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    • 1、Unit 4 Earthquakes languages points,1.Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave it right away.假设你的家开始晃动,你 必须立刻离开,Shake(shook,shaken) v.摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动 n.摇动, 摇, 颤抖, 震动,翻译:服药前请摇动瓶子,Please shake the bottle before taking the medicine.,当火车经过时大地在剧烈地震动,When the train passed by,the earth shook seriously,这个可怜的孩子正冻得发抖,The poor child was shaking with cold.,联想记忆: shake hands with sb. shake ones head/nod ones head shake sb by the hand=shake ones hand shake ones fist at sb,right away=right now=at onc

      2、e=immediately 立刻;马上,We must be off right away/right now.Its eight .,请立刻把这篇文章打出来,Please type this article out right away/right now,right away不可用于进行时态,right now还相当于 at this very moment;at present在此刻,此时,可用于 进行时态,他们正在录制唱片,They are making the record right now,翻译:他此刻正在写一本小说,He is writing a novel right now.,现在是暑假我在农场上帮助爸爸干活,Right now it is summer vocation and Im helping my dad on the farm.,2. For three days the water in the village wells rose and fell,rose and fell.三天来,村子的水井中的水位 升升落落不停.,rise (rose,rise

      3、n) vi.升起, 起身, 高耸, 增长, 上升 n.上升, 增加, 上涨, 发生, 出现,Everyone knows that the sun rises in the east.,He rose from his chair when the door bell rang.,Prices continue to rise.,raise reIz( raised, raising) vt. 抬高;举起 I will not raise a hand against you. 我不会做任何不利于你的事。 提高;增加 to raise salaries 提高工资,他把手臂举过头顶。,He raised his arms above his head.,他们坚决要求提高工资,They insisted on raising salaries,rise 与 raise 上升,提高 The price of tomatoes has _(rise,raise) recently. The price of the tomatoes has been _ (rise,raise)recentl

      4、y. He _ (rise,raise)the child from the ground The child _(rise,raise) from the ground.,rose,raised,raised,rose,3. A smelly gas came out of the cracks.发臭的气体 从裂缝中冒出来。,smelly adj.有臭味的 eg:The food was smelly.,扩展: n.+y构成形容词 blood- mud- sun- cloud- rain- wind- taste- dream- ice- greed- fat- fog-,4. In the farmyards,the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat.,tooto 太以至于不能 (表否定),口头翻译: 李平的弟弟年纪太小而不能参军,Li Pings brother is too young to join the army. =Li Pings brother is not old enough to join .

      5、,听到这个消息他紧张地说不出话来.,Hearing the good news,he was too nervous to speak.,“tooto”结构之前带有only,but,never,not,时, 是强调肯定的表示法,译作“非常”“十分” “实在”真是太”等,I am only too happy to teach you.,我非常高兴教你们。,He is but too glad to do so,他非常喜欢这样做,You can never be too old to enjoy a song.,我们绝对不会老得不能获得歌曲带来的欢乐,Tooto 结构中带有表示心情或描绘性的adj/adv Eg ready,eager,satisfied,kind,willing,anxious etc,She is too ready to help other.,他乐于助人。,I am too eager to have a world trip.,我很想去环球旅行,扩展,修饰单数名词 too+adj.+a+n: I think shes too kind a girl to ref

      6、use.,扩展:,5. In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst.在城市里,有些建筑物里的水管 出现裂缝或者破裂.,crack vi. 使开裂,破裂,eg: The ice cracked as I stepped onto it.,玻璃制成的瓶子当从桌子摔落到地上时容易破碎,The bottles made of glass easily crack when they fell into the ground from the table.,n. 裂缝,裂纹 翻译:今天别去滑冰了-冰上有危险的裂缝.,Dont go skating today-there are dangerous cracks in the ice.,镜子破裂了,The mirror cracked.,墙上有个裂缝,There is a crack in the wall,爆炸;胀裂; 突然而起;闯入,burst (burst,burst;bursting),The balloon burst suddenly.,气球突然爆炸了

      7、,水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。,Water-pipes often burst in cold weather.,(水库,堤坝等)决口,河水冲毁了堤岸,淹没了村子,The river burst its banks and flooded the town.,If you get much fatter you will burst your clothes.,扩展: burst into+n 突然. burst into tears burst into song burst into leaf burs into flower,她突然闯进门。,She burst into the door.,突然哭起来,突然唱起来,长出叶子,开花,burst out+v-ing :suddenly begin doing sth burst out crying burst out laughing burst out singing,突然哭起来,突然笑起来,突然唱起来,burst into the room 闯入房间 a burst of applause/anger/tears 一阵,6.It

      8、 seemed that the world was at an end. 似乎世界末日来临,at en end 结束;终结 The war was at an end.,区分: at the end of;by the end of; in the end.,There is a big bookstore _ this road. There is a pretty bird singing _ the tree. How many English words had you learned _ _ _ last term. He will be a scientist _. My father will return home _ _ this year.,at the end of,at the end of,by the end of,in the end,at the end of,bring/put .to an end 使终止,come to an end. 结束,end up with 以.而告终,at the end (of ) :在末尾,指时间和空间 by the

      9、 end of :到末为止 in the end : 最后,最终,不与of 连用,其他词组:,7.In fifteen terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins 在可怕的十五秒钟内,一座大城市变为废墟.,ruin n.废墟(c.n),毁灭(u.n) Vt. 使毁灭 in ruins 荒芜的,成为废墟,一般用作表语,战争给这个国家带来了毁灭,The war brought ruin to the country.,Our plan is in ruins,我们的计划泡汤了,暴风雨摧毁了农作物,The storm ruined the crops.,那建筑物已断壁残垣,如果你继续这样愚蠢下去,你将自毁前程,You will ruin your prospects if you continue to be so foolish.,The building is in ruins,8.Two-thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake.三分之二的人在地震中死 亡或受伤,injure vt.损害,受伤 adj. injured 受伤的,受委屈的,He cant play today because hes injured his knee. 因为伤了膝盖,他今天不能比赛。,Among the dead and injured,there were six children. 死伤的人中,有六名儿童。,辨析:hurt,injure,wound hurt受伤的一般用语,常指心灵的伤害,也可指身体 的受伤或疼痛. wound指战场上的刀伤或枪伤 damage


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