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  • 上传时间:2019-04-20
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    • 1、Unit 1 Ways of LearningTeaching Aims:1. Understanding the main idea (that it would be ideal if we can strike a balance between the Chinese and western learning styles) and structure of the text(introduction of the topic by an anecdote-elaboration by comparison and contrast-conclusion by a suggestion)2. Appreciate the difference between comparison and contrast, as well as different ways to compare and contrast (point-to-point method or one-side-at-time method)3. Grasp the key language points in T

      2、exts A and grammatical structures in the text 4. Understand the cultural background related to the content5. Conducting a series of theme-related reading, listening, speaking, and writing activities6. Learn to write notices, etc.Teaching Keypoints:1. Grasp the main idea of Text A and language points in Text A 2. Cultural background about Chinese and western ways of learning 3. Analysis of the difficult sentences in Text ATeaching Difficulties:1. Writing strategy and style demonstrated in Text A2

      3、. Learn how to understand the structure of difficult and long sentencesTeaching Aids:Teacher-guided, discussion, exercises, group-activities, student-centredTeaching period: 12 classesTeaching Procedure:Step 1Warming up1. Have students read the overview of page 2, students will understand the main topic of unit (ways of learning in Chinese and western countries)2. Have students listen to the script of listening part, explain some difficult sentences and phrases, lead them to finish the exercises

      4、 on page3, check the answer3. How to understand the following sentences:Standing on the shoulders of giants4. Explain the cultural notes of education in the west 5. In class, students form two camps to debate the following issue: If you have a baby , which way would you prefer to use , to pay more attention to develop more skills or to creativity?Step 2 Global analysis of Text A. ScanningScan Text A and decide whether the following statements are true or false.1Benjamin was worried that he could

      5、nt put the key into the box. (F)(=Benjamin was not bothered at all.)2.In the Chinese staffs opinion, the parents should guide Benjamin to insert the key. (T)3.The author and his wife didnt care whether Benjamin succeeded in inserting the key into the slot. (T)4.For the Westerners, learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding. (F)(= The Chinese think that learning should take place by continual careful shaping and molding.)6. Chinese teachers hold the opinion that skills sh

      6、ould be acquired as early as possible, while American educators think that creativity should be acquired early. (T)7. Add more questions about the text:Where and when did the incident take place?Who are the main characters in this incicent?What is Howard Gardner?Why do the couple come to China?How old is the son of the author?Through what does the baby get pleasure in the incident?What is the attitude of his parents ?What is the attitude of the hotel staff towards Benjamin effort?8. Answer the q

      7、uestions of on page 10-11Understanding the main idea of the text Division of the Text A Parts Para(s). Main Ideas 115The text begins with an anecdote. 2613The authors thoughts are mainly about different approaches to learning in China and the West. 314The author winds up the text with a suggestion in the form of a question.Step 3 Detailed Reading of Text A. Difficult Sentences1. (LL. 1315) Because of his tender age and incomplete understanding of the need to position the key just so, he would us

      8、ually fail. Paraphrase the sentence. (= Because he was so young and didnt quite know that he should position the key carefully to fit into the narrow key slot, he would usually fail.) 2. (L. 15) Benjamin was not bothered in the least.(= Benjamin was not bothered at all.)3. (L. 30) and to throw light on Chinese attitudes toward creativity.And to help explain Chinese attitudes toward creativity.4. (LL. 3739) since the child is neither old enough nor clever enough to realize the desired action on h

      9、is own, what possible gain is achieved by having him struggle?What does the desired action refer to? (= Positioning the key carefully to fit into the slot.)5. (L. 39) He may well get frustrated and angry. (= He is likely to get frustrated and angry.)Eg . You use “may well” when you are saying what you think is likely to happen.6. (L. 4748) He was having a good time and was exploring, two activities that did matter to us.What do the two activities refer to?(= Having a good time and exploring.) “activities that did matter to us”.(= activities that were important to us.)7. (L. 52) whether it be placing a key in a key slot, drawing a hen or making up for a misdeed= No matter whether it is placing a key in a key slot, drawing a hen or making up for some mistakes.) the subjunctive mo


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