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    • 1、主讲人:王莉 教授 LL,INTERNATIONAL TRADE 国 际 贸 易,2019/4/23,2,Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION,1. General Review 1、The History and Station of the Course International Trade Soviet Model in Early Times. International Economics in 90s. One of Compulsory Course for Students Majored in Economics.,2019/4/23,3,2、The Relation between International Trade and other Subjects,2.1 The Subject Origin of International Trade International Economics(International Trade and International Finance) Economics Philosophy 2.2 Internat

      2、ional Trade vs Philosophy & Science,2019/4/23,4,2.3 The Relation between International Trade and other Courses in International Trade Subject,Economics is the forward course , especially Microeconomics; Its the forward course of WTO, Transnational Corperations , International Investment, and etc; Its the parallel course with General Review of Chinese Foreign Trade.,2019/4/23,5,3. The arrangement of courses,Part I: The basic theory of international trade (Chapter 1-6) Part II: International Trade

      3、 Policy (Chapter 7-11) Part III: Some important issues in todays international trade practice (12-15).,2019/4/23,6,4、Reference Material,1) Peter Lindert(彼得.林得特), International Economics,上海译文出版社,1985. 2) Dominick Salvatore, International Economics, Eighth Edition, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2004. 3)Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld, International Economics: Theory and Policy (Fifth Edition), Addison-Westley Publishing Company ,2000. 4) All kinds acdemic journals and newpapers, such as: International

      4、 Trade, Journal of International Trade 、 World Economy、 International Business Daily、人大报刊复印资料。 5) Internet. Such as: 中华人民共和国商务部.htm,2019/4/23,7,5、 Plan and Arrangement,1) 3 hours classes study every week; 2) 4 homeworks,one is course paper; 3) 1 seminar 4) 1 final test 5) Course Evaluation The grading system for the course is based on the students academic performance. That includes : 30% homework & class performance +70% final exam.,2019/4/23,8,2. The Emergence & Development of International Tr

      5、ade & the theory of International Trade,1、 The Emergence & Development of International Trade 1.1 Concept International trade is the exchange activity of goods and services across international borders or territories. Foreign trade is the exchange activity of goods and services between one country (district) with others.,2019/4/23,9,1.2 The Prerequisite for Emergence of International Trade,(1)There are surplus products for exchange; (2) Establishment of national states with their own sovereignty

      6、.,2019/4/23,10,1.3 The History of International Trade,1) The early international trade occurred in ancient Roma and Greece. Definitely, its only “trade between districts”. 2) Only after industrial revolution, international trade and world market had definitely formed and got developed. 3) After the Second World War, international trade entered a new developing era, especially in the fields of service trade, Transnational Corperations , International Investment.,2019/4/23,11,战后世界贸易(出口)发展情况 (1950年

      7、-2000年,10亿美元),2019/4/23,12,1.4 The History of Chinese Foeign Trade,Early in Xihan,China started trade with Middle East and Europe through the famous “Silk Road” 。 From the set of “Silk Road” to “the Opium War (1840-1842)”,the development of Chinese foreign trade were stganant。 Until mid 19s,China had benn opened its foreign trade door by European and American artillery。 China casted off the control of western countries only after the New China founded in 1949. But then,for the reasons such as em

      8、bargo from western countries which leaded by U.S.,China had to carry on closed-door policy again. And its foreign trade falled into stagnancy once more.,2019/4/23,13,So,the export ratio of China in the world dropped from 1.9% in 1959 to 0.8% in 1969, then 0.74% in 1978! After 1978, Chinese foreign trade entered into a fast developing period.From 1978 to 2006,the value of Chinese merchandise trade increased from US$ 20640 million (206.4亿美圆) to US$ 1760690 million, the yearly average growth rate i

      9、s over 15%,far more than that of other countries and the world average growth. China became the third country of trade in the world.,2019/4/23,14,Chinese service trade got developed in late 80s. The value of service export increased from the only US$ 2700 million in 1982 to US$ 5748 million in 1990, then US$ 157081 million in 2005, and became the eighth service export country in the world.,2019/4/23,15,Questions(homework 1): (1) Balance of foreign trade of China in 2009 and 2014 ? (2) Balance of srevice trade of China in 2009 and 2014 ? (3) How about the Chinese ratio and rank in world trade? (4)Statistic trade datas of other main countries.,2019/4/23,16,2、 The Development Track of International Trade Theory,Early 15sMid 18s, Mercantilism; Mid 18s,Trade based on absolute advantage (Adam Smith);trade based on comparative advantage (David Ricardo ) ; After


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