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    • 1、CONFIDENTIAL,利用晶体生长软件FEMAG 对蓝宝石晶体生长仿真模拟方法,FEMAGSoft S.A., Belgium A SPIN-OFF company from Universite catholique de Louvain Belgium Professor F. Dupret,CONFIDENTIAL,General introduction Sapphire Growth,Content,CONFIDENTIAL,Introduction,For more than 25 years, FEMAGSoft develops simulation software dedicated to the research and development of optimal crystal growth processes. 1984 First research on Germanium growth in University of Louvain. Prof. Franois Dupret 1989 First research on Silicon growt

      2、h in University of Louvain. 1992 First collaborations with major IC companies. Development of defect-free silicon wafer production. Today, more than 35 patents are referencing FEMAG Software 2003 FEMAGSoft S.A., spin-off from University of Louvain. 2006 Collaboratrion with major Solar companies. Development of low-cost and low-oxygen content processes. 2009 Large investment for a new software framework 2010 Release of Software application for Sapphire ingot production.,CONFIDENTIAL,Czochralski p

      3、rocess,CONFIDENTIAL,Directional Solidification System,CONFIDENTIAL,Floating Zone Process,CONFIDENTIAL,Sapphire Growth by CZ and kyropoulos,CONFIDENTIAL,Sapphire growth by HEM,CONFIDENTIAL,What are FEMAG software?,Process-dedicated simulation tools, adapted to your own processes and able to solve your problems. Global All the furnace components are considered. All the heat transfer mode are considered (radiation transfer, heat conduction, melt and gas convection) Induction and ohmic heating Time

      4、Dependent,CONFIDENTIAL,Process-dedicated tools,FEMAG-CZ : Czochralski FEMAG-FZ : Floating Zone FEMAG-VB : Vertical Bridgman FEMAG-CZ/OX : Czochralski for Sapphire FEMAG-KY : Kyropoulos FEMAG-DS : Directional Solidification FEMAG-HEM : Heat Exchange Method,Gain of time. Process mastering Accurate and right to the point,CONFIDENTIAL,Platform oriented,FRAMEWORK : FEMAG3,RADIATION,CONVECTION,MESH,GEOMETRY,CONDUCTION,FEMAG-CZ,FEMAG-HEM,FEMAG-DS,FEMAG-KYROPOULOS,FEMAG3 NEW 2011 Very accurate : Finite

      5、Element and Spectral methods Very efficient : 3D simulations in less 1 day Very flexible : Very fast development of new demand,CONFIDENTIAL,Global simulations,Czochralski Furnace for Silicon,HEM Furnace for Sapphire,No simplification of the process conditions,CONFIDENTIAL,Dynamic simulations,A dynamic simulation tool Complete process simulation Dynamic effect of interface deformation Varying processing conditions,CONFIDENTIAL,Sapphire Crystal Growth Simulation,CONFIDENTIAL,Sapphire Simulation Ob

      6、jective,The market of Sapphire is experiencing a very fast growth rate and become very competitive Many companies invest in simulation software in order to reinforce their positions HEM, Czochralski and Kyropoulos process require optimization and a good understanding Strong need for efficient numerical tools. Radiation effects in the participating crystal and melt is a complex problem.,CONFIDENTIAL,Sapphire Simulation Objective,Our goal is to provide accurate simulation tool, able to take all th

      7、e process features into account and to optimize the growth process in terms of the resulting crystal quality.,CONFIDENTIAL,Sapphire Simulation Objective,KYROPULOS,CZOCHRALSKI,HEM,CONFIDENTIAL,FEMAG-CZ/OX,FEMAG-CZ/OX Software to simulate Sapphire Growth by CZ and Kyropoulos Specifications: Temperature in the sapphire and in all furnace components by solving the global heat transfer in the furnace (radiation, conduction , convection). Flow velocity in the sapphire liquid phase. Crystallization fro

      8、nt shape Ohmic and Induction Heating Advanced radiation heat transfer in the sapphire Gas convection Anisotropic thermal stresses in the crystal,CONFIDENTIAL,Temperature in the Hot Zone,FEMAG-CZ/OX,CZ process with Induction Heating system,Induction Heating system,CONFIDENTIAL,Temperature in the crystal and in the melt,FEMAG-CZ/OX,CZ process with Induction Heating system,CONFIDENTIAL,Melt velocity amplitude,FEMAG-CZ/OX,CZ process with Induction Heating system,The interface shape and position is a

      9、 result of the simulation,FEMAGSoft 2012,Temperature field in the melt,Stream function,FEMAG-CZ/OX / CZ and KYROPOULOS process,FEMAGSoft 2012,Melt meshes,BLM (boundary layer mesh),Coarse mesh,BLM mesh is very important to simulate the interface,FEMAGSoft 2012,Local temperature field,Result using coarse mesh,Result using BLM mesh,BLM mesh enables a better prediction of the crystalisation interface,FEMAGSoft 2012,Velocity field,Result using coarse mesh,Result using BLM mesh,CONFIDENTIAL,FEMAG-HEM,FEMAG-HEM Software to simulate Sapphire Growth by Heat Exchange Method Specifications: Temperature in the sapphire and in all furnace components by solving the global heat transfer in the furnace (radiation, conduction , convection). Flow velocity in the sapphire liquid phase. Crystallization front shape Advanced radiation heat transfer in the sapphire Gas convection Anisotropic thermal stresses in the crystal,CONFIDENTIAL,FEMAG-HEM,FEMAGSoft CAD t


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