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2012届高考英语一轮基础知识复习精品单元课件:unit 2 robots (人教版新课标选修七)

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    • 1、2012届高考英语一轮基础知识复习精品单元课件:Unit 2 Robots (人教版新课标选修七),一、核心单词 1. desiredizai n 渴望vt.想要 (1) We all desire happiness and health.我们都希望幸福健康。 (2) Everyone has a desire for success, but no everyone desire to get rich. 每个人都渴望成功,但并非人人都渴望金钱。 (3) He desires you to go to see him at once. 他要求你马上去见他。 归纳:desire to do sth.希望/渴望做某事 desire that sb.(should) do要求某人应该做 have a desire for sth./to do sth. 渴望得到某物/希望做某 事 at ones desire照某人的希望,小练: 汉译英 (1)他们要我快点回来。 They desire me to return soon. (2)我请他立即回信。 I desire an immediat

      2、e answer of his. (3)她要你立即见她。 She desires that you (should) see her at once. (4)她应邀演奏了一曲。 She played a piece at others desire/by desire.,2.satisfaction,stisfkn n.满意 satisfactory n. 满意的 satisfy v. 满足, 使满意 (1) At last, the whole class found satisfaction in their work. 最终,全班都对他们的工作感到满意。 (2)What he promised could not satisfy his family. 他的许诺并未能使他的家人满意。 归纳:feel satisfaction at . 对感到满意 find satisfaction in对感到满意 to ones satisfaction 达到使某人满意的程度 with satisfaction满意地,小练:汉译英 (1)买到想要的东西,她满意地离开了超市。 Having bou

      3、ght what she wanted, she left the supermarket with satisfaction. (2)他的试验结果似乎令人满意。 The result of his test seemed satisfactory. (3)这些条件中你至少要符合一项,否则就不能成为本俱乐部的会员。 If you dont satisfy at least one of the conditions, you cant become a member of our club.,3.alarml:m n.警报 vt.使惊恐 (1)We were much alarmed by the fire in the forest. 森林失火使我们大为惊慌。 (2)As soon as he saw the smoke, he sounded the alarm. 看见火灾爆发,他鸣响了警报。 归纳: ring the alarm敲警钟 sound the alarm发警报; 吹警报号 take (the) alarm at对感到吃惊; 因而惊恐 be alarmed at . 被

      4、吓一跳,小练:中英互译 (1)The parents took the alarm at the news that their children caught a traffic accident when returning the school. 看到孩子们在返校时遭遇车祸的消息, 家长们感到很害怕。 (2)看到大火,社区的居民发出警报。 The residents in the community raised the alarm when seeing the great fire.,4.sympathysimpi n .同情 (1)He gave the poor child some money out of sympathy. 出于同情,他给了这个穷孩子一点钱。 (2)He is in sympathy with their beliefs. 他与他们的信仰一致。 归纳:feel /have sympathy for 同情某人 in sympathy with同情; 赞成; 和一致 out of sympathy with对不同情; 不赞成;和不一致 win sympa

      5、thy of博得的同情,小练:汉译英 (1)听完这个故事,他对她目前的情况深感同情。 After hearing the story, he felt sympathy for her present situation. (2)通过描述他悲惨的童年,他赢得路人的同情。 He won the sympathy of passers-by by describing his miserable childhood.,5.accompany kmpni vt.陪伴 (1)He accompanied his old father to the hospital to see whats wrong with his stomach. 他陪他的老父亲去医院查看胃部出了什么问题。 (2)Thunders accompanied by heavy rain in this season are very common.这个季节,雷鸣常常伴有大雨。 归纳:accompany sb. to a place陪伴某人去某地 accompany sth. with/by sth. 与同时存在 小练:汉译英

      6、 (1)总统出现了他被六个健壮的保镖护随着。 The president appeared and was accompanied by six strong bodyguards. (2)回到家乡,他的老同学们陪着他参观了这个城市。 When returning hometown, he was shown around the city accompanied by his old classmates.,6.declare dikl vt.宣布 (1)She declared that she didnt want to see him again. 她宣称她再也不愿见到他。 (2)Soon they will declare him the owner of the house. 很快他们就会宣布他是房子的主人。 (3)The government passed a law that declared it illegal to catch and sell this kind of animals. 政府通过法律宣布捕捉贩卖这种动物是非法的。 归纳:declare sth.宣

      7、布 declare sb./sth. (to be) +n./adj.宣布为 declare that 声称 declare war on/upon对宣战 declare against/for声明反对/赞成,小练:汉译英 (1)那名女明星最近宣称要嫁给一个富人然后退出舞台。 The popular actress declared recently that she would marry a rich gentleman and retire from the stage. (2)公司宣布老板的儿子依法成为公司继承人。 The company declared the son of the boss to be the successor by law.,7. envy vt. 嫉妒envi (1)All her workmates envied her for her promotion.所有的同事都羡慕她的晋升。 (2)His talent for music becomes the envy of the other competitors.他在音乐方面的天分让其他对手感到羡

      8、慕。 归纳: become the envy of sb.成为令人嫉妒/羡慕的事物be in envy of ones success羡慕某人的成功 out of envy出于嫉妒/羡慕 小练:汉译英 (1)他们的新房子受到邻居的羡慕。 Their new house made them the envy of their neighbors. (2)出于妒忌,他作了伪证。 He made the fault witness out of envy.,二、重点词组 1.test out 考验;试验 (1)This model had been tested out before it was put into production. 这个型号经过试验后才进行大批量生产。 (2)Before the lecture, the professor is used to testing out the whole experiment. 上课前,这个教授习惯先将整个实验试验一番。 短语归纳: test on sb./sth.在(身上)做实验/试验 have/take a test in 参加

      9、考试,小练:汉译英 (1)成千上万的人们将参加这周日的公务员考试。 Tens of thousands of people will take an entrance test for government officers this Sunday. (2)那个咨询顾问习惯先将新的政策在他自己的公司里进行实验。 The consultant would test the new policy on his own company first.,2.ring up 打电话给 (1)I have to ring off now because my friend is waiting for me. 我朋友在等我,我得挂电话了。 (2)On arriving at the airport, he rang up his mother to say everything was ok. 一到达机场,他就打电话给他母亲报平安。 短语归纳: ring back回电话 ring off 挂断电话 ring a bell唤醒经常是模糊的记忆,小练:汉译英 (1)今早他刚起床就有人给他打电话了。 The moment he got up this morning , someone rang him up. (2)见到老板进来,他赶紧挂断电话假装在工作。 Seeing his boss coming, he hurried to ring off and pretended to be working.,3. turn around 转向 (1)He heard a voice but when he turned around, he saw nobody.他听到声音,但转身却没发现有人。 (2)As he walked towards the hotel, he suddenly turned around and found an old lady following him. 当他朝旅馆走去时,突然转身发现一个老妇人跟着他。 短语归纳: turn a

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