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  • 卖家[上传人]:繁星
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    • 1、,Newspaper Multiplatform Usage,Results from a study conducted for NAA,by Frank N. Magid Associates, 2012,1,Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,Research Objectives, Identify typical consumer behavior patterns and motivations regarding content, news and advertising on different media platforms., Identify benefits and advantages that consumers see in newspaper media in general and on particular platforms., Develop a value proposition for newspaper media advertisers based on the ability

      2、to deliver traditional and new audiences across platforms.,2,Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,Research Design Began in November 2011 with a series of 9 focus groups in Washington, D.C., Austin and Denver to explore how, when, where and why consumers access news and advertising on various platforms and devices. 2,518 online interviews averaging 25 minutes among age 18+ adults nationwide screened for using, in the past seven days, at least one of four platforms for their local daily

      3、 newspaper (either print, online, tablet, and/or smartphone). 1,896 print readers 1,480 online,864 smartphone,1,779 Net Any Newspaper Digital (unweighted),734 tablet Additional brief, online 1,179-respondent survey to obtain targets to balance the four platform groups properly and to enable weighting by gender, age, race, ethnicity and Census Region; reference is U.S. adult Internet users (around 76% of adults). Interviewing from January 20 to February 1, 2012. 3 Copyright 2012 Newspaper Associa

      4、tion of America,4,Local Newspaper Platforms Used: Past 7 Days Reach would be larger with a 30-day time frame, but we were focusing on regular users. 80% print,iPhone, Android, Blackberry iPad, Android (not e-reader) Question: Which, if any, of the following did you do in the past SEVEN days? (N=2,518) Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,67% digital,Print Strongest Promoter of Digital Extensions Respondents average 1.8 platforms, while 54% have two or more. Multiple platform usage ten

      5、ds to correlate with slightly higher usage and satisfaction with individual platforms. Number and Types of Newspaper Platforms Used in Past 7 Days,Total Sample,If One (46%),If Two (33%),If Three (17%),If Four (4%),Print Computer Smartphone Tablet,80% 60 26 12,72% 22 5 1 (100%),84% 89 20 7 (200%),93% 98 77 32 (300%),100% 100 100 100 (400%),5 Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,54% Use Two or More Platforms,6,Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,Demographics of Local Newspap

      6、er Platforms Men lead women on computers and smartphones. Young adults are well ahead on smartphones. % of Each Group Using Each of Four Newspaper Platforms, Past 7 Days,Total,Male,Female,18-34,35-44,45-64,65+,Print Computer Smartphone Tablet,80% 60 26 12,80% 64 29 13,80% 56 23 12,72% 65 41 12,78% 60 28 14,87% 58 13 12,93% 48 11 9,7 Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,8,Media Multitasking Is the Norm, Especially for Mobile Users,May include different combinations of newspaper, tablet

      7、, smartphone, computer, TV and radio.,Three-fourths of digital platform users multitask at least several times a week.,Around 34% also say that they usually check for news while doing other things (higher for smartphone and tablet users).,Question: How often do you “multitask” using different combinations of newspaper, tablet, smartphone, computer, TV and radio at the same time?,(N=2,518),Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,9,Multiplatform Newspaper Readers Seek Information Throughou

      8、t the Day From a Limited Set of Go-To News Brands Getting onto the readers short list is a key marketing and branding opportunity for individual newspapers and the industry in general. Average Number of News Websites, Apps or Related Sources Used by Platform,Computer Smartphone Tablet,3.7 3.4 4.0,Question: About how many different news websites (from any source), news apps or related sources do you regularly check or follow on your platform used? Total Samples Copyright 2012 Newspaper Associatio

      9、n of America,10,Why Use Newspaper Media on Any Platform?,Convenience, Content, Utility, Depth, Credibility,Respondents rated agreement with the following statements regarding newspapers in print, online and/or mobile.,% Strongly Agree,Question: Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (N=1,244). Results shown are 5-6 ratings on a 1-6 agreement scale.,Copyright 2012 Newspaper Association of America,66%,61,45,41,11,For Print Newspapers, Top Benefits Include the Reading Experience, Complete View of the News and Advertising Ratings are for local print newspaper readers regarding printed newspapers. Print Platform: Is a relaxing way for me to read the newspaper Provides a satisfying reading experience for me An easy way to get a complete view of the news,Has useful advertising I usually notice the advertising Question: Please rate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements (N=1


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