiences 【解析】 第一空表示“学生们在课外活动中得到充分的锻炼”,可用exercise或practice,但不能是复数形式;第二空表示“获得许多经验”,experience表示“经验”时为不可数名词。 【答案】 C,1 拾起;搭载;偶然学会;卷起 2 脱掉;去掉;起飞;兴旺 3 翻身;翻动 4 警告某人某事 5 平均起来 6 以结束 7 set.on_fire纵火烧,放火烧 8 在积极 9 发生 10 总共,总计 11 涉及,提到;参考,pick_up,take_off,turn_over,warn_sb.of_sth.,on_average,end_up_with,set_fire_to,be_active_in,take_place,in_all,refer_to,pick up拾起,拿起;搭载;(无意中)学会;接收;收拾,整理;加(速度);取(物),接(人);(健康、景

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