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    • 1、香奈儿,The Story of Chanel,The Founder of CHANEL,Gabrielle Chanel,加布里埃夏奈尔,Gabrielle Chanel, founder of the House of Chanel(香奈儿公司), began her fashion career in 1910. Under her tight reign from 1909-1971, Gabrielle Chanel held the title as Chief Designer until her death on January 10, 1971.,The Course,In 1909, Chanel opened a millinery shop(女装帽店子 ), under the name of Chanel Modes, at 21 Rue Cambon(康邦街) in Paris.Her hats were worn by famous French actresses who helped establish her reputation. Chanel

      2、introduced in 1913 womens sportswear(休闲服)at her new boutique(时装店) in Deauville, France. Her fashion became known in 1915 throughout France .She then opened her first couture house(品牌精品店) in Biarritz, France in1921, to introduce her other fashion lines.,The perfume(香水) No. 5 was created after a fortune teller(算命者) told Coco Chanel that her lucky number was five. It was released on the fifth day of the fifth month of the year, May 5th 1921. It was internationally popular with women of high society

      3、 in particular. “,Today, Chanel is most famous for the “little black dress” which has become a key item in most womens closets.,Marilyn Monroe,1959年,玛丽莲梦露(Marilyn Monroe ),1996年-奥黛丽赫本(Audrey Hepburn,小黑裙的鼻祖,正是这部 Breakfast At Tiffany“s捧红了Givenchy。,Chanel premiered(首次举行) an exhibition of jewelery in 1932 dedicated to the diamond. Several of the pieces, including the Comet(彗星) and Fountain (喷泉)necklaces were re-introduced by Chanel in 1993.,After the World War Two, Chanel re-opened the couture house

      4、 in 1954. In February 1955, Chanel introduced the quilted bag with the shoulder strap(肩带), named the 2.55 bag after the month and year of its creation. That same year, Chanel launched her first perfume for men, Pour Monsieur(绅士).,In 1957 at the Fashion Awards in Dallas, Chanel and her spring collection received the Fashion Oscar. The fashion world applauded her as the most influential designer of the twentieth century. On January 10, 1971, Coco Chanel died, ending an era(纪元) of revolutionary fashion that would still be the classic model fashion designers today find inspiration in.,Gabrielle Chanel,Now Chanel is one of the most well known and instantly recognisable brands in the world.,The brand is now headed by German-born designer Karl Lagerfeld, who also designs for the House of Fendi, as well as his namesake label.,


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