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    • 1、,英语作文常用句型 七中高一英语组,1).在帮助下,1.With 短语应用,With the help of,在英语老师的帮助下,我的英语有了很大进步。,With the help of my English teacher, I have made much progress in English.,2)随着 的发展,With the development of science and technology, computers have become a part of our life.,With the development of ,随着科学、经济、科技的迅速发展,With the rapid development of Science economy science and technology,随着科技的发展,电脑已成为我们生活中的一部分。,3)随着时间的流逝,With time going on As time went on,随着时间的流逝,我的记忆力似乎更差了。,With time going on/ As time went on ,,my memory se

      2、ems to get worse.,2.对 有好处(害处); 对 有益,1)do good to ;do harm to,2) be good for ; be bad for,3) have a goodbad effect on;,4)benefit; benefit from; be beneficial to,5) be helpful for,练习,1.读书对人有益。,Reading does harm to man.,Reading benefits people.,2.吸烟有害身体健康。,Smoking does harm to health.,3. 听音乐有助于你的睡眠。,Listening to music has a good effect on your sleep.,3. 众所周知 ,As is known to all, ,It is known to all that ,We all know that,What is known to all is that,众所周知,温室气体对地球温度有坏的影响。,As is known to all, green ga

      3、ses have a bad effect on the earth temperature.,4.在中起作用/扮演角色,play a part/role in,play an important part/role in,play a major part/role in,起重要作用,起主要作用,随着社会的发展,网络资源在我们日常生活中起着越来越重要的作用。,With the development of society, network resources are playing a more and more Important part in our everyday life.,5. 依我来看,我认为,I thinksuppose In my opinion Personally speaking, As far as I am concerned, As far as I see,6. 只有用这种方法才能 ,Only in this way can we ,只有用这种方法才能学好英语。,只有用这种方法才能使我们的环境更美。,只有用这种方法才能改善人们的生活水平。,Only

      4、in this way can we learn English well.,Only in this way can we make our environment more beautiful.,Only in this way can we improve peoples living level.,7. 可以拓宽我们的眼界;开阔我们的视野,broaden our minds.,阅读报纸可以开阔我们的视野,旅行开阔我们的视野.,Reading newspapers can broaden our minds.,Travelling can broaden our minds.,8. 很重要,很有意义,It is important/necessary to do ,It is important/necessary that ,It is of great importance to do ,It is of great value to do,It is of benefit to do,First, Next, Then, Finally. thus, therefore,

      5、however, in fact, besides, on the contrary, instead of 3. first, second, and, but, for, or 4. whats more, as a result, what is better 5. as far as I know/am concerned; personally speaking,过渡性词语是把在意义上相连贯的句子联接在一起的链条, 指出作者思维活动发展的方向。,结构是否清晰,行文是否连贯流畅,灵活运用各种句型,翻译:我认为举行超级女生比赛很有意义。(meaningful) I think it is meaningful to hold the Super Girl competition. 1. 活用it 句型 (It 常用句型: It is the first/ secondtime that It is (high) time that It is said/ reported/ well-known that It takes sb. some time to do sth. sb. feel/ find/ make/ think/ consider it +adj.+ to do),翻译:李宇春在超级女生比赛中获得第一,这令她的歌迷们很兴奋 Li Yuchun won the first prize in the Super Girl Competition, which made her fans excited. 2. 使用从句,. 倒装句型,翻译:我们只有通过努力才能获得成功,Only by working hard can we be successful.,是超级女生比赛让女孩们获得了自信(confidence)。,It is the Super Girl Competition that makes girls gain confidence.,. 强调句型,. with 结构,翻译:有那么多的人支持超女比赛, 这个活动很成功。,With so many people supporting the Super Girl Competition, it was a great success.,


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