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木马赢家-智怡婷 英文版课件设计

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  • 文档编号:88220088
  • 上传时间:2019-04-21
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    • 1、,The Rocking-Horse Winner,英语1113班 智怡婷,Content,1,D. H. Lawrence,David Herbert Richards Lawrence,An English novelist, poet, playwright, essayist, literary critic and painter . He was the fourth child of his family. His father was a barely literate miner, and his mother was a former schoolmistress. In his early life, he studied while worked.,In March 1912 Lawrence met Frieda Weekly ,with whom he was to share the rest of his life. She was the wife of a professor and they had three children. She elop

      2、ed with Lawrence.,During the year from 1912 to 1914, because of militarism, Lawrence was arrested and accused of being a British spy. After the experience of the war years, Lawrence began what he termed his savage pilgrimage, a time of voluntary exile. He escaped from England and with his wife spent the remainder of his life travelling.,He died of tuberculosis肺结核 in a sanatorium疗养院 in southern France at the age of 44.,Main works,The White Peacock白孔雀 (1911) The Trespasser逾矩的罪人(1912) Sons and Love

      3、rs 儿子与情人 (1913) The Rainbow彩虹 (1915) Women in Love 恋爱中的女人(1920) Lady Chatterleys Lover 查泰莱夫人的情人(1928),2,The Rocking-Horse Winner,By D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930),“The Rocking-Horse Winner“ is a short story by D. H. Lawrence. It was first published in July 1926, in Harpers Bazaar and subsequently appeared in the first volume of Lawrences collected short stories.,The story describes a young middle-class English mother who “had no luck.“ Though outwardly successful, she is haunted by a sense of failure

      4、; The familys lifestyle exceeds its income and unspoken anxiety about money permeates(弥漫、充满) the household. Her children, a son Paul and his two sisters, sense this anxiety, and Paul even claims he can hear the house “whispering“ :There must be more money.,Paul tells his Uncle Oscar Cresswell about betting on horse races with Bassett, the gardener. Hes been placing bets using his pocket money and has won and saved three hundred twenty pounds. He says sometimes he is “sure“ of a winner for an upc

      5、oming race, and the horses he names do in fact win. Uncle Oscar and Bassett both place large bets on the horses Paul names.,After further winning, Paul and Oscar arrange to give the mother a gift of five thousand pounds, but the gift only lets her spend more. Disappointed, Paul tries harder than ever to be “lucky”. As the Derby(马赛名) approaches, Paul is determined to learn the winner. His mother rushes home from a party and discovers his secret. He has been spending hours riding his rocking horse

      6、, sometimes all night long, until he “gets there”, into a clairvoyant(可以预知未来的) state where he can be sure of the winners name.,Paul remains ill through the day of the Derby. Informed by Cresswell, Bassett has placed Pauls bet on Malabar, at fourteen to one. He is informed by Bassett that he now has 80,000 pounds, The boy dies in the night and his mother hears her brother say, “My God, Hester, youre eighty-odd thousand to the good(净赚), and a poor devil of a son to the bad(亏损). But, poor devil, po

      7、or devil, hes best gone out of a life where he rides his rocking horse to find a winner.”,3,Analysis,Hester was a beautiful woman who was born in a rich family. Originally, she was a kind girl whose heart was filled with love. In addition, she knew what was love and how to love. She married for love. Unfortunately, her husband had no “luck”. furthermore, love did not give her happy life as she expected. As a result, disappointment for both love and her husband eventually made her devote herself

      8、to pursuing material enjoyment.,Hesterthe mother,When her children were present, she always felt the center of her heart go hard. But she disguised perfectly in front of everyone so that everybody said of her : “ she is such a good mother. She adores her children.” only herself and her children knew it totally wasnt true. In fact, she could not feel love.,Paulthe son,The little Paul cares about his mother a lot. He concerned about the mothers emotions , and he hoped his mother could be happy. e.

      9、g. he was very anxious to see the effect of the birthday letter, telling his mother about the thousand pounds. Then a cold, determined look came on her mouth. She hid the letter under the pile of others, and said not a word about it. “didnt you have anything nice in the post for your birthday, mother?” said Paul. “Quite moderately nice,” she said, her voice cold and absent. She went away to town without saying more. As long as the mother could become happy, he was willing to do anything for the mother.,Classic conversations,“Mother,“ said the boy Paul one day, “why dont we keep a car of our own? Why do we always use uncles, or else a taxi?“ “Because were the poor members of the family,“ said the mother. “But why are we, mother?“ “Well I suppose,“ she said slowly and bitterly, “its because your father has no luck.“ The boy was silent for some time. “Is luck money, mother?“ he asked rather timidly. “No, Paul. Not quite. Its what ca

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