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高级英语face to face with hurricane camille

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  • 上传时间:2019-04-21
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    • 1、Teaching plan for this term,Six lessons: Lesson 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14 Scores for regular school work (平时成绩) Three compositions (one for group marking) Vocabulary dictation Students performance in classes Final exam Shared E-mail: Passwords: 08gaoying Tele. 15863924657,Face to Face with Hurricane Camille,本单元教学特色,介绍叙述文的写作方法和技巧 篇章结构分析,抓住关键点将课文有机地串起来,使学生迅速掌握课文 独特的语言赏析角度,帮助学生把握分析语言的方法,Teaching Aims,To know the writing techniques of a narrative To be acquainted with some literary terms of narration To le

      2、arn to use words to describe disasters and violence To appreciate the language features To learn to write a story about disasters,Teaching Contents,I. Background knowledge II. The literary style III. detailed study of the text IV. Organizational pattern V. language features VI. Questions for group discussion,Natural Disasters,earthquake,flood,drought,hurricane,tornado,typhoon,sandstorm,snowstorm,snowslide,landslide,tsunami,volcanic eruption,Brainstorming,Warming-up Activities,What is your idea a

      3、bout Hurricanes?,How dangerous are they?,Have you ever been in Hurricanes? Or have you ever been confronted with any natural disaster? How do you feel? Exchange your ideas. What do you think you would do first if you were confronted with Hurricanes?,Background Knowledge,Hurricane, typhoon, storm Naming of hurricanes and typhoons Hurricane Camille, Betsy,Background Knowledge,1. Hurricane:,A Hurricane is a tropical storm in which winds attain speeds greater than 75 miles per hour (120 km). The ter

      4、m is often restricted to those storms occurring over the North Atlantic Ocean.,Incipient (insipint初期的) hurricanes usually form over the tropical N Atlantic Ocean and mature as they drift westward. Hurricanes also occasionally form off the west coast of Mexico and move northeastward from that area. An average of 3. 5 tropical storms per year eventually mature into hurricanes along the east coast of North America, usually over the Caribbean Sea or Gulf of Mexico.,2. Typhoon/cyclone: Similar storms

      5、 occurring over the West Pacific Ocean and China Seas are called typhoons. Those over the Indian Ocean are called tropical cyclones (旋风). Tornado: a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground 一般只指开阔”陆地上“形成的”龙卷风“,规模一般比hurricane 小。,A storm is named when it reaches tropical storm strength with winds of 39 mph, and becomes a hurricane or typhoon when its wind speed reaches 75 mph.,75 m.p.h.,storm,39 m.p.h,Hurri

      6、cane/typhoon,The National Weather Service of the United States has used girls names to identify hurricanes in the Atlantic, Caribbean, and Gulf of Mexico since 1953 and the names were given in alphabetical order.,3. How are Hurricanes Named?,Each name on the list starts with a different letter, for example, the name of the very first hurricane of the season starts with the letter A, the next starts with the letter B, and so on. The letters “Q“, “U“, “X“, “Y“ and “Z“, however, are not used.,How a

      7、re Hurricanes Named?,A semi-permanent list of 10 sets of names in alphabetical order was established in 1971. This practice of giving girls names to hurricanes changed recently. In 1980 a hurricane was given a mans name and was called Hurricane David.,How are Hurricanes Named?,They also began using French and Spanish male and female names at this time. Hurricane season usually starts on June 1 and ends on Nov. 30.,How are Hurricanes Named?,Often when an unusually destructive hurricane hits, that

      8、 hurricanes name is retired and never used again. Since 1954, forty names have been retired. In 1996 Hurricane Luis was retired.,How are Hurricanes Named?,Hurricane names are chosen from a list selected by the World Meteorological (气象的)Organization. There is actually one list for each of six years. In other words, one list is repeated every seventh year.,How are Hurricanes Named?,4. How are typhoons named?,Typhoons are tropical storms that form over the Pacific Ocean north of the equator. Hurric

      9、anes are given girls names and typhoons are usually given serial numbers.,Each of the 14 nations that typhoons affect submitted a list of names for a total of 141 names. The names include animals, flowers, astrological(星相学的)signs and a few personal names. Chinese names of typhoons consist of longwang, yutu, fengshen, dujuan, haima, wukong, haiyan, haishen, dianmu, haitang,( 龙王,玉兔,风神,杜鹃,海马,悟空,海燕,海神,电母, 海棠),5. Hurricane Camille,Hurricane Camille is the storm lashing (striking, attacking) Mississippi and Louisiana for two days, Aug. 17-18, in 1969.,Hurricane Camille is said to be the worst storm ever to hit mainland United States. With winds in excess of 200 mph and tides over 20 feet, Hurricane Camille smashed into the Mississippi Gulf Coast on Sunday night, the 17th of August and continued its devastating path until the early hours of Monday, the 18th. The combination of winds, surges, and rainfalls caused 256 deaths (143 on the Gulf C

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