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    • 1、Using language,HIV is the virus that causes AIDS.,AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. (后天免疫缺损综合症),Warming up,virus,Some facts:,By the end of 2003, an estimated 42 million around the world were living with HIV/AIDS. During the year, 5 million people became infected and an estimated 3 million people died.,About one-third of people living with HIV/AIDS are 15-24 years of age.,More than 7 million people in Asia and the Pacific are living with HIV/AIDS.,HIV infection has taken root i

      2、n South Asia and poses a threat to development and poverty alleviation efforts in the region.,Step1: Before your reading:,1. Discuss what you know about HIV/AIDS with your classmates. 2. Now make a list of words you might read in the poster.,Step2: Read the poster, then answer the questions:,1. Whats a virus? A virus is a very small living thing that cause disease.,2. How does HIV affect peoples health? HIV virus weakens a persons immune system and eventually it damages the immune system so much

      3、 that the body can on longer fight against disease.,3. What is the difference between AIDS and HIV? HIV is a virus, while AIDS is the stage of the illness caused by HIV. 4. Is there a cure for AIDS and HIV at the moment?,Step3: This passage can be divided into three sections. Whats the purpose of each section ?,Section1: Section2: Section3:,Background information about what the diseases. Ways to protect yourself. Some common myths dispelled.,Step4: Decide the following statements are true or fal

      4、se.,1. It is dangerous to get close to a person with AIDS. 2. It is very likely that you will die if you become infected with HIV. 3. You can only get HIV from injecting drugs.,F,T,F,HIV/AIDS is only spread through direct contact with infected blood or sexual fluids.,You can also get HIV/AIDS from unprotected sex with an infected person.,4. Evidence shows that men get AIDS more easily than women. 5. It could be dangerous to have sex without using a condom. 6. If blood or sexual fluids infected w

      5、ith HIV get into someones body, that person could become infected too.,T,T,F,Women are slightly more likely to become infected.,7. You shouldnt hug a person with HIV/AIDS. 8. It is easy to tell when a person has HIV/AIDS.,F,F,You cannot get AIDS from hugging someone. An infected person needs all the support you can give them.,A person with HIV can appear perfectly healthy. It is only in the last stages of AIDS that a person looks sick.,Listening,1. Discussion: Are there any discos, karaoke bars

      6、or nightclubs in your district for young people to go to?,Pre-listening:,Have you ever been to places like these? Do you ever go to parties with your friends? Do you think it is OK for alcohol to be available at places where young people meet?,2. Read Exercise 1, which explains the context of the dialogue. Give suggestions about the kind of things Sara might be nervous about.,Listening,Tick the things Sara is worried about. ( ) AIDS ( ) drugs ( ) noise ( ) smoking ( ) alcohol ( ) strangers ( ) m

      7、oney ( ) dancing ( ) orange juice ( ) rice,Listen again,1. Just say “no”. You _ _. 2. Its OK to _ _.,dont have to do anything you dont want to,to drink orange juice or something instead,Complete Tinas sentences:,3. It would be a good idea to _ _. 4. If someone offers you a cigarette, _. 5. Well, youll _ learn. Lets _ _.,dont take it,have to,get my CD player and Ill teach you,have something to eat before you go out, like rice or noodles,Listening text,Some good advice Two college students are cha

      8、tting. Tina wants Sara to go to a disco with her, but Sara is nervous about going.,Tina: Im going to Belles Karaoke Bar and Disco tonight with some friends. Why dont you come too? Sara: Oh. Im sorry, I cant. T: Oh, come on. You never go out anywhere.,S: To tell you the truth, Im too nervous. T: What are you nervous about? S: Well, suppose someone offers me drugs? T: Just say “no”. You dont have to do anything you dont want to. S: Theyll think Im stupid.,T: Nonsense. Lots of people dont take drug

      9、s. I dont. Anyway, if they think youre stupid thats too bad. Who cares what they think? S: Ive never drunk alcohol before either. T: Its OK to drink orange juice or something instead. S: Yeah, but Id really like to try beer, only I might get drunk.,T: Then you should just have one beer and drink it slowly. And it would be a good idea to have something to eat before you go out, like rice or noodles. S: Another thing Im worried about is that I might start smoking again. I used to smoke and it was really hard to stop.,T: Yes, I know what you mean. But Ill help you and you can help me. If someone offers you a cigarette, dont take it. Ill remind you not to smoke and you can remind me. S: Yeah, thats a good idea, thanks. T


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