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bec higher module 3高级商务英语

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    • 1、HIGHER,SUCESS WITH BEC,MODULE 3,Business Topic Communication at Work,2.1 Business topic: communication at work 2.2 business skills:email exchange 2.3 Exam spotlight:Listening Test Introduction and Part one,MODULE 2,Vocabulary: Part of a company;growth strategy,3.1 Communication at Work,cross-sell,utility,put out,seminar,commoditise,depersonalize,driver,cash machine,statement,handset,交叉销售,公共事业,出版, 发布,研讨会,使 商品化,使非人情化,手机,驱动器,现金出纳机,报表, 结算单,high street,商业大街,reminder,暗示, 提示,package,impartial,一揽子,公平的,

      2、无偏见的,Means of communication,3.1 Communication at Work,1. What does this quotation mean to you?,Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people. (像智者一样思考,像大众一样沟通。) W.B. Yeats, poet (18651939) W.B. Yeats is a famous Irish poet and playwright (剧作家).,3.1 Communication at Work,Suggested answer: You should be sophisticated in your thinking but clear and simple in your speech. Useful expressions: Success is largely determined by how well companies communicate with their audiences. I

      3、f you communicate in simple and clear language, you can communicate more effectively. If your speech is clear and simple, you can get across a message more easily.,3.1 Communication at Work,2. Verbs that go with each type of business communication,send/draft an email make/receive a phone call issue/put out a press release launch/run an advertising campaign give/make a presentation hold/attend a meeting or a seminar produce/publish a report put up/display a notice send out/circulate a memo to all

      4、 concerned post/put information on the Internet,3. For which of the following would you feel most confident using your English? And least confident? Discuss with your partner.,3.1 Communication at Work,A presentation A meeting A phone call A report An email,3.1 Communication at Work,Useful expressions,Because Im familiar with the person I call, I can be very relaxed, so I can speak English very well. When writing an email, I have time to consider the appropriate use of words or consult dictionar

      5、ies if I have no idea as to how to express myself, so Im confident with my English in emails. Usually when Im going to give a presentation, I make full preparations for it, so Im confident with my English in giving a presentation.,3.1 Communication at Work,Its very difficult to write a report because it usually requires the writer to organize the writing effectively, have a wide range of vocabulary and structure, and use cohesive devices appropriately, so Im not confident with my English. Im lea

      6、st confident using my English when I am making a presentation because Im nervous when standing in front of a large audience. Im not comfortable with people, so, Im not confident using my English at a meeting.,3.1 Communication at Work,4. Discussion,Have you had good experiences of dealing with companies through call center? Do you shop on the Internet? Why?/Why not? With which products or services is face-to-face contact helpful? With which is it unnecessary?,3.1 Communication at Work,Useful exp

      7、ressions:,Very convenient. I can contact a call centre at any time when I have a problem. I can air my complaints about a product to a call centre. Very often, Im put on hold for up to 10 minutes when I contact a call centre with a problem or query. The service agents cannot resolve my problem in one interaction. Online shopping is convenient and speedy. Online shopping allows people to browse through many items and categories without leaving their house.,3.1 Communication at Work,Customers can

      8、compare the prices of as many shops as they want when doing online shopping. Customers can order as many items as they can afford without having to worry about how they will transport them. Products sold on website are undoubtedly cheaper than those at “real” shops. Shopping on-line can be quite risky if youre not careful. If you dont buy on official websites you may be cheated and not sent a purchased product.,3.1 Communication at Work,Reading: Better communication?,utility company,customer beh

      9、aviour,make of,elaborate,investment portfolio,product portfolio,portfolio,公用事业公司,如水电公司、煤气公司等,消费行为,对待,处理,解释,复杂精美的,详细阐述的,证券投资组合,产品组合,投资组合,3.1 Communication at Work,Reading: Better communication?,The best way to approach this task: 1. read the task through quickly 2. underline the phrases in it that seem to sum up the main points in each section 3. look at the sentences 0-7 and match each one to the appropriate paragraph,3.1 Communication at Work,1E 2D 3E 4B 5C 6C 7B 8A,Reading: Better communication?,Discuss with your partners,Speaking,3.1 Communication at Work,Which of the following do you find useful? When do you use it? Why?,Mobile phone Email SMS=Short Messaging Service (短信息业务) MSN=Microsoft Service Network (微软网络服务) Blackberry 黑莓(加拿大RIM公司推出的一种移动电子邮件系统终端),Speaking,3.1 Communication at Work,Which of the following do you find useful? When do you use it? Why?,Mobile phone: anytime, anywhere; for an emergency; easy and interactive; pictures, music, videos,and a

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