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    • 1、,Distribution,Center,warm-up,Point out the things that cannot be containerized.,container 集装箱,words,Find out the new words to match the following pictures.,fork 叉车,loading装载,unloading卸载,缩写:Dept.,department部门,website站点,order 订购 订单,packing 包装,list 清单 明细表,packing list,装箱单,bar code 条形码,airport 机场,1 manufacturer,厂商 制造商,eg: They bought the machine directly from the manufacturer.,manufacture,v. 制造 加工,2 wholesaler,批发商,=jobber,一级批发商,first-class wholesaler,二级批发商,second-class wholesaler,3 to be frank,= tel

      2、l you the truth,坦白说 老实说,4 search,+某处 + for.,在某处搜寻,eg: They searched the woods for the lost boy.,5 inform,sb.,通知某人,6 in order to,eg: What we can do is to inform the police.,eg: He often chats with the foreigners in order to improve his English.,为了,dialogues,1 providing manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and service companies with a wide variety of ground-based and air package and document service offerings.,Dialogue One,provide sb. with sth.,为某人提供某物,a wide variety of ,各种各样、种类繁多的,ground-based

      3、and air package,陆运和空运包装,document service offerings,提供单证服务,1 providing manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, and service companies with a wide variety of ground-based and air package and document service offerings.,为厂商、批发商、零售商、服务公司提供各种各样的陆运或空运包装服务和单证服务。,2 It sounds great!,sound + adj.,听起来,eg: Your voice sounds nice.,That news sounds terrible.,3 state-of-the-art warehouse,state-of-the-art,最新式的 顶尖水准的 使用了最先进技术的,4 Picking and packing inventory, processing, operating the fork lifts, unloading and loa

      4、ding trucks,picking and packing inventory,挑选、包装存货,operating the fork lifts,操控叉车起重机,unloading and loading trucks,卸载、装载货车,5 change ones job,换工作,6 How I wish to ,我多么想,wish to do sth.,希望想要做,eg: The little girl wishes to be a writer.,How I wish to _ one day!,环游世界,tour the word,Dialogue Two,2 I was told ,= to tell you the truth,1 to be frank,be + V-ed,被动态,我被告知,=有人告知我,坦白说,3 packaging department,包装部门,4 The first thing,you do every morning is ,定语从句,you do every morning is ,省略that,= The first thing that y

      5、ou do every morning is,每天早上你要做的第一件事是,5 search the website of our company for orders and the list of products,searchfor sth.,在某处搜寻某物,orders,订单,5 search the website of our company for orders and the list of products,list of product,产品清单,在我们公司的网站里搜索订单和产品清单,6 make packing list like this on the computer for each lot of cargo,packing list,包装列表,like this,像这样,each lot of cargo,每一批货物,像这样在电脑里制作每一批货物的包装列表,7 How many consignments should be filled in one list?,fill in,填写 填充,每张表该填多少批货?,8 if the starting point

      6、 and destination are the same for all the consignments for the same shipper, ,starting point,出发点,destination,终点 目的地,如果是同一个托运人,所有货物的出发地和目的地都一样,,9 After the cargo is packed and correctly marked with bar code, ,be marked with,用做标记,correctly,正确地,bar code,条形码,在货物包装完并正确的标上条形码后,,10 inform the transport department to take the cargo to the airport,inform sb. to do sth.,通知某人做某事,通知运输部把货物运到机场,transport department,运输部,10 inform the transport department to take the cargo to the airport,11 reduce the transport expenses,降低运输费用,12 there is always a full truckload,货车总是装满的,exercise,oral,Its the first day for Tom to work in a logistics company. And he is arranged to work in the packaging department.,situation,Tom: Would you be kind to tell me something about my job? Kitty: Sure. The first thing you do every morning is to,3一个托运人用一张表。,4确保货物包装好并正确的标上条形码。,5通知运输部运货到机场。,1上公司网站搜索订单和产品清单。,2用电脑制作每一批货物的包装列表并打印。,homework,Finish the exercises on P22-23.,


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