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全新版大学英语综合教程2 unit 3 精华版 (自己精心制作)

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:88222706
  • 上传时间:2019-04-21
  • 文档格式:PPT
  • 文档大小:3.84MB
  • / 80 举报 版权申诉 马上下载
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  • 常见问题
    • 1、unit three,The Generation Gap,If you were the boy in the picture, what should you say to your mother?,What are the causes of the generation gap,1. The old generation and the young generation live in different periods. 2. Different places have different cultures, different backgrounds 3. The lack of communication,How to narrow the generation gap,1. Communicate with each other, try to understand each other 2. Have patience 3. Put one feet into others shoes 4.The key to bridge the gap is understand

      2、ing, is the holy loving between family members,Plot Synopsis,Sam Baldwin, a Chicago architect, loses his wife Maggie to cancer. He and his young son Jonah start new lives in Seattle, but Sam still grieves. 18 months later, on Christmas Eve 1992, Jonahwho wants his father to find a new wifecalls into a talk radio show. Jonah persuades Sam to go on the air to talk about how much he misses Maggie. Hundreds of women from around the country hear the program, and touched by the story, write to Sam.,On

      3、e of the listeners is Annie Reed, a Baltimore Sun reporter. She is engaged to Walter but feels there is something missing from their relationship. After watching the film An Affair to Remember, Annie impulsively writes a letter suggesting that Sam meet her on top of the Empire State Building on Valentines Day. She does not intend to mail it, but her friend and editor Becky does it for her and agrees to send Annie to Seattle to “look into doing a story on those radio shows.“,Sam begins dating a c

      4、oworker, Victoria, whom Jonah dislikes. Jonah, a baseball fan, reads Annies letter and likes that it mentions the Baltimore Orioles but fails to convince his father to go to New York to meet Annie. On the advice of his friend Jessica, Jonah replies to Annie agreeing to the New York meeting. While dropping Victoria off at the airport for a flight, Sam sees Annie exiting from her plane and is taken by her, although he has no idea who she is. Annie watches Sam and Jonah playing on the beach togethe

      5、r but mistakes Sams sister Suzy for his girlfriend. He recognizes her from the airport and says “Hello“, but Annie can only respond with another “hello“ before fleeing. She decides she is being foolish and goes to New York to meet Walter for Valentines Day.,With Jessicas help, Jonah flies to New York without his fathers permission, and goes to the Empire State Building in search of Annie. Jonah goes to observation deck and asks every unattached woman if she is Annie. Sam, distraught, follows Jon

      6、ah and finds him on the observation deck. Meanwhile, Annie has seen the skyscraper from the Rainbow Room where she is dining with Walter and confesses her doubts to him. They amicably end their engagement. She rushes to the Empire State Building but the observation deck has closed. Annie convinces the guard to allow her to go to observation deck (An Affair to Remember is the guards wifes favorite movie) and arrives just moments after the doors to the down elevator close with Sam and Jonah inside

      7、.,In spite of the observation deck being deserted, Annie convinces the elevator operator to let her take a quick look around. She discovers a backpack that Jonah has left behind. As she pulls out Jonahs teddy bear from the backpack, Sam and Jonah emerge from the elevator, and the three meet for the first time. Annie asks Jonah if the teddy bear is his, and he says it is. “Are you Annie?“ Jonah asks. She nods yes, and Jonah smiles. “Youre Annie,“ says a stunned Sam. The elevator operator clears h

      8、is throat. Sam indicates they should go, momentarily making it unclear what his intentions are, until he says “Shall we?“, offers his hand to Annie, and the three go down the elevator together.,What is a play?,A play usually consists of several acts. Each act can have several scenes.,If we read a play , what things should we pay attention to?,Reading strategy,1.In the form of a dialogue. 2.Read the dialogue aloud. 3.Pay attention to the instructions and tips. 4.People the depiction of mental,A b

      9、rief introduction to plays,The major components of a play: Characters Settings Stage Directions Language Conflicts Climax Theme,characters,Stage indicator diagram,Center Stage,Up Right,Up left,Stage left,Stage right,Down left,Down stage,The functions of stage directions:,To set up stage properties in the proper place To indicate a change in setting To direct actors movement, gesture, facial expression, tone of voice, etc.,Conflict: the essence of a play, a clash of actions, ideas, desires or wills. It may happen in three forms:,Man vs man Man vs environment Man vs himself,Climax,Text Analysis,Although a playwright cant come forward to speak directly to readers, we may still form a mental picture of what each character is like. Lets take Part II for example. From the way they speak, their tone of voice, their facial expressions and their actions, we find Father, Mother and the three Thompson children life-like. Since a brief discus

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