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高级英语第6册unit 6matriculation fixation

  • 卖家[上传人]:小**
  • 文档编号:88214705
  • 上传时间:2019-04-21
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    • 1、Unit 6 Matriculation Fixation,讲课人:王丽娟 Tel:13570521788,formal admission to study at a university or college (大学)入学考试,an inability to stop thinking about sth. or someone, or an unnaturally strong interest in them (对的)异常依恋;固恋;癖,Teaching Objectives 1) To learn about some basic features of narrative 2) To grasp the new words and expressions.,Warm-up Questions:,1. Why do some people in modern time have an obsessive interest in attending elite colleges? 2. How do universities influence our life?,Chinas

      2、 10 top universities,Ivy League university,a group of eight traditional universities in the eastern US with high academic standards and a high social status Harvard University Yale University University of Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚大学;宾州大学) Princeton University (普林斯顿大学 ) Columbia University(哥伦比亚大学) Brown University (布朗大学) Dartmouth College (达特茅斯学院 ) Cornell University(康乃尔大学 ),Text Explanations,In the essay the author offers his sincere advice to those parents who have college- bound children. He first c

      3、riticizes some parents who try to select universities for their children. He points out that a good university does not necessarily guarantee a successful career. This is supported by the example of his high school friends.,Then he tells those disillusioned parents whose children are unlikely to enter prestigious universities that many people achieve huge success in this society without a degree from a prestigious university. This is supported by his own experience. Finally he reminds those pare

      4、nts that “life doesnt have just one act. There is often Act Two. And Act Five.“,Detailed Study of Text,Paragraph 1-2 These two paragraphs make up the introductory part in which the author uses an anecdote as a starting point of the essay.,Paragraph 1,Language points: languish: v. lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief; have a desire for something or someone who is not present; become feeble 憔悴;凋萎;失去活力;受煎熬;长期受苦;变得衰弱 undivided: adj. not parted by conflict of opinion; not shared by or among

      5、 others专心的;专一的;未分开的;完整的,wear on: pass slowly (of time)缓慢地进行;时间的流逝 Eg: Itll work against our allies if we let this battle wear on too long.如果把战斗拖得太长,对我们的盟军不利。 wear out: deteriorate through use or stress磨损 Eg: People are like machines: they wear out.人也象机器一样,会磨损。,garner: (v.) acquire or deserve by ones efforts or actions; store grain; assemble or get together; collect sth., usually after with much work or with difficulty获得;储存;收集 In short, anyone who thinks new thoughts or does new deeds is likely t

      6、o garner disapproval and criticism from someone.简而言之,任何有新思想、做新行为的人都可能遭到某人的不赞成和批评。,Paragraph 2,Language points: bright but not brilliant: smart but not outstanding. first-tier tier: one of two or more layers one atop another层,等级 first-tier: first-rate; first-class echelon: a body of troops arranged in a line梯队;阶层 second-echelon: second-rate; second-class,Money being tight: not having much money with other college-bound children in the family queue: with a number of children in a family who are go

      7、ing to go to college one after another in a few years. college-bound: going to college rue: feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about 后悔,懊悔,QUESTION:What does the sentence. “fewer contacts would be made“ mean? The sentence means that since it was a local university, there would be fewer chances to establish a network of interpersonal relationships that could be potentially helpful in the future.,within striking distance: very near to obtaining or achieving something. Eg: Hard luck! You

      8、 came within striking distance of beating the record.真倒霉!你眼看就要打破纪录了。 yellow brick road: P95 notes (2) means “the road of gold“, which is a metaphor for success.,Her degree would put her within striking distance of the yellow brick road, but not physically on the road itself. After she graduates from a second-class university, she will be close to ,the path to success, though not directly on it, but still there will be a gap between.,Paragraphs 3 - 4,In these two paragraphs, as a response to the

      9、mans story, the author tries to give some advice by relating his own experiences, i.e. his high school friends, his university days, and his present career.,Paragraphs 3,a man of the world: a man who has lots of experience in coping with certain situations or people.通世故的人,精通世故的人 requisite: (n.) anything indispensable必需品; (adj.)necessary for relief or supply必不可少的,必需的,mediate: act between parties with a view to reconciling differences 调解,斡旋 in question: being talked about, under discussion.讨论中的,考虑中的 The analysis in question, however, refers to the process of a systematic, minute analysis.这里所讲的分析过程,是指系统的周密的分析过程。 I was out of town on the night in question.,Paragraphs 4,carve out: to successfully create or obtain sth., espeically a work position, by working for it.艰苦创业,奋斗取得(事业,名声等) Persistence will carve out a way to success.只要坚持到底,就一定能成功。 niche : a position particularly well suited to the person who occupies it合适的职业 “to carve out a nice little niche for myself”: secure

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