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    • 1、Unit Seven,College Life,Communication,Ten “Cs” Essential for College Students,Creativity,Commitment,Connection,Confidence,Courage,Cooperation,Curiosity,Competence,Consideration,Do you know this?,师范大学/学院,normal university / college,全国重点大学,national key university,综合性大学,comprehensive university,工业大学/理工学院,财经大学/学院,poly-technical university / institute of technology,university / institute of finance and economics,专科学校,junior college,职业学校,寄宿学校,vocational school,boarding school,Majors:, Mathematics,Mech

      2、anical Engineering,Chemical Engineering,Electrical Engineering,Civil Engineering,Information Science,Computer Science, Mechanics, Biochemistry,International Trade, Geology, Economics,International Finance, Agronomy, Earth Science, Materials, Life Science,Diplomatic Relations,Urban Planning, Mass Media, Journalism,Directions: Work in groups and discuss: 1) your idea of college life before you came to college (including the campus, classroom buildings, dormitories, students cafeterias, library, cl

      3、assmates, teachers, etc.); 2) the similarities and differences between your expectations and the reality.,Talking about Your College Life Expectations vs. Reality,Guidelines,1) Campus:,2) Classroom buildings:,3) Dormitories:,4) Students cafeterias:,5) Library:,6) Classmates:,7) Teachers:,Large & beautiful,As what dreamed,new classrooms with modern facilities,equipped with modern facilities,space for everyone,Small & crowded,spacious dining halls,great variety of food,large collection of books,Sc

      4、are reading room,friendly,true,old,Young, especially English teachers,Directions: Look at the pictures of college students in 1910s-20s, 1960s-70s, as well as college students today. Work in groups to compare and contrast their characteristics according to what you see or what you know about them. Then report your findings to the class.,College Students at Different Times,1910s 1920s college students,1960s 1970s college students,Present day college students,The message Prof. Neusner passes to th

      5、e graduates. (Para. 1),We take no pride in our educational achievement because we have inadequately prepared students for the real world.,Reason: At Brown, during the four years, students have formed the belief that failure leaves no record, while in the real world failure marks you.,Two different attitudes toward errors. (Para. 2),At Brown, students defend their errors by arguing about:,In the real world, graduates had better not defend their errors but learn from them.,A. why their errors were

      6、 not errors;,B. why mediocre work was excellent;,C. why they could take pride in their poor presentation.,College is an altogether forgiving world. (Para. 3-5),No matter what slight effort students made, they could meet the demand.,A. When students broke appointments, professors make new ones.,B. When the deadline was missed, professors pretended not to care.,C. Boring talks were considered to be important.,D. Unlabored writing was commented on.,E. Dull students were treated as if they were smar

      7、t.,The reason why professors did all this was not that they wanted to be liked by students, but that professors did not want to be bothered and pretense was the easy way out.,Prof. Daniels viewpoint. (Para. 6),College has deprived students of adequate preparation for the real world.,The ending of the speech. (Para. 7-8),Conclusion: On this commencement day, we professors have nothing to take pride in.,B. Advice for graduates:,a. Dont act toward your co-workers and bosses as you have acted toward

      8、 us.,b. Go to life and unlearn the lies we taught you here.,The points Ida Timothees going to argue against (Para. 1),A. Students have been made to believe that “failure leaves no record” .,B. College is not a preparatory school for life.,Ida Timothees comments on Neusners points: (Para. 2),A. He knows little about students college life.,B. He ignores the pressures and hard times students experience at college.,Ida argues against Neusners point that college is not preparing students for real lif

      9、e. (Para. 3),During the college years, we start to be independent, make crucial decisions and are responsible for them.,A. We learn to budget our time and money.,B. We are tolerant enough to survive in a crowded triple room.,C. We meet people from different parts of the world.,Supporting evidence:,Her counter-examples:,A. If you fail a test or a course, the teacher wont erase the grade.,B. If you drop a class, youll have to take more courses next semester.,C. Low grades or low GPA means no fine graduate school, no degree.,Ida argues against the so-called students belief that failure leaves no record. (Para. 4),D. Everyone has to take midterms and finals.,E. No teachers have “pretended not to care” when deadlines are not kept.,College is not “easy, free, forgiving, attentive, comfortable, interesting, unchallenging fun” to her.,Idas conclusion: (Para. 5),Confronting difficulty by quitting leaves you changed. (Line 10),leave sb.


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