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    • 1、,Lymphocyte,淋巴细胞,Chapter 9,1,Introducion, Specific immune response cells Non-specific immune response cells,Immune cells,( T cell、B cell and APC ),(phagocyte,NK cell,T cell and B1 cell),Lymphocytes, T cell and B cell NK cell,2,*heterogenicity (异质性) *ability for recognizing Ag (TCR / BCR) *can induce specific immune response,T Lymphocytes and B Lymphocytes, Major cells participated in specific immune response Common characteristics,3,T lymphocyte,Surface marker Subsets and function Development pr

      2、ocess of T cell in the thymus,T淋巴细胞,4,V,V,C,C,TCR,A.TCR,-Characteristic marker of all T cell and specific receptor of recognizing Ag, Structure -heterodimer that consists of chain and chain (or chain and chain) linked by disulfide-bonds,B. CD3 molecule,1.TCR-CD3 complex,.Surface marker of T cell,(TCR/TCR),or TCR, Belong to members of IgSF -each chain consists of a V and a C region on the extramembrane region,( , and chain),5,V V,/, Common model,TCR-CD3(80%90%) TCR-CD3, Function, CD3:transmit act

      3、ivating signal TCR:only recognize antigen peptide-MHC complex,-made up of TCR and CD3 molecules,C.TCR-CD3 complex,ITAM,6,2.CD4 and CD8 molecule,A. Co-receptor of T cell B. Function, enhance adhension of T cell with APC or target cell(靶细胞) participate in signal transduction,T cell,APC,靶细胞,3.Costimulating signal molecules,-CD28,CD2,LFA-1 and CD40L,V V,V V,2,CD8+T,CD4+T,7,(B7.1/B7.2),(CD58),CD40L,(LFA-2),CD40,(CD28-B7最重要), CD40L- -CD40 co-stimulatory signal of activation for B cell,APC, CTLA-4-B7.1

      4、/B7.2suppressive signal for activative T cell,3.Co-stimulating signal molecules, CD28,CD2 and LFA-1 binding to ligand on the surface of APC costimulating signal of activation for T Cell,8,4. Mitogen receptor,B.Mitogen binding to mitogen receptor activation, proliferation and trans- formation of T cell,PHA-receptor (植物血凝素受体) ConA- receptor (刀豆蛋白A受体),(lymphocyte transformation test),- Various membrane molecules of recognizing mitogen on the surface of T cell,A.Mitogen receptor,9,.Subsets and Funct

      5、ion of T Cells,1.TCR T cell TCR T cell 2.CD4+T cell CD8+T cell 3.Th,Tc,Ts and TDTH cell 4.Naive T cell & memory T cell 5.NK1.1+ T cell,10,1.TCR T cell TCR T cell,不同标志,TCR+T細胞 TCR+ T細胞,分布,CD4+或CD8+ CD4-,CD8-/CD8+,60%70% 5%15% 外周淋巴组织 皮肤,粘膜丰富,功 能,参与IR的主要亚群 非特异性杀伤 (抗胞内感染,抗肿瘤),Th CTL CTL, TCR T,p85,外周血 组织,TCR多样性 极高 低 识别抗原 817个氨基酸 简单多肽/脂类/HSP/多糖,11,2.CD4+T cell CD8+T cell,Common surface marker Recognize antigen,-only recognize antigen peptide- MHC complex,-CD2+ 、 CD3+ 、TCR+,12,A. CD4+T cell (CD4+CD8-T

      6、CR+),Recognize antigen peptide Subtype Function,-consisits of 1317 amino acid residue and restricted by MHC-molecules,Th and TDTH (help T cell and delayed type hypersensitivity T cell) Th1 and Th2, mediate immune response take part in immunoregulation activate M and NK cell,13,Th0,Th1,Th2,CMI,HI,IL-2, IL-12,IL-4,IL-4 ,5,6 , IL-10,13,IL-2, IL-12, IFN-, TNF,Tc;TDTH,B cell,IL-10,IFN- ,Ag,+,+,-参与细胞免疫,介导细胞毒及迟发型超敏性炎症,-参与体液免疫(辅助B细胞产生抗体),14,B. CD8+T cell (CD4-CD8+ TCR+),(also called cytotoxic T lymphocy

      7、te, CTL/Tc), Recognize Ag and cytotoxicity Subtype Function,-consisits of 810 amino acid residue and restricted by MHC-molecules, Tc and Ts Tc 1 and Tc 2, cytotoxicity relate to graft rejection,*kill target cells *mechanism:cytolysis and apoptosis,Feature: specifically directly repeatedly,15,3.Th ,Ts ,Tc and TDTH cells,A.Th and Ts cell B.Tc and TDTH cell,CD4+T细胞和CD8+T细胞既是效应性T细胞,又是调节性细胞,(介导 DTH, 引起炎症反应),(抑制免疫应答),(effector T cells),(regulatory T cell),16,4.Naive T cell & memory T cell,naive(初始) T

      8、cell,activated T,effector T (Tc,TDTH),menory T,Ag,(CD45RA+),(CD45RO+ ),5.NK1.1+ T cell,(NK1.1+, TCR-CD3+,DN/CD4+ ),cytotoxicity immunoregulation,(non-specific killing effects),(secrete IL-4,IFN-),17,. Development process of T cell in the thymus,CD2+CD5+ CD4- CD8- CD3+ (DN cell) pT+,TCR+preTCR,CD2+ CD3CD4+ CD8+ + (DP cell) CD3low, TCR+,IL-7,SCF,IL-2,IL-4,mature T cell,CD4+/ CD8+( SP cell) TCR-CD3+,1. Development of TCR,pro-T pre-T cell,2. Selection process,selection process,Positive selection Negative selection,18,(DP),(SP),(DC/M),CD4,(95%),pre-T,MHC-,MHC-,pre-T,pro-T,(DN),pre-T,5%,自身肽,19,Surface marker Subsets and function Development process of B cell in the bone marrow,B lymphocyte,B淋巴细胞,20,A.BCR,Belong to prototype of IgSF Membrane Ig (mIg) on the surface of B cell,monomer mature B cells express mIgM and mIgD combine with specific antigen,1.BCR complex,.Surface marker of B cell,characteristic marker


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