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  • 卖家[上传人]:繁星
  • 文档编号:88204977
  • 上传时间:2019-04-20
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    • 1、北京长安大饭店培训部 (2014年第一季度) Beijing Chang An Grand Hotel Training Department (The first quarter of 2014),2014年第一季度培训部工作主要可以分为饭店培训、优秀员工及督导评选、员工春节联欢会、员工生日、板报更新、员工活动等几个方面。 Training department work mainly can be divided into the hotel training,excellent employees and supervise the selection of staff, Employees Spring Festival Party, Staff Birthday Party, Update Training Boards and other employee activities in the first quarter of 2014 .,总 结,一、饭店培训 Hotel training 二、优秀员工评选 Excellent staff selection 三、最美笑脸评

      2、选 Most beautiful smiling face selection 四、员工生日 Staff Birthday Party 五、培训板报 Training Boards 六、员工岗位技能大赛 Employee Job Skills Contest 七、员工春节联欢会 Employees Spring Festival Party 八、外籍实习生招聘 Foreign interns 九、其他 Others,工 作 内 容,1、饭店培训 Hotel training,1)内部培训 Internal training,2014年培训部在饭店内组织并开展了新员工入职培训、人生需要规划培训、串讲培训等培训项目。共为292人次提供了1014小时培训(详见附表)。 Training department carry out the orientation for new employees ,Life needs planning and other training program for 292 people providing 1014 hours of training with

      3、in the first quarter of 2014.,2)外部培训 External training,为了提升饭店员工的工作技能和服务水平,饭店申请安排了相关的外派培训,涉及工程部高压复试(1人)项目。 In order to promote the job of staff skills and service level, the hotel apply for the related training, involved in the engineering of high pressure second interview (1) projects.,3)饭店各部门培训计划监督及抽查工作 Each department training plan supervision and spot check work,监督饭店各部门制定详细的月度培训计划,并旁听或抽查部门培训质量及完成情况,制定月度培训日历及饭店月度培训报表,对饭店培训工作的计划和落实情况进行跟踪分析。 Supervise the hotel departments formulate detailed mon

      4、thly training plan and attend or selective department training quality and completion. Make monthly training calendar and hotel monthly training report. Track and analyze the hotels training plan and implementation.,4)人生需要规划培训 Life needs planning,总经理在1月份为全店66名实习生进行301小时的人生需要规划培训。 66 interns accept 301 hours of life needs training provided by General manager in January.,5)串讲培训 Training,自3月1日起,饭店在原有培训活动的基础上增加串讲培训,培训内容广泛,包括但不限于饭店规章制度、员工守则、员工行为规范、饭店企业文化等,每日接受培训部门定为2-3个,每日培训时长为30分钟,以PPT、视频短片等形式进行讲解,使

      5、员工们的理论知识、服务技能和实战能力在较短时间内得到全面提高。截止到3月底,共有144人接受57小时的培训,从员工培训满意度调查表看,员工对课程设置的满意率达到98%。,Since March 1st, the hotel increase training on the basis of the original training which is widespread, including but not limited to the Hotel rules and regulations ,Employee behaviour, Hotel enterprise culture, etc. The daily training time is about 30 minutes for 2 or 3 departments. Making employees are fully improved on the theory of knowledge,service skills and practical abilities in a short time. A total of

      6、144 people accept 57 hours of training by the end of March. 98% staff are satisfied with the curriculum from the employee training satisfaction questionnaire.,串讲培训,餐饮部微笑服务培训 前厅部西班牙语培训 销售部见面礼仪培训,Smiling service training for FB,Spanish training for FO,Meeting etiquette training for Sales,保卫部个人礼仪培训 客房部仪态礼仪培训 财务部中西方文化差异培训,Personal etiquette training for SEC,Manners and etiquette training for HSK&FB,Chinese and western cultural differences training for FIN,2、优秀员工评选 Excellent staff selection,在饭店各部门的共同

      7、努力下,截止2014年3月,共召开了3次月度优秀员工评选会,评选出一线和二线的月度优秀员工共12名,月度优秀督导共6名,优秀服务奖5名。 Under the joint efforts of all departments, we hold three monthly outstanding staff selection meeting in the first quarter of 2014. Selected a total of 12 outstanding employees, 6 good supervisors and 5 outstanding service award in the first-line and second-line monthly.,3、员工生日 Staff Birthday Party,1)每月为员工提供由总经理亲自签名的生日贺卡和小礼物,并尽可能为所有当日生日的员工送上最温馨的祝福。 2)每2个月组织一次员工生日会,使大家感受到饭店对员工的关心和祝福,为员工在紧张的工作的同时提供一个放松、休闲的时刻,同时对当月表现优异的员工及督导进行表彰。截

      8、止至3月底,已成功举办1次员工生日会。 3)为各部门负责人定制生日蛋糕,送上饭店特别的关心和祝福。,1) Provide birthday card signed by the General Manager and gift, and as far as possible send the most warm wishes for the employees that day. 2) Organize a staff birthday party every two months and make everybody feel care and blessing. Provide a relaxed leisure time for employees in the intense work and commend outstanding staff and supervisor at the same time. We have hold one staff birthday party successfully by the end of March. 3) Send birth

      9、day cake and hotels special care and blessings for each department head.,4、培训板报 Training Boards,每月更新最新的培训照片、简报,让员工了解饭店当前的培训情况。同时更新生日祝贺信和幽默英语模块等丰富员工的工作和生活,加强饭店各种信息的沟通。 Update the latest monthly training boards ,including Training photos,Birthday messages, English humor ,etc. Employees can know the hotels current training situation and strengthen the hotel all kinds of information communication.,5、最美笑脸评选 Most beautiful smiling face selection,由MOD每日值班过程中推荐的员工候选人中,每周评选出1名员工授予“最美笑脸”称号,并给予相应的物质奖励及精神鼓励,本季度已评选出“最美笑脸”12名。 The candidates are recommended by the manager in the process of MOD daily duty.One employee was awarded as the most beautiful smile each week. Also he/she will be given corresponding material reward and spiritual encouragement. 12 employees has been voted the most beautiful smile in this quarter .,6、员工岗位技能比赛 Employee Job Skills Contest,为了提高员工的服务技能、增强服务意识


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