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    • 1、单元复习课 Unit 6,. 词汇速记 1. 样式; 款式(n. ) _ 2. 网站(n. ) _ 3. 先锋; 先驱(n. ) _ 4. 提到; 说到(v. ) _ 5. 几乎; 差不多(adv. ) _ 6. 保持不变; 剩余(v. ) _ 答案: 1. style 2. website 3. pioneer 4. mention 5. nearly 6. remain,7. 气味(n. ) _ 8. 翻译(v. ) _ 9. 器械; 仪器(n. ) _ 10. 酸的; 有酸味的(adj. ) _ 11. 分开; 分散(v. ) _ 12. 篮; 筐(n. ) _ 13. electric(adj. ) _ (n. )电; 电能 答案: 7. smell 8. translate 9. instrument 10. sour 11. divide 12. basket 13. electricity,14. please(v. ) _ (n. )高兴; 愉快 15. day(n. ) _ (adj. )每日的; 日常的 16. nation(n. ) _ (adj. )国家的; 民

      2、族的 17. salt(n. ) _ (adj. )咸的 18. Canada(n. ) _ (adj. )加拿大的 19. popular(adj. ) _ (n. )受欢迎; 普及 20. profession(n. ) _ (adj. )职业的 答案: 14. pleasure 15. daily 16. national 17. salty 18. Canadian 19. popularity 20. professional,. 短语互译 1. 偶然; 意外地 by_ 2. 发生; 出现 _ place 3. 毫无疑问; 的确 _ doubt 4. 把分开 _ . . . into 5. all of a sudden _ 6. by mistake _ 7. not only. . . but also. . . _ 8. look up to _ 答案: 1. accident 2. take 3. without 4. divide 5. 突然 6. 错误地; 无意中 7. 不但而且 8. 钦佩; 仰慕,. 句型攻关 1. 这个图书馆是什么时候建造的? When_ t

      3、he library_ ? 它是2008年建造的。 It_ _ _ 2008. 2. 这棵树是谁栽的? _ _ the tree_ by? 它是我妈妈栽的。 It_ _ _ my mother. 答案: 1. was; built; was built in 2. Who was; planted; was planted by,3. 这个杯子是用来干什么的? _ is the cup_ _ ? 它是用来喝茶的。 It_ _ _ drinking tea. 答案: What; used for; is used for,. 语法专练 1. Linda_to Marys birthday party yesterday and they had great fun. A. is invited B. was invited C. will be invited D. invited 【解析】选B。考查一般过去时的被动语态。根据前半句句意“琳达昨天被邀请去参加玛丽的生日聚会”可以判断用一般过去时的被动语态。故选B。,2. In recent years, many children_wha

      4、t they are not interested in. A. are made do B. are made to do C. made to do D. made do 【解析】选B。考查一般现在时的被动语态。根据“In recent years”及句意“孩子们被强迫做他们不感兴趣的事”可以判断用一般现在时的被动语态。在主动句中省略to的动词不定式, 改为被动语态时to必须加上。故选B。,3. The lost child_ (find)under a bridge last night. 4. Tony sent an e-mail to Jack last night. (改为被动语态) An e-mail_ _ to Jack by Tony last night. 答案: 3. was found 4. was sent,. 真题体验 1. (2013贵港中考)He is a blind boy, but he can look after his_ (日常的)life. 2. (2013杭州中考)I came to the city two years ago. Ive

      5、 worked here for n_ two years. 3. (2013宁波中考)The meat is producing a terrible s_ . Throw it away! 答案: 1. daily 2. nearly 3. smell,4. (2013安徽中考)Would you please make a shopping l_ (清单)for the picture? 5. (2013扬州中考)The novel was later_ into a play. (make) 6. (2013盐城中考)What do you think is the greatest_ (invent) of the twentieth century? 答案: 4. list 5. made 6. invention,7. (2013威海中考)你能告诉我电话是什么时候发明的吗? _ 8. (2013苏州中考)小孩最终被找到了, 安然无恙。 _ 9. (2013宜宾中考)据报道约200人在芦山地震中丧生。 It_ _ that about 200 people had lost

      6、 their lives in Lushan earthquake. 答案: 7. Can you tell me when the telephone was invented? 8. The child was finally found, safe and well. 9. was reported,10. (2013遂宁中考)我们被分成四组做实验。 We are_ _ four groups to do the experiment. 11. (2013黄石中考)抱歉, 我错拿了你的包。 Sorry, I took your bag_ _ . 12. (2013广州中考)在中国到处都有人打羽毛球。 In China, badminton_ _ everywhere. 答案: 10. divided into 11. by mistake 12. is played,13. (2013上海中考)Though the earthquake destroyed many houses, people didnt lose hope. (改为被动语态) Though many houses_ _ by the earthquake, people didnt lose hope. 答案: were destroyed,14. (2013北京中考)Flowers _ along the road last year. A. plant B. planted C. are planted D. were planted 【解析】选D。考查动词时态和被动语态。句意: 去年在路旁种了花。plant种植, 一般现在时且是主动语态; planted一般过去时, 主动语态; are planted一般现在时, 被动语态; were planted一般过去时, 被动语态。句子的主语flowers与谓语动词之间是被动关系, 根据句意可知事情发生在去年, 因此要用一般过去时。故选D。,


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