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    • 1、 工业同步带工业同步带 Industrial Timing Belt T 型齿工业同步带型齿工业同步带 欲参考同步带产品型号的详细尺寸,请点击“ 详细规格” Please click “Details“ for further information 型号 Type 节距 (mm) PitchPb 齿高 (mm) Toothheightht 带厚 (mm) Belt thicknesshs 角度 Angle 查 看 Details MXL 2.032 0.51 1.14 40 详细规格 Details XL 5.080 1.27 2.30 50 详细规格 Details L 9.525 1.91 3.60 40 详细规格 Details H 12.70 2.29 4.30 40 详细规格 Details XH 22.225 6.35 11.20 40 详细规格 Details XXH 31.750 9.53 15.70 40 详细规格 Details T2.5 2.5 0.7 1.30 40 详细规格 Details T5 5 1.20 2.20 40 详细规格 Details T10

      2、 10 2.50 4.50 40 详细规格 Details T20 20 5.00 8.00 40 详细规格 Details AT5 5 1.20 2.70 50 详细规格 Details AT10 10 2.50 5.00 50 详细规格 Details AT20 20 5.00 8.00 50 详细规格 Details 圆弧齿工业同步带圆弧齿工业同步带Arc Teeth Industrial Rubber Timing Belt 欲参考同步带产品型号的详细尺寸,请点击“ 详细规格”Please click “Details“ for further information 齿型代号 型号 Type 节距 (mm) PitchPb 齿高 (mm) Toothheightht 带厚 (mm) Belt thicknesshs 查 看 Details 2M 2 0.75 1.36 详细规格 Details 3M 3 1.17 2.4 详细规格 Details 5M 5 2.06 3.8 详细规格 Details 8M 8 3.36 6.00 详细规格 Details 14M 14 6.0

      3、2 10.00 详细规格 Details HTD HTD 20M 20 8.4 13.20 详细规格 Details S2M 2 0.76 1.36 详细规格 Details S3M 3 1.14 1.9 详细规格 Details S4.5M 4.5 1.71 2.81 详细规格 Details S5M 5 1.91 3.4 详细规格 Details S8M 8 3.05 5.3 详细规格 Details STPD / STS STPD/STS S14M 14 5.3 10.2 详细规格 Details 2M 2 0.76 1.36 详细规格 Details 3M 3 1.15 1.9 详细规格 Details 5M 5 1.95 3.5 详细规格 Details 8M 8 3.2 5.5 详细规格 Details RPD / HPPD RPP/HPPD 14M 14 6.00 10 详细规格 Details 工业同步带使用原料:采用日本进口优质 合成氯丁胶为主要原料,配入多种不同用 途的辅料;骨架材料为日本进口优质玻璃 纤维线绳;带齿表面采用尼龙 66 高弹力 布做保护。具有动态屈绕

      4、性好,抗龟裂性 能好,臭氧性能优良,耐老化,耐热,耐 油,耐磨损等特点。 工业同步带特性: 同步带传动是利用带齿与带轮齿啮合来 传递动力的一种新型传动方式。具有准确 的同步传动功能,不需要润滑,无滑差, 无污染,噪音少,传动效率达 0.98,速 比范围可达 1:10,允许线速可达 50m/s, 传动率从几百瓦到数百千瓦,适宜多轴传 动。 氯丁胶同步带广泛应用于纺织、汽车、化 纤、卷烟、造纸、印刷、化工的机械设备; 近年来,采矿冶金、钢铁机械、医疗设备 需求量日益增加。 双面齿同步带的节距和齿形与单面齿同 步带相同。如按带齿的排布又可分 Industrial synchronous belt use raw materials: high-quality Japanese imports of neoprene as the main raw materials, distribution of the supplies, a variety of different uses; skeleton materials for the Japanese import quality gla

      5、ss fiber cord; tooth surface with nylon 66 high elastic fabrics do protection. With dynamic flexor around good, good anti-cracking properties, ozone excellent performance, anti-aging, heat resistance, oil resistance, abrasion-resistant characteristics. Industrial synchronous belt features: With synchronous belt drive is the use of tooth and tooth meshing with the impetus to pass a new type of transmission mode. With accurate synchronous transmission function, do not need lubrication and no slip,

      6、 no pollution, less noise, transmission efficiency of 0.98, the speed ratio range up to 1:10, allowing wire speed up to 50 m / s, the transmission rate from several hundred watts to the hundreds of kilowatts, suitable for multi-axis drive. Neoprene synchronous belt widely used in the textile, automobile, chemical fiber, tobacco, paper, printing, chemical mechanical equipment; In recent years, mining and metallurgy, iron and steel machinery, medical equipment demand is growing. Double-tooth and t

      7、ooth pitch synchronous belt of single tooth synchronous belt and the same. If the arrangement with the teeth and separable: DA-type (with a symmetrical arrangement tooth, see figure a; DB-type (with DA 型 (带齿呈对称排列, 见图 a; DB 型 (带 齿呈交错位置排列,见图 b) T 型同步带在完全相同的传动系统下,他 能提高引擎的效率,使引擎能够得到平顺 安静的运转; 工业同步带使用时注意事项: 选购时注意产品表面整洁、皮带没有扭曲 变形、带齿饱满。 同步带产品需严禁曲折,以免损伤骨架材 料,影响皮带强度。 同步带产品需严禁划伤皮带,以免皮带早 期损坏。 同步带产品避免与化学品(尤其是强氧化 性酸,如浓硫酸等)接触。 同步带产品尽量避免与油类、水长期接 触。 更换同步带时,必须使皮带的张力降到最 低,才能取出,严禁同步带在有高张力的 情况下,利用非专业的工具硬性撬下来。 stagge

      8、red teeth were arranged location, see Figure b) T-synchronous belt drive system in exactly the same, he can improve the efficiency of the engine so that the engine can be smooth and quiet operation, more capable. When attention to the purchase of industrial products synchronous belt surface clean, no twisted belt, filled with teeth. Industrial synchronous belt use Note: Synchronous belt products need no twists and turns to avoid injury skeleton material impact belt strength. Scratch synchronous

      9、belt products need no belt, belt early so as to avoid damage. Synchronous belt products to avoid chemicals (especially the strong oxidizing acid, such as concentrated sulfuric acid, etc.) contact. Synchronous belt and oil products to avoid, long-term exposure to water. Replacement synchronous belt, the belt tension to be reduced to a minimum, can be taken out, no-synchronous belt high tension in the circumstances, the use of non-professional tools rigid prized down. Ordering attention. We can produce belts as your supplied sample. * We can produce particular type or functione belts(such as anti-static electricity,poison-free) as clientsrequest. ( 返回返回 Back ) 同步带规格、型号、尺寸表同步带规格、型号、尺寸表 MXL 型型 (节距(节距= 2.032mm ) Dimension of synchronous beltMXL (Pitch= 2.032mm ) 规规 格格 Type 节节 线线 长长 (mm) Pitch Length 模模 宽宽 (mm) Sleeve Width 齿齿 数数 Teeth No. 21MXL 52.83 60 26 22MXL 54.86 60 27 26MXL 67.06 100 33 28MXL 71.12 160 35 30MXL 76.20 160 38 32MXL 81.28


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