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    • 1、Letters of Thanks,感谢信 p40,概述 感谢信是指在日常学习和生活中,当收到馈赠、邀请、赴宴、照顾、慰问、祝贺时,给对方道谢的信件。感谢信应写得真诚、具体、及时。 内容:感谢的原因对方给予的帮助或礼物/对方的作用和对自己的意义给出细节再次致谢。,6. 我真诚地感激 _ 7. 我想表达我对的谢意 _ 8. 我谨代表我全家,我想 _ 9. 我真诚希望 _ 10. 没有你的帮助,我就不会 _,Without your help, I wouldnt,I sincerely appreciate,I wish to express my appreciation for,On behalf of my whole family, I would like to,I sincerely hope that,常用语块 1. 非常感谢 _ 2. 写这封信是为了表达我对的谢意 _ 3. 请接受我诚挚的谢意 _ 4. 我真的很感激你 _ 5. 你真好 _,It was really kind of you to,Thank you very much for,I am writing

      2、to express my thanks for,Please accept my sincere appreciation for,I am truly grateful to you for,11. 在某人的帮助下 _ 12. 由于你的鼓励 _ 13. 无私的奉献 _ 14. 对某人有耐心 _ 15. 宽容的和大方的 _,tolerant and generous,with ones help / with the help of sb.,thanks to/due to/because of your encouragement,selfless dedication/devotion/contribution,be patient with sb. / have much patience with sb.,套用句式 非常感谢你给我寄来的礼物。 2. 我写这封信是为了表达我对你帮我提高英语口语的谢意。,1. Thank you very much for the gift you sent me.,2. I am writing to express my thanks for

      3、 (your) helping me improve my spoken English.,3. 你太好了,假期照顾我弟弟。 4. 请再次接受我诚挚的谢意。 5. 我谨借此机会感谢您给予我们的及时支持和帮助。,3. It was really kind of you to take care of my brother in the holiday.,5. I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely support and assistance.,4. Please accept my sincere appreciation again.,Writing Practice,Sample 1 Expressing thanks for a job offer,Practical English,March 9, 2009 Carbonite Corp. 1333 Second Avenue Milford, Connecticut 06460 Dear Mr

      4、. Cooper, I must thank you for the faith you place in me and for giving me the opportunity to prove my capabilities in your company. Ill certainly do my very best not to disappoint you. Thank you again for your trust and kindness. Yours sincerely, Jack Smith Jack Smith,Sample 2 Expressing thanks for warm reception,Practical English,July 6, 2008 216 Maple Drive Columbia, SC 29205 Dear Mr. Green, This three-day management seminar hosted by your company is really a great success. Thank you very muc

      5、h for your warm reception and satisfactory arrangement. I am looking forward to seeing you next year and continuing some of our interesting discussions. Yours faithfully, Steve Robinson Steve Robinson,Writing Practice,August 30, 2009 Dear Mr. Smith, Fist of all, my husband and I would like _ _(衷心地感谢你) for the Christmas present which you so kindly gave us. _ _(我们非常欣赏你们的礼物)and your friendly thoughts. Now, we, in return, sincerely_ _ (向你表达我们最美好的祝愿)for your well-being and happiness in the coming yea

      6、r, and,We appreciate the gift very much,Task 1 Complete the letter of thanks with the information given in Chinese.,Practical English,to thank you,sincerely,express to you our very best wishes,Writing Practice,Task 1 Complete the letter of thanks with the information given in Chinese.,Practical English,also for _(在工作中取得更大的成功). Yours sincerely, Millie Millie,a greater success in your work,Writing Practice,David Smith was invited to Miss Greens birthday party last Saturday, and enjoyed it very muc

      7、h. Now he writes to Miss Green to thank her for her thoughtful hospitality.,Task 2 Write a letter of thanks according to the information.,It was a great pleasure to have shared your happiness at your birthday party last Saturday. I wish again to express my heartfelt thanks for your thoughtful hospi-tality. Please accept my sincere good wishes. Kind regards to your family.,August 29, 2009 Dear Mrs. Green: _,Writing Practice,Practical English,Task 2 Write a letter of thanks according to the inform

      8、ation.,Practical English,Sincerely yours, David Smith David Smith,Writing Practice,David Smith was invited to Miss Greens birthday party last Saturday, and enjoyed it very much. Now he writes to Miss Green to thank her for her thoughtful hospitality.,Letters of Congratulation,祝贺信 p64,Letters of Congratulations,Practical College English,祝贺信写作中应首先指出是因为什么事情向对方表示祝贺,因此贺信的开头通常是 Please allow me to congratulate you on, Please accept my sincere cong-ratulations on, Congratulations on;然后还要表达对未来的期望,如期望成功、快乐、紧密合作等等。在语言上,和生意伙伴之间应该比较正式,使用较大的词或较复杂的句式;如果是祝贺朋友,则比较简单,不必太客套。,概述 在日常生活中,得知同学或朋友竞赛获奖、考上大学、结婚、过新年或重大节日等,给对方祝贺的信件。书写时应做到真诚、自然、亲切动人。 内容 祝贺事由所取得的成绩被祝贺人过去的努力被祝贺人的优点表达自己的愿望。,常用语块 恭喜/祝贺 _ 2. 实现/成真 _ 3. 很高兴听到 _ 4. 很高兴知道你 _


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