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    • 1、,Unit 1 A Land of diversity,1._ vt. 插入;嵌入 2._ n. =Am.baggage 3._ n. (pl.) cows and bulls 4._ n. 面包店 5._ n. 海峡,insert,luggage,cattle,bakery,strait,6._ n.大多数 7._ n.百分比,百分率 8._ n.混合物,混合体 9._ n.国籍,民族 10._ n.人口,majority,percentage,mixture,nationality,population,11.racial adj. _ 12.occur vi. _ 13.react vi. _ 14.slip vi. _ 15.central adj. _,种族的,人种的,发生,出现,作出反应;回应,滑动,滑行,滑跤,中心的,主要的,16.applicant n. _ 17.apparent adj. _ 18.slavery n. _ 19.aircraft n. _ 20.indicate vt. _,申请人,显然的,表面上的,奴隶制,飞机,飞行器,指出;表示;暗示,1.ma

      2、jority n.大多数,大半 _adj.较多的;主修的v.主修(科目) _adj.较少的,次要的 vi.辅修 _n.少数,minority,major,minor, He_ in chemistry at college years ago,and now the _ of his work has something to do with that field.(major) Only a small_ (minor) of students are interested in politics these days.,majored,majority,minority,2.applicant 申请人 _ n.申请;请求;申请书;申请表 _ vi. (通常以书面形式)申请,请求,apply,application, As the wages were low,there were few _ (apply) for the job. An_ (apply) for something such as a job or membership of an organization is

      3、 a formal written request for it.,applicants,application,3.mix vt. 混合;拌合 _ n.混合;混合物 _ adj.混合的;混杂的;混淆的;杂种的,mixed,mixture, He had_ (mix) feelings of surprise and joy at the news. People are a_ (mix) of good and evil.,mixed,mixture,4.apparent adj.显而易见的;明白易懂的;显然的 _ adv. 显然地;显而易见地 _(显然) theyve run out of their tickets for the concert. Her anxiety was _ (显而易见) to everyone.,apparently,Apparently,apparent,5.socialist n.社会主义者adj.社会主义(者)的 _ adj.社会的 _ n.社会主义 _ n.社会;社团,society,social,socialism, Please tell

      4、me some opinions on various _ (society) issues. As is known to all,science benefits _ (social).,social,society,6.bakery n.面包房 _ v.烘烤;焙 _ n.面包师 The _ (bake) potato smells inviting.,baked,bake,baker, A_ (bake) is a person whose job is to bake and sell bread,pastries,and cakes. At the _ (bake) can be expressed as “At the bakers”.,baker,bakery,1.用方法,借助_ 2.包括,吸收到 _ 3.许多 _ 4.人口有 _ 5.与人合作 _,by means of,take in,a good/great many,have a population of .,team up with,6.多数 _ 7.划线标出的界线_ 8.mix .with/and _ 9.s

      5、th.occurs to sb. _ 10.settle in/down _,the majority of,mark out,把与混合,某人想起(某事),定居,1.李先生家住在边远的山村。(settle down) 2.全家靠微薄的收入度日。,1.Mr Lis family settled down in a remote mountain area.,2.His family lived on a poor income.,3.他现在在大学学的是计算机科学。(major in) 4.计算机学习包括许多困难的方面。(take in),3.He is majoring in computer science at college.,4.Computer study takes in many difficult aspects.,5.他之前一直在寻求很多想法。(a good/great many) 6.他有了令人振奋的点子。(occur to),5.He had been searching for a great many ideas.,6.An inspiring idea occ

      6、urred to him.,7.他决心做一份零工而不想过穷日子。(rather than) 8.他认为他应该申请一份工作。(apply for),7.He was determined to do a part-time job rather than live a poor life.,8.He thought he should apply for a job.,9.该工作可将他所学的知识与要做的工作相结合。(mix.with) 10.现在,他正通过勤奋工作而开始过上新生活。(make a new life,by means of),9.The job could mix what he has learnt with what he is doing.,10.He is now making a new life by means of hard work,Mr Lis family settled down in a remote mountain area and lived on a poor income. As he is majoring in computer sc

      7、ience at college,computer study takes in many difficult aspects.He had been searching for a great many ideas before an inspiring idea occurred to him.,He was determined to do a part-time job rather than live a poor life by applying for a job,which could mix what he has learnt with what he is doing. He is now making a new life by means of hard work.,Exactly when the first people arrived in 1 _we now know as California,no one really knows. 2_,it is likely that Native Americans were living in Calif

      8、ornia at least fifteen thousand years ago.Scientists believe that these first settlers 3_ (cross) the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America 4 _ means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times.,what,However,crossed,by,In the 16th century,after the 5 _ (arrive) of Europeans,the native people suffered greatly.Thousands were killed or forced into slavery. 6 _ addition,many died from the diseases brought by Europeans. However,some survived these terrible times,and today there are more Native Americans 7 _ (live) in California than in any other state.,arrival,In,living,In the 18th century,California was ruled by Spain. Spanish soldiers first arrived in South America in the early 16th century,8_ they fought against the nativ


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