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    • 1、政府工作报告REPORT ON THE WORK OF THE GOVERNMENT 2019年3月5日在第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议上Second Session of the 13th National Peoples Congress of the Peoples Republic of China, March 2019国务院总理李克强Li KeqiangPremier of the State Council各位代表:Fellow Deputies, 现在,我代表国务院,向大会报告政府工作,请予审议,并请全国政协委员提出意见。On behalf of the State Council, I will now report to you on the work of the government and ask for your deliberation and approval. I also invite comments from members of the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political

      2、Consultative Conference (CPPCC). 一、2018年工作回顾I. 2018 in Review 过去一年是全面贯彻党的十九大精神开局之年,是本届政府依法履职第一年。我国发展面临多年少有的国内外复杂严峻形势,经济出现新的下行压力。在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,全国各族人民以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,砥砺奋进,攻坚克难,完成全年经济社会发展主要目标任务,决胜全面建成小康社会又取得新的重大进展。The year 2018 was the first year for putting the guiding principles of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China fully into effect. It was also this governments first to perform, in accordance with law, the functions of office. In pursuing development this year

      3、, China faced a complicated and challenging domestic and international environment of a kind rarely seen in many years, and its economy came under new downward pressure. Under the firm leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi at its core, we, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, guided by Xi Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, forged ahead and overcame difficulties. The years main targets for economic and social development were accomplished, and

      4、 in building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, we made major progress toward a decisive victory. 经济运行保持在合理区间。国内生产总值增长6.6%,总量突破90万亿元。经济增速与用电、货运等实物量指标相匹配。居民消费价格上涨2.1%。国际收支基本平衡。城镇新增就业1361万人、调查失业率稳定在5%左右的较低水平。近14亿人口的发展中大国,实现了比较充分就业。The main economic indicators were kept within an appropriate range. Gross domestic product (GDP) grew by 6.6 percent, exceeding 90 trillion yuan. Economic growth matched electricity consumption, freight transport, and other indicators. Consumer prices rose

      5、by 2.1 percent. In the balance of payments a basic equilibrium was maintained. A further 13.61 million new urban jobs were added, and the surveyed unemployment rate remained stable at a comparatively low level of around 5 percent. As a big developing country with a population close to 1.4 billion, we have attained relatively full employment. 经济结构不断优化。消费拉动经济增长作用进一步增强。服务业对经济增长贡献率接近60%,高技术产业、装备制造业增速明显快于一般工业,农业再获丰收。单位国内生产总值能耗下降3.1%。质量和效益继续提升。Economic structure was further improved. Consumption conti

      6、nued to play an increasing role in driving economic growth. The service sectors contribution to growth approached 60 percent. Growth in high-tech industries and equipment manufacturing outstripped that of other industries. Harvests were again good. Energy consumption per unit of GDP fell by 3.1 percent. The quality and returns of growth continued to improve. 发展新动能快速成长。嫦娥四号等一批重大科技创新成果相继问世。新兴产业蓬勃发展,传统产业加快转型升级。大众创业万众创新深入推进,日均新设企业超过1.8万户,市场主体总量超过1亿户。新动能正在深刻改变生产生活方式、塑造中国发展新优势。New growth drivers grew

      7、rapidly. A number of major scientific and technological innovations were made, like the Change-4 lunar probe. Emerging industries thrived and traditional industries saw faster transformation and upgrading. Business startups and innovation continued to surge nationwide, with an average of over 18,000 new businesses opening daily and the total number of market entities passing the 100 million mark. New growth drivers are now profoundly changing our mode of production and way of life, creating new

      8、strengths for Chinas development. 改革开放取得新突破。国务院及地方政府机构改革顺利实施。重点领域改革迈出新的步伐,市场准入负面清单制度全面实行,简政放权、放管结合、优化服务改革力度加大,营商环境国际排名大幅上升。对外开放全方位扩大,共建“一带一路”取得重要进展。首届中国国际进口博览会成功举办,海南自贸试验区启动建设。货物进出口总额超过30万亿元,实际使用外资1383亿美元、稳居发展中国家首位。New breakthroughs were made in reform and opening up. Institutional reforms of both the State Council and local governments were implemented smoothly. New progress was made in reform in key fields. The negative list system for market access was put fully into effect. Reforms to stream

      9、line administration and delegate power, improve regulation, and upgrade services were intensified, and our business environment rose significantly in international rankings. Opening up was expanded on all fronts, and joint efforts to pursue the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) made significant headway. The first China International Import Expo was a success. Work began on building the China (Hainan) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Chinas total volume of trade in goods exceeded 30 trillion yuan, and its utilized foreign investment totaled US$138.3 billion, ranking China first among developing countries. 三大攻坚战开局良好。防范化解重大风险,宏观杠杆率趋于稳定,金融运行总体平稳。精准脱贫有力推进,农村贫困人口减少1386万,易地扶贫搬迁280万人。污染防治得到加强,细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度继续下降,生态文明建设成效显著。The three critical battles got off to a good start. We forestalled and defused major risks. The macro leverage ratio trended toward a stable level; the financial sector was generally stable. Precision poverty alleviation m


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