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    • 1、.,ZOOMcy,POWER OF 10,FROM MICRO TO MACROCOSMOS,朝阳治疗宫颈糜烂最好的,thhy提供: 泰州网络公司http:/,This is a trip at high speed, jumping distances by factor of 10.,Start with 100 equivalent to 1 meter, and increasing sizes by factor of 10s ,or 101 (10 meters), 102 (10x10 = 100 meters, 103 (10x10x10 = 1.000 meters), 104 (10x10x10x10 = 10.000 meters), so on, until the limit of our inmagination in direction to the macrocosmos.,Later lets return, a little faster, up to the point where we started and continue our trip

      2、in the opposite direction reducing distances of travel by factors of 10 into the microcosmos.,Observe the constancy of the laws of the universe and think about how much the human race still needs to learn.,BON VOYAGE!,Distance to a bunch of leaves, in the garden,100 1 meter,Start our trip upwards We could see the foliage.,101 10 meters,At this distance we can see the limits of the forest and the edifications,102 100 meters,We will pass from meters to kilometers Now it is possible to jump with a

      3、parachute .,103 1 km,The city could be observed but we really can not see the houses,104 10 km,At this height, the state of Flrida - USA, can be seen,105 100 km,Typical sight from a satellite,106 1.000 km,The north hemisphere of Earth, and part of South America,107 10.000 km,The Earth starts looking small.,108 100.000 km,The Earth and the Moons rbit in white,109 1 milln de km,Part of the Earths Orbit in blue,1010 10 Millons de km,1011 100 millons de km,rbits of: Venus and Earth.,rbits of: Mercur

      4、y, Venus, Earth, Mars and Jpiter.,1012 1 billn de km,At this height of our trip, we could observe the Solar System and the orbits of the planets,1013 10 billons de km,1014 100 Billons de km,The Solar System starts looking small.,The Sun now is a small star in the middle of thousands of stars.,1015 1 trilln de km,At one light-year the little Sun star is very small,1016 1 light-year,Here we will see nothing in the infinity,1017 10 light-year,“Nothing” Only stars and Nebulae.,1018 100 light-years,1

      5、019 1,000 light-years,At this distance we started travelling the Via-Lctea (Milky Way), our galaxy.,We continued our travel inside the Via-Lctea.,1020 10,000 light-years,We started reaching the periphery of the Via-Lctea,1021 100,000 light-years,At this tremendous distance we could see all the Via-Lctea & other galxies too.,1022 1 millin light-years,From this distance, all the galaxies look small with inmense empty spaces in between. The same laws are ruling in all bodies of the Universe. We cou

      6、ld continue traveling upwards with our imagination, but now we will return home quickly,1023 - 10 million light-years,1022,1021,1020,1019,1018,1017,1016,1015,1014,1013,1012,1011,1010,109,108,107,106,105,104,Questions that come to our minds . Who are we? Where are we going? From where did we come from?,103,Or. What do we represent in the Universe?,102,In this trip “upwards” we went to the power of 23 of 10,101,Now we are going to dig inside of the matter in an inverse trip.,We arrived at our star

      7、ting point. We could reach it with our arms.,100,Getting closer at 10 cm .We can delineate the leaves.,10-1 10 Centmeters,At this distance it is possible to observe the structure of the leaf.,10-2 1 Centmeter,The cellular structures start showing.,10-3 1 Millmeter,The cells can be defined. You could see the union between them.,10-4 100 microns,Start our trip inside the cell.,10-5 10 microns,The nucleus of the cell is visible.,10-6 1 micrn,Again we changed the messuring unit to adapt to the minsc

      8、ule size. You could see the chromosomes.,10-7 1.000 Angstroms,In this micro universe the DNA chain is visible.,10-8 100 Angstroms,.the chromosmes blocks can be studied.,10-9 10 Angstroms,It appears like clouds of electrons. These are carbon toms that formed our world. You could notice the resemblance of the microcosmos with the macrocosmos.,10-10 1 Angstrom,In this miniature world we could observe the electrons orbiting the atoms.,10-11 10 picmeters,An inmense empty space between the nucleous an

      9、d the electron orbits.,10-12 1 Picmeter,At this incredible and minuscule size we could observe the nuceous of the atom.,10-13 100 Fentmeters,Now we could observe the nucleous of the carbon atom,10-14 10 Fentmeters,Here we are in the field of the scientific imagination, face to face with a proton.,10-15 1 Fentmeter,Examine the quark partcules There is nowhere more to go. At the limits of current scientific knowledge . This is the limit of matter.,10-16 100 Atmeters,And now .Are you the center of the universe? Are you the special creature of the Creatin? What is behind those limits? Are there any limits? Note that going “downwards” we could only go to the power of minus 16of 10 and reached the (known?) limits of matter. But upwards we went to the power of 23 of 10 and stopped. But really we could have continued our trip with out limits to our imagination! . then? .who says that we are alone in the universe?,END !,


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