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高级综合商务英语unit 4

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    • 1、Unit Four Information Technology,Lead-in Text A: Silicon Valley Visionary Who Put Apple on Top Text B: Nokia at the Crossroads: Blazing Platforms,Lead-in,Lead-in,Are you using a smart phone, such as the iPhone or the Samsung Galaxy? What applications do you use most often? Do you think the using of smart phone has changed your life style?,Lead-in,Discussion: What are the pros and cons of using smart phones?,Text A Silicon Valley Visionary Who Put Apple on Top,Structural Analysis,Part I Questions

      2、 about Part I,Q1. Why had the comeback of Steve Jobs stirred up such an excitement? This was not the first time of comeback for him to Apple. Little more than a decade earlier, he made his first comeback and turned Apple from going bankruptcy to an enormous successful company. Therefore his recovery and comeback were highly anticipated.,both Mr. Jobs career and Apple,were widely considered washed up, their relevance to the future of technology written off both in Silicon Valley and on Wall stree

      3、t. (Line 4, Para. 2) Both his career and the company he founded were widely considered to have come to an end, and he would have nothing to do with high-tech in the future in the eyes of silicon valley entrepreneurs and the Wall Street investors.,Part I Sentence Interpretation,the level of anticipation whipped up in advance of the January event was unusual . (Line 1, Para. 3) The level of excitement for expecting his return was extraordinary, which had already become heated before he stepped ont

      4、o the stage in January.,Part I Sentence Interpretation,cap (Line 2, Para.1) v. lie at the top of example: He capped his friends story with an even more exciting one. She capped her rage when she heard her husbands cheating on her.,Part I Words and Expressions,sideline (Line 1, Para.2) v. remove from the center of activity or attention 使靠边,使降格,不重视 example: He was under pressure to resign and was about to be sidelined What they fear is that environment policy will be sidelined until it is too late

      5、.,Part I Words and Expressions,emaciated (line. 2, para.2) adj. extremely thin and weak because of illness or lack of food 骨瘦如柴的 example: .horrific television pictures of emaciated prisoners. The animals had lost weight noticeably, becoming lean, almost emaciated.,Part I Words and Expressions,wash up (Line 5, Para.2) wear out completely 耗尽,结束 example: I hardly believe the fact that their relationship has been washed up.,Part I Words and Expressions,write off (Line 6, Para.2) to decide something

      6、is unimportant or useless and they are not worth further serious attention 摒弃 example: He is fed up with people writing him off because of his age. His critics write him off as too cautious to succeed.,Part I Words and Expressions,whip up (Line 2, Para 3) deliberately cause and encourage people to feel a certain emotion 煽动, 激起 example: to whip up enthusiasm He accused politicians of whipping up anti-foreign sentiments in order to win right-wing votes.,Part I Words and Expressions,Q1. In many cri

      7、tics eyes, what special talent did Steven Jobs have (Para. 4)? He has the ability to turn technologies into perfect products and convince people to buy IT gadgets that they even have no idea they needed.,Part II Questions about Part II,Q2. How did Apple now rule its new kingdom? (Para. 10-11) By deciding which apps are available in its online store, and setting the rules for how those apps are developed, Apple now ruled its new kingdom.,Part II Questions about Part II,A rebuttal of Francis Scott

      8、 Fitzgeralds much-quoted aphorism that there are no second acts in American life does not come more decisively than this. (Line 1, Para. 6) Famous writer F.S Fitzgerald once said there are no second acts in American life and it was agreed by many people. However, the life experience of Steve Jobs is a perfect example to show that the statement is not true.,Part II Sentence Interpretation, his formative role in popularizing the personal computer, and Apples initial pubic offering on Wall Street m

      9、ade him the tech industrys first rock star. (Line 4, Para. 6) his pioneering role at the beginning stage of personal computer industry, and the companys listing in the stock marketmade him a big iconic figure in the tech industry.,Part II Sentence Interpretation,he has secured his place in the foremost ranks of the West Coast tech titans . (Line 1, Para. 7) Undoubtedly, he is regarded as one of the leading figures of West Coast IT giants ,Part II Sentence Interpretation,of all the fingers that Apple has poked into Microsofts eyes over the years, none can have rankled as much as the early success of the iPad. (Line 1, Para. 8) Of all the challenges that Apple has raised against Microsoft and of all the successes that Apple enjoyed during the competition with Microsoft, the early success of the iPad is the bitterest for Microsoft to accept.,Part II Sentence Interpretation,His ability to get consumers to line up for prod

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