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    • 1、Love Is a Fallacy,Max Shulman,Unit 4,Teaching Plan,Teaching Objectives,To have a basic knowledge of the terms in logic To understand what love is in an affluent society To appreciate the humorous and satirical writing style To appreciate the language,Teaching Focus,The rules of logic: to understand all the eight fallacies referred in the text. The particular writing style of the author. The light, humorous, yet impressing way of depicting things. Subjective, personal, sensible.,Teaching Focus,Th

      2、e self-boasting tone of “I”. Different adjectives applied to describe “ I” and my “rival” Petey Burch. The positive, neutral and negative senses of the similar adjectives.,Teaching Methods,Teacher-oriented teaching method Student-oriented teaching method The elicited method,Teaching Procedure,. Introductory Remarks . Background Information . Learning Focus . Key words and Expressions . Explanation of the Text,. Division of the Text . The Writing Style . The Personality of Dobie . Exercises,Intro

      3、ductory Remarks,. Introductory Remarks,About the title “There is deceptive or delusive quality about love”. “Love can not be deduced from a set of given premises”.,About the author Max Schulman an Americans best-known humorists a productive writer of many talents,His works Barefoot boy with Cheek The Feather merchant Rally Round the Flag, Boys The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis,About the text The text is excerpted from The Many loves of Dobbie Gillis by Max Shulman. It is a piece of narrative writin

      4、g.,The narrator of the story, Dobie Gillis, a self-conceited freshman in a school struggles against Petey Burch, his stupid roommate whose girl friend he plans to steal and Polly Espy, the beautiful dumb girl he intends to marry after suitable reeducation.,Detailed Study of the Text,. Background Information,Explanation of thelogical Fallacies A logical argument gives evidence to support some conclusion. two necessary parts: a conclusion the thesis argues for certain premises or facts on which to

      5、 base the conclusion,The conclusion is to be inferred from the premises. An argument is deductively valid when its premises provide conclusive evidence for the conclusion. An argument that fails to be conclusively deduced is invalid and fallacious.,An argument may be fallacious in three ways: fallacious in its material content because of the use of a misstatement of the facts; fallacious in its wording because of an incorrect use of term; fallacious in its form because of the use of an improper

      6、process of inference.,Fallacies are divided into three groups: a) material-fallacies of presumption b) verbal-fallacies of ambiguity c) formal-a structural pattern of generically incorrect reasoning The fallacies mentioned in the text are material fallacies:,1. Dicto Simpliciter 绝对判断 (Fallacy of Accident ) An argument based on an unqualified generalization. The argument applies a general rule to a particular case in which some special circumstances makes the rule inapplicable.,2. Hasty Generaliz

      7、ation (仓促推断) The converse fallacy of accident arises when a special case is improperly applied as a general rule. For instance, a certain food is delicious to some people, but the fact does not imply that it is delicious to all people.,3. The Fallacy of Irrelevant Conclusion It occurs when the conclusion changes the point that is under consideration in the premises. Special cases of irrelevant conclusion are produced by the so-called fallacies of irrelevance, which include:,1) Post Hoc ergo prop

      8、ter hoc 牵强附会/假性因果 The fallacy of False Cause The fallacy mislocates the cause of one phenomenon in another that is only seemingly related.,2) Contradictory Premises循环论证 Begging the Question It comes into being when the premises openly or covertly presume the very conclusion to be demonstrated.,3)Ad Misericordiam文不对题 (appeal to pity) In a law court, a trial lawyer doesnt argue for his clients innocence, but he tries to move the jury to sympathy for him, just as applicant for a job doesnt answer t

      9、he question raised by the boss. Instead he tries to appeal to the boss sympathy by saying something about the poor situation of his family.,4) False Analogy “It doe not follow” arises when there is not even a deceptively plausible appearance of valid reasoning, because the given premises have virtually nothing to do with the conclusion drawn from them.,5) Hypothesis Contrary to Fact The fallacy of many questions consists in asking for or giving a single answer to a question when this answer could either be separate or refused completely.,6) Poisoning the Well (井中投毒) Speaking “against the man” rather than to issue, or the fallacy of Poisoning the Well in the text where the premises may only make a personal attack on a person holding some thesis rather than offer grounds showing why what he says is false.,. Learning Focus,Structure of the Narration 1. The protagonist: Dobie Gillis- a self conceited freshman 2. The antagonist: Petey Burch- his st


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